瞬间秒杀听力 第453期:重复是学习之母
Iwentfor thatstrategythat repetitionis themotherofskill. And Iheard enough,and Iread enough, and Iwatched enough,and Ilistened enough. And Ipoured so much good stuff in, that you canguess, eventually, good stuff started coming back out. 我采取的策
瞬间秒杀听力 第455期:我的名字不是杰克
My fatherhasnever done anything excitingin hislife. He hasnever traveled abroad. He hasnever smoked, drunk wine,orgone dancing. He hasnever even goneto amovie. One dayIaskedhim, Don'tyouknowthatall work andno play makes Jackadull boy? He said, Well,
瞬间秒杀听力 第456期:我们的生活被手机绑架了
I don't knowwhen itfirst started. I don't really talkto myfriends anymore. We justsend each other texts andemojisonsocial network. And theoneswhodon't dothis often gradually fade awayfrom mydaily life. Idon'teventalkto myfamily much anymore. Theyall
瞬间秒杀听力 第457期:不要害羞
OurEnglish teacher often saysthat we shouldnotbeafraidtomake mistakes. Shealso saysthatpeople canlearnfrom theirmistakes. Therefore,shetellsus that we shouldn'tbeshywhen wespeak English. Ibelieve whatshesaysisright, but there isone thingthat Idon't u
瞬间秒杀听力 第459期:七年的背运
I haveavery superstitious friend called Mack. Hethinksthat if hebreaksamirror, he will haveseven years' bad luck. As aresult, Mack doesn't have any mirrorsin hishouse. Butnot all superstitionsare aboutbad luck. Forinstance, Mack also believes that if
瞬间秒杀听力 第460期:聚焦在微不足道的琐事上
You know, most peopleinlife major in minor things. That is,they'refocusedon howtomakealiving insteadofhowtodesign their life. They getcaught upin theday-to-day experiencesthat theymake real important when actually,in thelong term, they'renot importan
瞬间秒杀听力 第462期:一个人最根本的魅力
Aperson's purest charm comesfrom hismanners. This kind ofcharm doesn't need any decoration. Itcomesout of yourheart andreaches directlyintoothers' hearts. Spending timewithsomeone who hasgood manners makes one feel comfortable. 一个人最根本的魅
瞬间秒杀听力 第463期:长寿的秘诀
Hong Ying,whocomesfromGuangdong, isknownas theoldest personinChina. She is122 years old. Althoughshe canhardly hear, hervoiceisloudandclear. Infact,she isstill fulloflife. What'sthesecretof herlongevity? Maybeit's herpersonality. Accordingto herfamil
瞬间秒杀听力 第464期:地震时如何自保
Would youknow whattodo during areally big earthquake? If theground begins shakingwhile you aredriving, pull overandstayin yourcar. If you are in abuilding, tryto getnearastrong wall. Thecornerof aroomor thespace underabig doorwayis thesafest. Assoona
瞬间秒杀听力 第465期:大象与鲸鱼
Thebiggestandstrongest animal onlandis theelephant. Thelargestandheaviest animal in theseais thewhale. It'salsothebiggest eaterin theworld. Iteatsatonoffood a day. Itlookslike afish,but it isreallyamammal. Althoughtheelephant and thewhaleareboth mamm
瞬间秒杀听力 第466期:电视瘾
Television providesus with awide rangeofinformationandentertainment. However,it's apitythat it may alsohave abad influenceonyoung minds. Forinstance, some TV shows havetoo much violenceandcrime. These programsmaylead youngsters astray. 电视给我们提
瞬间秒杀听力 第467期:多未必佳
Some peoplehavemore money than others. However,they'renot necessarily happier. On theother hand, some people are aspooraschurch mice, but they arehappy. In away, these poor people are asrichaskings. Therefore,Ialways remember myfather's words, Moreis