Penny, do you remember when I taught you Ubbi Dubbi? Penny你记得我教你的鸟语吗?当然记得很好Shledon是不是知道我在骗他?如果Leonard告诉他那可能就知道了
Oh, wait, stop that.You stop that.Okay. 喂喂喂,停下来要停下来的是你们你听得懂她们说什么吗?不懂该死。好了好了
That's enough. You know what? What is going on? 够了,这是在干嘛?
Fine, I told Sheldon that her apartment's been finished,but then you just said it's not,so now I'm all confused. 好吧,我跟Sheldon说她的公寓已经装修好了但刚刚你又说还没有所以我现在懵逼了
Penny was just covering for me. Penny只是在帮我隐瞒
My place has been ready for two weeks. 我的房子两周前就弄好了
How could you lie to me? 你怎么可以骗我?
Uh, she's enjoyed living with you. 她喜欢跟你住一起
It's called being in love. 这叫爱
Mmhmm, and what's it called when you secretly get rid of all your husband's stuff? 那么你偷偷搬走你老公的所有东西又叫什么?
Wha... That is not true! Whwhwh... Bernadette told Howard, Howard told me. 什么...没有的事!什么没有... Bernadette告诉Howard Howard又告诉了我
Plus, I can see all my stuff is gone! 而且,我能看到我的东西都不见了!
Oh, so, you believe your friend, and your friend's wife and your own eyes over me? Wow. 所以,你相信你朋友,你朋友的老婆还有你的眼睛,多过相信我咯?哇
You really didn't think I'd notice my stuff was missing? 你真的觉得我没有注意到我的东西不见了吗?
Uh, did you notice your key chain? Where's Batman?!Hey. 是吗,你看到你的钥匙环了吗?蝙蝠侠哪去了?!嗨
Why did you tell Howard I was hiding Leonard's things?One sec. 你为什么要告诉Howard我把Leonard的东西藏起来了?等会
Why did you tell Leonard I told you Penny was hiding his things?! 你为什么要告诉Leonard我告诉了你Penny藏起了他的东西?!
It just came up because we... we were talking about secrets and...Wait. 我只是顺口一说因为我们...我们讲秘密然后...有谁是知道Amy公寓的事的?等等
Everybody stop it with that! 你们都给我闭嘴!
I'm not really a part of this,so I'm just gonna dig in. 这真的不关我的事所以我还是先开吃了
And I'd like to know why you blabbed about my apartment. 我不懂你为什么要把我公寓的事说出去
You're up, blabby. 交给了你,大嘴巴
Amy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Amy对不起,我不该说出去的
I guess it's okay. 其实也没什么关系
I'm sorry that I lied about my apartment. 对不起公寓的事我骗了你
It's all right.And...And what? 没关系然后...然后什么?
Your wizard robes are next to go. 你的巫师袍是我下一个目标
Now that everything's out on the table,you...you think you two will keep living together? 现在什么都说出来了你们...你们觉得你们还会继续住在一起吗?
Despite recent events,I do consider our experiment in cohabitation to have been positive. 虽然最近发生了这些事但我认为我们的同居实验确实进展得挺顺利
Are you saying you'd like to live with me? 你是在说你愿意跟我住吗?
I'm open to the possibility. AmyWhatever. 我不排除这个可能性。淡定随便吧
You know, if he moves across the hall for good, 哎,如果他以后都住对面了
Leonard could keep the stuff you don't like in Sheldon's old room. Leonard就可以把那些你不喜欢的东西放在Shledon原来的房间了
Solves everything. That's a great idea! 那问题就都解决了, 好主意!
That would be amazing. Wait, wait, hold on, do what? 太棒了,等等,等等,停一下,你们想干嘛?
Excuse me... that's my room. 不好意思...那可是我的房间
But you won't be living here. 但你以后不住这里了啊
But that's my room. 但那是我的房间
But you won't be living here. But that's my room. 但你以后不住这里了啊, 但那是我的房间
You guys might want to start eating. 你们可以开吃了
But you won't be living here. 但你以后不住这里了啊
Sweetie, once you stop paying rent, none of this is really yours. 亲爱的,一旦你不再交房租这些就全都不是你的
But that's my room. 但那是我的房间
But you won't be living here! 但你以后不住这里了!
Thank you for understanding. Hey, I get it. 谢谢你的理解。哎,我懂的
Everybody wants to spend more time with me. 大家都想跟我待在一起
I'm like a man made of sugar in a world of ants.Good night. Mm, night. 我人见人爱,花见花开。晚安,好,晚安
If we did continue living together,would it be here? 如果我们以后真的要继续住在一起还是住这里吗?
I don't know.It...it could be. 我不知道。有...有可能
Of course there's...there's always your apartment. 当然我们...我们也可以住你那边
S... Sure, sure, we... we could live in my apartment. 当...当然,我们可以住进我的公寓
I hate your apartment. 我讨厌你的公寓
Sorry, you brought it up? 怪我咯,也是你先提的吧?
Well, I suppose we could find a whole new place. 我觉得我们可以找一个新的地方
You know, and, technically,we don't even have to stay in Pasadena. 而且,准确来说我们甚至不需要待在Pasadena
We could...we could move to Altadena...or a place that doesn't even end in "Dena." 我们可以...可以搬去Altadena或者更远的地方
It's kind of exciting. 听起来很爽
I mean... we could do whatever we want. 我们可以想干嘛就可以干嘛
But what if we move and we don't like it? 但是如果我们搬家后不喜欢那里呢?
Or there could be mold. 还有可能有霉菌
There could be traffic noise. 那里也有可能会有交通噪音
I'm gonna have to learn a whole new bus route. 我还得重新记下一条全新的公交线路
Are you trying to soothe3 me by singing the Star Trek4 theme as a lullaby? 你是在把"星际迷航"主题曲当摇篮曲唱,想安慰我吗?
Yes.I'm not a child, don't do that.Sorry. 是的。我又不是个孩子,别做这种事。抱歉
Look, I... I get it, this is still my room; we haven't really made it yours. 听着,我懂,这还是我的房间我们还没有把它变成你的一部分
Put it anywhere you like. 你想把它放在哪儿都行
Okay, but you may feel some discomfort8. 好吧,但是你可能会有些不舒服哦
I'm kidding, I want you to feel at home here. 我开玩笑的啦,我希望你在这里有家的感觉
Decorate it any way that makes you happy. 以任何你喜欢的方式来装饰这里吧
Do you really mean that? I really do. 你认真的吗?真的
Great, and just so you know, I'm not getting rid of all your stuff. 太好了,还有啦,你得知道我也不是要把你所有的东西都弄走的
Yeah? What are you keeping? That candle and you. 是吗?那你准备留什么呢?那个蜡烛还有你
What about my robot poster? 那我的机器人海报呢?
Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. 停,停,停,见好就收啊
I can make do with just the candle.What's going on? 我最多只能忍那个蜡烛,怎么啦?
I'm struggling with the thought of leaving my old bedroom. 我一想到要离开我的旧卧室就辗转反侧
Can it be more of an internal struggle? 那你能不能就心理转转啊?
I need to see it. 我得看到它才行
While I'm gone, don't breathe on my pillow. 在我走开期间别往我的枕头上呼气
How about if I just don't breathe at all? That's my girl. 要不我直接就不呼吸了怎么样啊?这才是我的好姑娘
What on earth?What is going on?!Oh, hey, Sheldon. 什么鬼?怎么回事?!哎哟,Sheldon
Okay, last question. 好了,最后一问
The chaps he was wearing... assless? 他当时穿的裤套...露臀的吗?
Can we just focus on the decision I'm facing? 我们就不能专注于我现在面临的这个决定吗?
We can, but for the record,all chaps are assless. 行啊,不过讲真所有裤套都是露臀的,裤套是指一般穿在裤子外面,只在腰部而非裆部连接的两个裤腿
Gentlemen, please, this is a significant decision. 先生们,拜托这是个重要的决定啊
Now, do Amy and I continue living together? Amy和我是不是要继续同居呢?
Or do I move back in with Leonard? 还是我要回去再跟Lenard一起住?
Over my assless chaps you will. 跟我的露臀裤套一起啊
This isn't complicated. Do you love Amy? Yes. 这不复杂啊。你爱Amy吗?是的
Do you like living with her? Yes. 那你喜欢跟她同居吗?是的
Do you know what you need to do now? 那你知道你现在要怎么做了吗?
Apparently10, figure this out on my own 'cause you guys are no help at all. 很显然,我得自己想因为你们几个一点忙都帮不上
Hi.Hello.What are you doing? 嗨。哈喽。你在干什么?
I'm just contemplating11 Buridan's donkey. 我只是在思考布里丹之驴
I understand. I'll leave you be. 我懂了。我会让你自己待着的
What, you're familiar with the reference? 什么,你知道这个典故吗?
Of course.Jean Buridan proposed a philosophical12 thesis stating that a hungry donkey placed between two equidistant 当然。Jean Buridan提出了一个哲学理论,说一只饥饿的驴被置于两堆同等距离的
bales of hay would be paralyzed by indecision and would starve to death. Exactly. 干草堆的时候将会由于无法做出决定从而僵在原地,最终饿死,正是
Well, I wouldn't want you to starve to death, so...here's an eggplant.Thank you. 那我不想让你饿死,所以...这有根茄子,谢谢
You know, some people believe that Buridan was plagiarizing13 Aristotle. Really? 你知道吗,有些人认为Buridan是窃取了亚里士多德的想法,真的吗?
Although,in Aristotle's example, he proposed an equally hungry and thirsty man caught between food and drink. 不过,在亚里士多德的例子里他提出的是一个饥饿和口渴程度相当的人陷在食物和饮品的两难之间
Huh.Yeah, I wonder if that's related to the 12th century Persian philosopher,and his story of a man caught between two dates. 这样啊,是的,我在想这是不是跟十二世纪的波斯哲学家AlGhazali AlGhazali有关他的故事是一个人在两个对象中间难以取舍
Are you suggesting AlGhazali was Aristotelian? 你是在说AlGhazali是亚里士多德学派的吗?
'Cause if anything, he was antiAristotelian. 他可是反亚里士多德学派的
AlGhazali was antiAristotelian? AlGhazali是反亚里士多德学派的吗?
Boy, you think you know a guy.Okay. 妈呀,还以为我了解他呢,好了
Open your eyes and see your new room. Wow. 睁开眼睛看看你的新房间吧,哇
I... I know I went a little overboard. We can always dial it back. 我...我知道我可能有点过了我们也还可以稍稍低调一点的啦
No, no, no, no, no, it's... it's important to me that you have the bedroom you want. 不不不,对...对我来说你拥有你想要的房间是很重要的
Oh, that means so much. I love you. I love you, too. 哦,这话太有意义了,我爱你,我也爱你
Just hiding some stuff in your closet, don't tell Penny. 我就在你的柜子里藏点东西,别告诉Penny

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n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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n.吸烟者,吸烟车厢,吸烟室 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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vi.作长途艰辛的旅行;n.长途艰苦的旅行 | |
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n.长途冒险旅行;一连串的冒险 | |
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adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 | |
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n.国家公园管理员,护林员;骑兵巡逻队员 | |
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n.不舒服,不安,难过,困难,不方便 | |
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n.地牢,土牢 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的现在分词 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想 | |
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adj.哲学家的,哲学上的,达观的 | |
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v.剽窃,抄袭( plagiarize的现在分词 ) | |
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