Oh, you know, I also lied about the girl in the bathroom. 哦,对了,关于那个卫生间里的女孩我也说谎了
Yeah, we actually dumped her retainer in the toilet and put it back in her mouth. 没错,我们实际上是把她的保持器扔进了马桶然后又放回了她嘴里
I don't understand why I can't talk at this meeting. 我不理解我为什么不能在会议上说话
Quick question. 我有个小问题
Am I allowed to inform him that Colonel Sanders was never actually in the military? 我可以告诉他肯德基上校事实上从来没参过军吗?
Can I use texttospeech software? No! Don't speak. Aw, nuts. 那我可以用文字转语音软件吗?不行!你就别说话。嗷,没劲
Gentlemen! I'm Colonel Williams.Thank you for meeting with me. Hi. Hello. 先生们! 我是Williams上校。感谢你们与我碰面。嗨, 你好
So, which one of you is the brains behind all this? 所以,谁是这一切的总参谋啊?
It's a group effort, but I guess if we had to pick a main brain, it would be me. 这都是团队努力的结果但如果一定要选个智力担当的话,那就应该是我啦
And because of the quantum vortices, this can run perpetually4? Exactly. 所以是因为量子漩涡这个东西才可以永动吗?正是
Yeah, you have a good grasp of the physics. 是的,你对物理的理解还是很好的
Well, I'm a scientist by training. Really? 我也是个受过训练的科学家。真的吗?
Where did you go to school? MIT. 那你师从哪个学校啊? 麻省理工
Oh. Well, hey, me, too. I should have known. 哎呀,我也是。我早该猜到的
Behind every great invention is an MIT mind. 所有伟大的发明背后都有一个麻省理工的大脑
I'll cut to the chase. 我就不废话多说了
The Air Force believes there's an application for this technology,and we're interested in funding your research. 空军认为这项技术有着可以应用的地方而我们也有意出资支持你们的研究
Well, thanks, but you should know we're a little concerned about this being used in weapons. 谢谢,但是你也应该知道我们有点担心这项技术会被运用在武器中
Oh, well, let me put your mind at ease. 这点你们就不用操心了
What we use it for is none of your business. 我们用它干什么不关你们的事
I don't know how I feel about this. 这我就不知道是不是该认可了
Look, guys, it's just a guidance system. 这只是个导航系统
It's not like you're handing us the Death Star from Star Trek6. 又不是要你们把,"星际迷航"里的死星交出来,死星是,"星球大战"里大反派的主要武器
All you need to worry about is, right now, it's this big, and we need it to be... this big. 你们现在要担心的仅仅就在于它现在有这么大而我们需要它变得只有...这么大
That's a lot less big. Yes, it's... this much less big. 那可小了很多啊。是的,需要...小这么多
I'm not even sure that's possible. 我都不确定有没有可能啊
Well, I ran it by some colleagues at MIT, and they thought they could get it done in four months. 是么,我跟麻省理工的一些同事确认了一下他们认为能用时四个月实现
Four months?Yeah, we'll do it in two! 四个月? 行了,我们俩月就能行!
Hi. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 嗨,我是Sheldon Cooper博士
I'm the actual brains behind this project. 我才是这个项目背后真正的主力
Also, engineers aren't real scientists,MIT's a trade school,and the Death Star is from Star Wars, not Star Trek! 还有,工程师才不是真正的科学家麻省理工就是个商业学校还有死星是,"星球大战"里面的,不是,"星际迷航"!
But otherwise,thank you for your service. Hi. 但是除此以外感谢你的效力。嗨
Howard told me you were working late, so I brought dinner. Howard告诉我你要加班,所以我带了晚饭来
Oh, thanks. You know, I just wanted to get some work done without people congratulating me about the baby every five minutes. 谢谢,我就是想安安静静地干会儿活不用大家每五分钟就来祝贺我有宝宝了
I spent my day alone in the lab waiting for a rat to die of anthrax. 而我花了一整天一个人待在实验室等着某个小白鼠因为炭疽病死掉
Did you come here to bring me dinner or to gloat? 你到底是来这里给我带晚餐的还是来幸灾乐祸的?
Well, I came to see how you were feeling,but I'm guessing still angry? I'm sorry. 好吧,我是来看看你感觉怎么样的不过我猜,还在气头上呢?抱歉了
My boss wants to meet with me, and I'm stressing. 我老板想跟我见面,我现在压力很大
You really think they're gonna start treating you differently? 你真的觉得他们会对你差别待遇吗?
Are you kidding? 你开玩笑吗?
I've always been treated differently! 我一直是被差别待遇的!
Look at me! Listen to me! 你看看我的体型!听听我的声音啊!
I mean, the first thought when you see me isn't, "That's a scientist." 人们见到我的第一反应不是"那是个科学家"
It's, "I wonder if her mommy knows where she is." 而是,"她麻麻知不知道她去哪了呀"
I am really regretting that I got you a Happy Meal. 我真的很后悔我给你带了快乐儿童餐
I've worked so hard to get where I am,and I don't want to get sent back to square one because I'm pregnant7. 为了到我现在这一步付出了太多的努力我不希望因为自己怀了孕就一朝回到解放前
I understand how you feel.Thank you. 我懂你的感受。谢谢
I wish there were some way I could make it better. 我也希望我能有什么方法能让情况变得好一点
Well, you brought me French fries. That's a start. 你好歹给我带了薯条嘛,也算是个好开头了
Uh, actually, I got you apple slices 'cause you're pregnant. Apple slices? 实际上,我是给你带了苹果片,因为你怀孕了。苹果片?
What kind of lunatic goes to McDonald's and gets fruit?! 哪个蛇精病跑去麦当劳买水果啊?!
I'll be right back.And a chocolate shake! Hi. Hello.What are you doing? 我马上回来。还有一杯巧克力奶昔!嗨,哈喽。你在干什么?
Oh, Leonard's mad at me, so I'm making him lemon bars. Leonard在生我的气,所以我给他做几个柠檬饼干
Does he even like lemon bars? Not really. 难道他喜欢柠檬饼干?并不
But I'm mad at him, too, so lemon bars it is. 但是我也在生他的气,只能做柠檬饼干
Something happen at the meeting? 和那个人会面时发生什么事了吗?
They made me promise I wouldn't talk.And you talked? 他们逼我保证不说话。但你说话了?
Well, now, see? 瞧见没?
You knew what was gonna happen. Why didn't they? 你都知道我忍不住,他们怎么不知道?
Anyway, now we're committed to completing this project in a ridiculously short time frame,and everyone's upset with me. 总之,现在我们得在超短时间内完成这个项目了而且大家都在生我的气
Well, if it makes you feel any better, Bernadette's mad at me, too. 假如这能让你好受点的话Bernadette也在生我的气
Mm. If it makes you feel any better,a parasitoid wasp8 known as Oobius depressus has been rediscovered after 101 years of presumed9 extinction10. 假如这能让你好受点的话一种称为Oobius depressus的寄生蜂被认定101年前就灭绝了但最近被重新发现了
Why would that make me feel better? 为什么这能让我好受点?
Why would your Bernadette thing make me feel better? 为什么Bernadette这件事能让我好受点?
At least mine was educational. 至少我的事还能给你科普呢
Okay. Never mind. Look, I'm sorry. 行了,算了吧。真对不起
Tell me why Bernadette is upset with you. 告诉我为什么Bernadette生你的气吧
Well, I told people at work that she's pregnant. 我告诉了她的同事她怀孕了的事
She wasn't ready for them to know. 她没准备好让他们知道
Why would you do that? 那你为什么要说呢?
Well, it just slipped out. I feel terrible. 我说漏嘴了,感觉糟透了
See, that's exactly what happened to me, except that I said it on purpose, and I have no regrets. 你看,我的情况和你一模一样但是我是故意说出来的,也不后悔
Is it even possible to get this done in two months? 两个月完成到底有没有可能?
Well, maybe. I don't know. We'll have to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. 可能吧,我也不知道我们得一天工作12小时,没有休息日
Which means I won't be able to make Penny breakfast every day, 所以我不能每天给Penny做早饭了
and she'll realize my brioche French toast 而她会意识到我的法式吐司面包
was the only thing keeping her in the marriage. 是让她在婚姻中撑下去的唯一支柱
I love your French toast.Oh, thanks, man. 我超爱你的法式吐司面包。谢谢啊
So, why did you guys even agree to the deadline? 那你们为什么要同意这截止期限?
We didn't. Sheldon did. 不是我们,是Sheldon
And you just let him? 你们就这么让他同意了?
Well, the colonel said it was for the good of the country, 上校说这是为了国家着想
and the funding is substantial11. 而且资金也很充足
No, but mostly, there was an awkward12 pause,and I broke it by saying, "Okay." 但主要是因为,有一段尴尬的停顿我说了一句,"没问题"来打破尴尬
So I guess I won't be seeing you guys for a while. 那估计要有一段时间见不到你们了
Oh, looks like it. Wow. 确实是的。哇
You're going off to work with the military, leaving me behind. 你们要去和军队工作,把我留在这了
Now I know how all those army wives feel. 现在我算了解到那些军嫂的感受了
Would you stop? 你能别说了吗?
We're just gonna be on the other side of campus. 我们只是去校区的另一边而已
And right here. 你永远在我心中
You are a deeply silly man. 你真是傻到深处自然萌
He is so afraid of his feelings.Oh, hi. 他太不敢于表达自己的感情了。嗨
Got a minute? Yeah, come on in. 你有空吗? 有啊,快进来
I just wanted to apologize. 我是来道歉的
I know what you did was an accident. 我知道你不是故意说出来的
Oh, thank you, and I'm sorry I lied about it. 谢谢你,对不起我也说谎了
Oh, that's what Amy said. Amy也这么说
So what's going on with the research project? 那研究项目怎么办呢?
Are they gonna let you run it? 他们还让你参与吗?
Well, my boss said he hadn't decided14 yet, so I gently reminded him that he's an old rich white guy, 我的老板说他还没决定所以我礼貌地提醒了下,他是个有钱的白人老头
and I'm a sweet little pregnant lady who's not afraid to cry in front of a jury15. 而我是个甜美孕妇在法庭上抹抹眼泪也不是什么问题
Hey, I learned a long time ago, when you're four feet eleven 嘿,我很早就学会了,当你只有一米二五
and eye level with every guy's crotch,that's where you punch.That's funny. 视线和别人裆部平行时重拳就应该打在那。真搞笑
I learned something totally different. 我学到的和你完全不一样
Do you know what? 你知道吗?
It's just a research project. 这只是个研究项目
The most important job in the world is gonna be raising this child. 世上最重要的工作是抚养我的孩子
It's all I need to give my life meaning. 我要投入我的一生来做好这个工作
Oh, that's so beautiful. 好伟大啊
You believe me? Oh, good. 你相信我?太好了
11 more chumps like you, I'll have the jury eating out of my hand. 还有11个和你一样的笨蛋在法庭上对我言听计从呢
I never realized this building was classified. 我从来不知道这栋楼还是机密级别的
Maybe that's because it's classified. 也许正是因为它是机密
Wish we weren't so far from my parking space. 要是离停车的地方近点就好了
The way you put away those lemon bars,perhaps that's a good thing. 看你吃那些柠檬饼干的样子离得远也是件好事
I'd like to reinstate the younottalking rule. 我想恢复那个你不说话的规定
Why? It clearly doesn't work. 为什么?很明显这不可能
I guess this is it. 这里就是了吧
Is that a retinal scanner? 那是视网膜扫描仪?
Let's find out. 我们来试试看
Howard Wolowitz... access granted. Howard Wolowitz...许可进入
No way! Impressive! 不会吧!好厉害!
Oh, my turn! My turn! 轮到我了!轮到我了!
Leonard Hofstadter... access granted. Leonard Hofstadter...许可进入
I didn't even have to take my glasses off! Access denied.It knows! 我都不需要摘眼镜!禁止进入它还知道!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, guys, hold me upside down! 对了,对了,这样,把我倒着举起来!
Howard Wolowitz, access granted. Yay! Howard Wolowitz许可进入。耶!

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使暴怒( enrage的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.(英国陆军、美国陆空军及海军陆战队)上校 | |
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使暴怒( enrage的过去式和过去分词 ); 歜; 激愤 | |
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adv.持久地,没完没了地 | |
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n.物理学家,研究物理学的人 | |
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vi.作长途艰辛的旅行;n.长途艰苦的旅行 | |
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adj.怀孕的,怀胎的 | |
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n.黄蜂,蚂蜂 | |
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以为,假定( presume的过去式和过去分词 ); 推定; 妄行; 冒昧地做某事 | |
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n.熄灭,消亡,消灭,灭绝,绝种 | |
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adj.大的,相当可观的,大体上的 | |
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adj.笨拙的,尴尬的,使用不便的,难处理的 | |
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n.说谎的人 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.陪审团,评委会;adj.临时用的;vt.挑选 | |
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vt.控告,起诉;vi.请求,追求,起诉 | |
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