Love Computers? Love History? Listen to This Podcast
KATIE HAFNER: Hello Science Talk Audience / Hello 60-Second Science Listeners!
I’m Katie Hafner, the host of Lost Women of Science. Each season is devoted1 to the life and work of one scientist who hasn’t gotten the recognition she deserves.
凯蒂哈夫纳:你好科学讲座观众/你好 60 秒科学听众!
我是《迷失的科学女性》的主持人 Katie Hafner。 每个季节都致力于一位没有得到应有认可的科学家的生活和工作。
We’re calling this season “A Grasshopper2 in Very Tall Grass,” and it’s all about Klara Dan von Neumann. Klari, as she was called by friends, was one of the world’s first computer programmers.
我们称这一季为“高草丛中的蚱蜢”,这一切都与克拉拉·丹·冯·诺依曼有关。 朋友们称她为 Klari,是世界上最早的计算机程序员之一。
I’ve been writing about computers for a really long time, more than 30 years in fact. I even wrote a history of the internet in 1996, called Where Wizards Stay Up Late. And the wizards? All men.
I’ve been on this beat for so long, I thought I knew all the major figures. But then I stumbled upon Klara von Neumann’s name this past year, and I drew a blank. How had I missed her?
When I asked some big-hitters in the computer science world about her, they all had the same response: Who?
我写关于计算机的文章已经有很长一段时间了,实际上已经超过 30 年了。 我什至在 1996 年写了一部互联网历史,名为《奇才们熬夜的地方》。 巫师呢? 所有人。
我在这个节拍上已经很久了,我以为我认识所有的主要人物。 但在过去的一年里,我偶然发现了 Klara von Neumann 的名字,我一头雾水。 我怎么会想念她?
I couldn’t shake this feeling that here was this truly “lost” woman of computing3–who was nonetheless connected to very well-known histories and people. She was involved in nuclear weapons research, she worked for Los Alamos, she coded for the ENIAC, one of the earliest electronic computers.
我无法摆脱这种感觉,这是一位真正“迷失”的计算机女性——尽管如此,她仍与非常知名的历史和人物联系在一起。 她参与了核武器研究,为洛斯阿拉莫斯工作,为 ENIAC 编码,这是最早的电子计算机之一。
And she ran in a circle of famous scientists—people like Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and her own husband, John von Neumann, a famous Hungarian scientist who was considered one of the smartest people alive.
她在著名科学家的圈子里奔波——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦、J·罗伯特·奥本海默和她自己的丈夫约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)是一位著名的匈牙利科学家,他被认为是世上最聪明的人之一。
I thought Klari could teach us a thing or two about this time–the dawn of electronic computers and nuclear warfare4. And so we started digging. This season is the result of what we found.
Here’s the trailer:
我认为 Klari 可以教给我们关于这个时代的一两件事——电子计算机和核战争的曙光。 于是我们开始挖掘。 这个季节是我们发现的结果。
UNKNOWN #1: Do I know who Klara von Neumann is?
UNKNOWN #2: I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never heard of her.
UNKNOWN #1: Wasn’t she, didn’t she have something to do with the weather?
UNKNOWN #3: I’ve heard of John von Neumann
UNKNOWN #4: I’m not even sure how to pronounce her name.
UNKNOWN #5: Was she related to Newman on Seinfeld?
KATIE HAFNER: I'm Katie Hafner, host of Lost Women of Science, where we uncover the remarkable5 work of overlooked scientists.
NATHAN ENSMENGER: What Klara von Neumann is doing is helping6 to define what is possible on this new kind of machine.
MARINA WHITMAN: She ultimately became sort of a super programmer.
KATIE HAFNER: Their stories are often untold7. Their contributions unacknowledged.
GEORGE DYSON: Klara's role was, sort sorta hidden because she had worked on the very secret bomb calculations.
NATHAN ENSMENGER:Klara von Neumann 正在做的是帮助定义这种新型机器的可能性。
MARINA WHITMAN:她最终成为了一个超级程序员。
KATIE HAFNER:他们的故事往往不为人知。 他们的贡献未被承认。
GEORGE DYSON:Klara 的角色有点隐蔽,因为她曾参与过非常秘密的炸弹计算。
CLAIRE EVANS: Women got to be programmers and got to make such a huge impact on programming because that job was seen as not being important.
KATIE HAFNER: In 1947, it was Klara and her code that made nuclear weapons simulations possible.
ANANYO BHATTACHARYA: Programming was this completely new discipline, so really everybody was starting on the ground floor as it were.
CLAIRE EVANS:女性必须成为程序员,并且必须对编程产生如此巨大的影响,因为这项工作被认为不重要。
凯蒂·哈夫纳:1947 年,正是克拉拉和她的代码使核武器模拟成为可能。
ANANYO BHATTACHARYA:编程是一门全新的学科,所以实际上每个人都是从底层开始的。
MARINA WHITMAN: She always said she liked it because she liked puzzles. And this was a kind of puzzle.
THOMAS HAIGH: I mean, she's like at Los Alamos as someone with absolutely no training in physics or mathematics talking one-on-one with Nobel prize winners, which is pretty incredible.
KATIE HAFNER: And she was working with a brand new technology, deep inside a world forever changed by nuclear weapons.
MARINA WHITMAN:她总是说她喜欢它,因为她喜欢拼图。 这是一种谜题。
THOMAS HAIGH:我的意思是,她就像在洛斯阿拉莫斯一样,完全没有受过物理或数学训练的人与诺贝尔奖获得者一对一交谈,这非常不可思议。
CLAIRE EVANS: There's this connection between death and computing that is inextricable and inescapable in this history.
KATIE HAFNER: Join us as we seek to understand the origins of modern computing, through one extraordinary woman's story.
CLAIRE EVANS:死亡与计算之间的这种联系在这段历史中是不可分割和不可避免的。
KATIE HAFNER:加入我们,通过一位非凡女性的故事,了解现代计算的起源。
GEORGE DYSON: She was sort of there at the moment of creation. If you look at this as a sort of, you know, cradle in a manger sort of thing, she, she was holding the cradle.
KATIE HAFNER: Season 2 of Lost Women of Science coming March 31st. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
GEORGE DYSON:她在创作的那一刻就在那里。 如果你把它看成一种,你知道的,马槽里的摇篮之类的东西,她,她拿着摇篮。
KATIE HAFNER:《迷失的科学女性》第 2 季将于 3 月 31 日上映。 无论您在哪里获得播客,都可以收听。
KATIE HAFNER: This season will take us on a journey from wild parties in Budapest and gambling8 sprees in Monte Carlo to the staid academic world of Princeton and the wild west of Los Alamos in New Mexico. Klari’s eventful life gives color to this pivotal moment in history.
Married four–maybe five–times. Figure skating champion. Computer pioneer. How could we have missed her?
凯蒂·哈夫纳:本季将带我们踏上一段旅程,从布达佩斯的狂野派对和蒙特卡洛的赌博狂潮,到普林斯顿的沉静学术世界和新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯的狂野西部。 Klari 多事的生活为这个历史上的关键时刻增添了色彩。

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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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n.蚱蜢,蝗虫,蚂蚱 | |
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n.计算 | |
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n.战争(状态);斗争;冲突 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.数不清的,无数的 | |
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n.赌博;投机 | |
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