That's not helpful. 这个建议一点用都没有好嘛
It's fun to think about, but it's not helpful. 想想觉得好有意思,但是还是一点用都没有啊
We can't do this without you. 没有你我们绝对做不完的
Can you please pull it together? 你能不能振作起来啊?
I'm sorry. Yes, of course. Thank you. 对不起,嗯,我一定。谢谢
Just, please, bear with me if I display symptoms of caffeine withdrawal2. 不过,如果我出现咖啡因戒断反应你们一定要包容我
I think you were mean before you were pregnant,but it's fine. 你怀孕之前就很刻薄但是没事我不介意
So, uh, instead of cleaning out the room, why don't we just decide on a theme for the nursery? 所以说,如果我们不收拾房间的话要不我们给婴儿房选一个主题吧?
Does it really need one? 婴儿房真的需要有一个主题吗?
Of course it does. 当然需要啦
Didn't your baby room have a theme? 你小时候的房间没有主题吗?
Well, it doubled as my dad's office,and he was a cop, so I guess the theme was bloody6 homicide photos. 恩,我小时候的房间也是我爸爸的办公室他是个警察,所以我猜主题就是血淋淋的谋杀现场照片
Oh. Mine was Winnie the Pooh. 哦,我的房间是小熊维尼主题的
But anyway...why don't we just take a step back and start with a color? 但是...要不我们先不用着急先选定一个颜色怎么样?
Right? There are so many amazing ones. 你看怎么样?有很多漂亮的颜色啊
Red, blue, green, purple... 红色,蓝色,绿色,紫色...
Are you just gonna name all the colors? 你是想要念出全世界的颜色吗?
Well, not now. 呃,你说话之后就不想了
I don't care what color the room is. 我一点都不关心婴儿房是什么颜色的
Okay, well, I'm just trying to help you. 好吧,嗯,我只是想帮帮你
Well, you're not, so just drop it! 然而,你在帮倒忙,别说了!
I'm clearly upset. Why aren't you following me? Sorry! Sorry! 我显然很生气,你为什么不追过来?对不起!对不起!
And when Amy started using a solution of chromic acid and white vinegar to clean all her lab equipment, 当Amy开始用铬酸和白醋清洗她的设备之后
all of a sudden, everybody was doing it. 突然,所有人都开始这么做了
You trend setter! 你引领了时尚潮流哈!
Just the right idea at the right time. 只是在对的时机有了对的主意
Okay, okay, so Amy's cool, Sheldon's cool. 好的,好的,所以Amy很棒,Sheldon很棒
Tell me about Leonard. Who?Leonard Hofstadter. 给我讲讲Leonard谁?就是Leonard Hofstadter
Oh, him. I guess he's all right. 哦,他呀,我觉得他挺好的
Apparently7 he tricked some hot girl into marrying him. 显然他哄骗了一个很性感的姑娘嫁给他
That's me, I'm her. 那是我,我就是那个姑娘
You know, he didn't trick me. 他没有骗我
He just wore me down. 他只是追的我都累了
It makes sense you two are friends. 你俩确实应该是好朋友
I mean, hot girls always stick together. 性感的姑娘总是一起玩
And you thought this wasn't gonna be a great party. 你还说这不会是一个好派对呢
You know, I had no idea Caltech is exactly like my high school. 我都不知道加州理工跟我的高中这么像
Well, it's not exactly like it. 嗯,并不是完全相似
We're all extremely smart. 我们加州理工的人都十分聪明
Wow... you popular girls are mean. 哇哦...你们这些受欢迎的姑娘这么高冷
I'm gonna get some coffee. You want some? 我去拿点咖啡,你想要么?
Uh, you're really going to have caffeine in front of me when I'm trying to get my life back on track? 啊,你真的要在我面前摄入咖啡因就在我的生活要步入正轨的时候?
Uh, okay, let's pretend you do have a problem. 啊,好吧,我们假装你确实有毛病
I do. You don't. 我确实有, 你没有
Yeah, but I do. No, you don't! 不,我有, 不,你没有!
But let's say you do. 但是我们假设你有
And don't say you do, because you don't! 不要说你有,因为你没有!
Now, wouldn't you think that throwing yourself 现在,你不觉得把自己投入到
into your work would be the best way to deal with it? 工作中是解决它的最好办法么?
With what? Your problem. 解决什么?你的毛病
I thought I didn't have a problem. 你不是说我没毛病
That was painful to watch. 看得我都尴尬了
So where are we going? 所以我们要去哪?
I don't know.Okay. 我不知道。好吧
How Thelma and Louise of us. 我们像一对末路狂花
Raj, why don't I care about anything? Raj我为什么什么都不在意呢?
I'm sorry?It's my baby. 什么?这是我的孩子
I should care about nurseries and colors, and I don't... what's wrong with me? 我该关心婴儿房和颜色但是我并不关心,我这是怎么了?
Well, crimescene photos near your crib spring to mind. 可能跟你小时候看的那些犯罪现场照片有关吧
I keep waiting to feel excited,but it's not happening. 我一直期待着开始感到兴奋但是我并没有
What if it never happens? 如果我永远都不兴奋怎么办?
Bernadette, come on, look,you're overthinking this, okay? Bernafdette放松点,看你想的太多了,好么?
You're gonna be an amazing mom. 你会成为一个棒极了的母亲
Even if you don't believe it, 即使你不相信
Once, I was supposed to babysit my brothers. 有一次,我照顾我的弟弟们
Our neighbor found them naked in the backyard eating crickets. 我们的邻居发现他们没穿衣服在后院里吃蟋蟀
Happy and wellfed. 快乐而且吃得很饱
You see, that's what I'm taking from that story. 你看,这是我从这个故事里获取的信息
Leonard, can I ask you a question? Leonard我能问你个问题么
Is it about the rotational9 symmetries you should be figuring out or your fake caffeine problem? 是你本该搞得定的旋转对称的问题还是你的伪咖啡因问题?
Howard, can I ask you a question? No. Howard我能问你个问题么?不能
All right, I'll just toss this out to the room. 好吧,那我就直接说了
Um, I was thinking that the best way to fight my addiction10 is by weaning myself off in steps. 嗯,我在想对抗我的依赖性的最好方法是让我逐步戒掉
Now, I couldn't find a caffeine patch,but I did find what claims to be a mindboosting caffeine suppository.Yeah. 我找不到咖啡因贴片但是我找到了一个促进思考的咖啡因栓剂。好
You know, the interesting fact about the rectum...Sheldon! 你知道,关于直肠有个有趣的事实...Sheldon啊!
We are dealing11 with an impossible deadline from the Air Force because of you. 因为你,我们才有了空军给的根本不可能完成的期限
So have an energy drink, don't have an energy drink. 所以喝功能性饮料,不喝功能性饮料
Order suppositories and shove 'em wherever you want, I don't care! 用栓剂给你捅进去捅哪里,我都不在意!
You don't shove them. 不是捅的
They come with an easyglide applicator. 它自带一个方便滑入的工具
Right. Listen to me. 好的,听我说
We can't do anything until you do your part. 你把活干完之前我们什么都干不了
So get up in front of this whiteboard and do it! 所以快起来到白板前把活干完!
I can't. Yes, you can.No... 我不能,不,你可以。不...
I can't figure out the math. 我解不出来这数学
I've been racking my brain for days, and I've got nothing.Seriously? 我努力了很多天了可是我想不出来。你讲真的吗?
I can't do it. 我做不到
I'm not as smart as I think I am. 我没我以为的那么聪明
I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. 我太抱歉了,这都是我的错
It's okay, we'll figure something out. 没关系的,我们总会有办法的
But what if we can't? 但要是我们就是没法子怎么办啊?
It'll be fine. You'll see. 会没事的,你总会想通的
When the baby gets here, 等孩子生出来了
you gotta teach me that. 你得把这招教我
Thank you so much, Bert. This was great.My pleasure. 太感谢你了,Bert今天太棒了。我的荣幸
You girls want to take home 你们妹子想带盆
a twogallon tub of potato salad? 两加仑的土豆色拉回家吗?
I think we're good. 还是不用了吧,咱们
Okay, well, thanks for coming by. 好吧,感谢你们能来
You're nice people. 你们都是好人啊
Well, so are you. In fact, you know what? 你也是啊,说真的
Did you get that? Granite? 听出来了吗?花岗岩,想当岩?
A little geology joke. 一点地质小玩笑啦
You need to leave. 你们得走了
I'm in love with both of you now. 我已经爱上你们两个人了
Okay. Bye.Uh, pull over. 好吧,拜。呃,停车
What? Why? Who are you calling? 什么?为什么?你在给谁打电话啊?
You're gonna rat me out to Howard, aren't you? 你要跟Howard打我的小报告了,是不是?
You're such a snitch, no wonder I don't like you. 你真是个告密的小婊砸,怪不得我不喜欢你呢
Whoa, I'm calling my dad, okay? 喂喂,我是在跟我爸打电话,好吗?
He's got experience dealing with pregnant ladies 他有跟怀孕的女士相处的经验
because he's an OBGYN. 因为他是妇科医生
And experience with crazy ladies because of my mom.Hello, Rajesh. 也有跟蛇精病女士的相处经验因为他娶了我妈。哈喽,Rajesh
Are you calling to ask for money? What? No. 你是打电话来要钱的吗?什么?不
Are you calling to ask for things that cost money? No. 那你是打电话来要需要花钱的东西的吗? 不是的
Great. What's up? 太好了,什么事?
This is my friend, Bernadette. 这是我朋友,Bernadette
She's pregnant, and she's a bit worried,so I thought maybe you could talk to her. 她怀孕了,然后她有点担心所以我觉得说不定你能跟她谈谈
Of course. What seems to be the trouble? Something's wrong. 当然,你有什么担心的呢?就是感觉不对劲
I don't care about any of the baby stuff 我一点也不在乎那些所有其他妈妈
every other mom is so into. 都特别感兴趣的有关小宝宝的东西
Honestly, I'm not even sure I like babies. 说实话,我都不确定我喜欢小宝宝
Look, some people are baby people, 听着,有些人天生就是喜欢小宝宝的
and some people are not baby people. 而有些人天生就跟不爱跟小宝宝那么亲热
It doesn't mean you won't love your own baby. 但这并不代表你不爱你自己的宝宝
But I thought I'd be more excited. 但是我以为我会更兴奋的
Oh, being excited isn't a guarantee of anything. 哎呀,兴奋也什么都保证不了啊
Rajesh's mother was thrilled when she was pregnant with him. Rajesh的妈妈怀他的时候可兴奋了
After he was born, she doted on his every move. 他生出来以后做什么事,他妈妈都宠着他
And you know what happened? 但你知道后来怎么了吗?
and dates only poor white women. 还只跟穷鬼白人女谈恋爱
So you never know. 所以啦,你永远不知道会发生什么嘛
Thank you. I feel better now.I don't! Good. 谢谢,我现在感觉好多了。可我感觉不好啊! 很好
Bernadette, I hope you have a daughter. Bernadette我希望你生个女儿
Um, I don't really know how to say this. 唉,我也不知道这该怎么说
Well, you could try starting with "sir". Right. Sorry, sir. 你可以从叫我"长官"开始说起。哦对,对不起,长官
He said start with it, not end with it. Sir... Hmm? 他说从长官说起,不是以长官结尾。长官... 嗯?
We've hit a bit of a snag. 我们现在碰了点小钉子
We're already behind schedule. 我们已经落后进度了
The computations required to overcome the deployability issues are more significant than we thought. 解决军用问题所需要的计算量比我们想象的要大很多
I understand that we're under contract, 我知道我们签了合同
and I don't know what the consequences of violating that are, but, uh... 然后我也不是很清楚违反合同的后果是什么,但是...
we're not gonna be able to deliver in the time we promised. 我们在约定期限内是没法给出成果了
How long do you need? 那你们需要多久呢?
We... we're thinking... two years.All right.That's it? 我们...我们觉得...两年。好吧。就这样吗?
You're okay with that? 你对此没意见吗?
You think you're the first government contractor15 你们以为你们是头一个不守时的
who isn't gonna deliver on time? 政府合约者么?
We're still waiting for a big space laser 我们现在还在等着里根总统下令制造的
Reagan ordered to beat the commies. 大型宇宙激光枪用来打败共产那帮人呢
Thanks for understanding, sir. 感谢你的理解,长官
Yes, thank you so much. 是啊,太感谢你了
We... we really appreciate it. 我们...我们真的很感谢你的理解
All right, pressure's off Wanna see a movie?Popcorn's on me. 好吧,没压力了看电影么?爆米花我请

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n.关键时刻;艰难局面;v.发出碎裂声 | |
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n.取回,提款;撤退,撤军;收回,撤销 | |
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vi.发出恶臭;糟透,招人厌恶;n.恶臭 | |
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轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 ); 按(开关); 快速翻转; 急挥 | |
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n. 荷尔蒙,激素 名词hormone的复数形式 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.母亲的,母亲般的,母系的,母方的 | |
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adj.回转的,轮流的 | |
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n.上瘾入迷,嗜好 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.(美口)密友,伙伴 | |
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adj.花岗岩,花岗石 | |
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adj.中途的,不彻底的,部分的;adv.半路地,在中途,在半途 | |
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n.订约人,承包人,收缩肌 | |
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