“神奇树屋”(Magic Tree House)系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。八岁半的哥哥杰克,理性冷静,喜欢看书,他会将沿途看到的事物,重点式的记录在笔记本上;而七岁的妹妹安妮,喜爱幻想与冒险,并且勇于尝试。
The huge tiger limped closer and closer to Jack andAnnie. Jack clapped his hands. We come in peace! he shouted. But the tiger didn't turn away. His eyes blazed. Hislip curled. Arf! Arf! Teddy barked fiercely at Annie. Teddysays run and hide! said Ann...
Jack threw his things into his pack and followedAnnie to the forest edge. Teddy stayed close to them, whining. Kah and Kobounced around, chattering nervously. As Jack got closer, he saw a tiger. The tiger waslying on his side, completely still. His e...
Caw! Caw! Awk! Awic! Awk! Jack slowly came out of his dream. He opened hiseyes with a start. He was surrounded by hazy sunlight. Where am I? he thought in a panic. Then he remembered--he was in India, on anelephant's back! He sat up. Through the haze...
Uh-oh, said Jack. What is it?I know how to escape the tiger said Annie. Ourbook said tigers don't attack elephants, right?Yeah, said Jack. So we should travel through the forest on the backof an elephant, said Annie. Jack nodded slowly. That is a coo...
Annie grabbed a vine. Jack looked back at the python. The giant snakewas still winding its way up the tree. It had almostreached their branch. Jack took a deep breath. Then he grabbed a vine,too. Lean back, like Kah and Ko did, said Annie. Jack and A...
Tigers? said Annie. Cool. Jack read more: 7A wild tiger eats almost 5,000 pounds of fresh rawmeat a year. Oh, not so cool, said Annie. Jack went on: Tigers usually leave elephants alone. And likemany smaller cats, tigers often avoid wild dogs. What?...
The warm air burst with sound. Kah -ko! Eee-eee! Akkk-awkk! What's going on? said Jack. He and Annie looked out the window. The sky was lit by an orange glow as the sun wentdown. The tree house was in a tree by a stream at the edgeof a forest. . The...
Jack and Annie walked past the Frog Creek woodson their way home from the library. I miss Teddy, said Annie. Me, too, said Jack. He's a really smart dog, said Annie. 3Yeah, said Jack, and brave. And wise, said Annie. And funny, said Jack. And here! s...
We're home, said Annie. Bright sunlight flooded the tree house. Teddy licked Jack's andAnnie's faces. They were back in their jeans and T-shirts. Hey, silly, Annie said to the dog. Now we have the secondthing to help free you from your spell.She took...
Jack felt Teddy licking his cheek. He opened his eyes. Gray light came through the smoke hole. The fire was out. The tepee was empty. Jack jumped up. He grabbed his bag and hurried outside withTeddy. In the cool light before dawn, everyone was taking...
The sun was going down as the three ponies galloped forhome. The deep blue sky was streaked with golden red light. Back at the Lakota camp, the circle of tepees glowed in thesetting sun. People were gathered around a large fire. Black Hawk led Jack a...
She has good medicine, said Black Hawk. Annie doesn't have any medicine, Jack said. She just has away with animals.Black Hawk was silent. He climbed back on his waiting pony. Then he rode down toward Annie. Jack followed. Annie's pony trailed behind....
Wow, Whispered Jack and Annie together. Black Hawk looked silently at the grazing buffalo. Hand me the research book, said Jack. Annie lifted Teddy out of the bag. Then she slid the book outand gave it to Jack. He found a picture of a buffalo herd. H...
The wolf had yellow eyes and sharp teeth. Teddy snarled and barked. Annie rushed forward to grab thelittle dog. Suddenly the wolf stood up on its hind legs! Yikes! said Annie. She leaped back. Then she and Jack started to laugh. The fierce wolf was B...
Black Hawk led Jack and Annie toward the tepees. Everyonekept watching them. Jack couldn't tell what anyone was thinking. No one lookedangry. But no one looked happy, either. Jack wondered how to appear brave. He glanced at Annie. She walked tall and...