BBC1 Learning2 EnglishPeople and placesBarrington Irving JuniorDima: Hello, I’m Dima, and today we are meeting aJamaican pilot who has recentlyimpressed the world by becoming the youngest ever man tofly solo3 around the globe. The twenty-three year oldBarrington Irving Junior began his journey in March thisyear in Florida, where he’s lived since the age of six,and finished it in the same place three months later.
But why and how did Barrington decide to become a pilot inthe first place? In a moment we’ll hear from the manhimself. As you’re listening, try to find the answers tothese questions. First, who was Barrington’s inspirationwhen he chose his career? And second, what age was he whenhe first got involved in aviation5? Once again, at what agedid he get involved in aviation – and thanks to whom?
Listen out for the word ‘introduced’ meaning ‘madefamiliar with’:
Barrington 0'19"No pilots in the family. You know, I was first introducedto aviation by Captain Gary Robinson who approached meright before I turned sixteen. He said, ‘Hey son, have youever thought of becoming a pilot?’ I looked at him crazyand I told him that I didn’t think I was smart enough tobecome a pilot. And from that day on he just started tomentor me and work with me. And here I am today.
Dima: So who was Barrington’s inspiration4? It was thepilot Captain Gary Robinson who suggested that Barringtoncould become a pilot himself. And how old was he then? Theanswer is – just under sixteen, or as Barrington put it,'rightbefore I turned sixteen'. Let’s listen again, and thistime listen out for these twowords: ‘to approach’ – meaning ‘to make contact with’;and ‘to mentor’
meaning ‘to teach and coach on a daily basis, usually byexample’. That’s ‘to approach’ and ‘to mentor’:
Barrington 0'19"No pilots in the family. You know, I was first introducedto aviation by Captain Gary Robinson who approached meright before I turned sixteen. He said, ‘Hey son, have youever thought of becoming a pilot?’ I looked at him crazyand I told him that I didn’t think I was smart enough tobecome a pilot. And from that day on he just started tomentor me and work with me. And here I am today.
Dima: So Barrington was 'approached' by Gary Robinson whothen 'mentored6' him.
StingDima: Now we know a little bit about Barrington, let’sfind out some more about hismain achievement so far – his round-the-world flight. Theidea of the flight came about as Barrington was watchingyoung people from his own community who he thought wereoften quite negative about life, about themselves and theirfuture. He decided7 he had to prove to these young peoplethat they too can follow their dreams and do somethingamazing, that you don’t have to be anything too special toachieve things. As you’re about to hear, there was atleast one time during the flight when he thought he mightfail. Wherewas it? And what weather factor8 was the most dangerous?
Barrington 0'29"I'd probably say crossing the North Pacific. Here I am,flying in and out of cloud formations9 I’ve never seenbefore, dodging10 icing conditions … The air, it's just sodensely populated with fog, you know, fog that stretchesdown, you know, right above the surface of the sea. Youknow, I had no radar11 on this flight and I didn’t have anyde-icing on this flight. So I had to make sure that I wasdefinitely staying within my limits and the limits of theaircraft.
Dima: So where did Barrington feel he was in a seriousdanger? The answer is – in theNorth Pacific. And what was the weather that made him feelthis? It was fog. Let’s listen to him again, and as you’
re listening, see if you can catch these words andexpressions: ‘to dodge12’ meaning ‘to try to avoidsomething that may affect you badly’; and ‘to stay withinyour limits’, in other words ‘to know how much you can doand make sure you don’t try to do more’. Here he isagain:
Barrington 0'29"I'd probably say crossing the North Pacific. Here I am,flying in and out of cloud formations I’ve never seenbefore, dodging icing conditions … The air, it's just sodensely populated with fog, you know, fog that stretchesdown, you know, right above the surface of the sea. Youknow, I had no radar on this flight and I didn’t have anyde-icing on this flight. So I had to make sure that I wasdefinitely staying within my limits and the limits of theaircraft.
Dima: So Barrington tried 'to dodge' the weather and atthe same time 'stay within his limits and the limits of theplane'. Well, I’m afraid that’s all from Barringtonbecause this programme has to stay within its time limits,but before we go let’s remind ourselves of some of thelanguage we’ve just heard:
‘to introduce’
‘to approach’
‘to turn sixteen – or twenty, or forty’
‘to mentor’
‘to dodge’ and‘to stay within your limits’.
Join us again next time for more People and places. Bye fornow!

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abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司 | |
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n.学问,学识,学习;动词learn的现在分词 | |
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n.独奏,独唱;adj.单独的;adv.单独地;v.放单飞,单独表演 | |
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n.灵感,鼓励者,吸气 | |
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n.航空,航空学,飞机制造业 | |
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v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.因素;要素;因子;因数;系数 | |
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n.形成( formation的名词复数 );构成;形成物;编队 | |
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n.避开,闪过,音调改变v.闪躲( dodge的现在分词 );回避 | |
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n.雷达,无线电探测器 | |
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v.闪开,躲开,避开;n.妙计,诡计 | |
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