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英语听力—环球英语 506 Listener Mail 102

时间:2011-11-14 06:46来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1. I’m Joshua Leo.
Voice 2
And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Today we look at some of your comments and questions! People from all around the world have shared their opinions about Spotlight programs. Come along with us as we answer their questions and comments!
Voice 2
Warning! Our first comments today could make you hungry! That is what happened to one of our listeners when they heard one of our recent programs. The program was about pizza! It was called “Pizza - A Cultural Food.” People all around the world enjoy this tasty food. M.K. wrote:
Voice 3
“This program made me very hungry! I want pizza right now. But the time is now 1:49 in the morning, so what can I do? OK, I will go to sleep, and maybe I can dream I am eating a delicious pizza!”
Voice 1
Thanks for your comment M.K. And we hope you dreamt of a VERY delicious pizza! We also loved hearing comments about what people put on their pizzas. Juy said she liked pizza, “especially with lots of hot and melting mozzarella cheese on the top!” And Ubaldo wrote about the traditional Italian pizza. He also wrote about the wonderful health benefits pizza has. It includes carbohydrates2 for energy, some protein for strength, and it does not have to include a lot of calories. Thanks for your comments everyone!
Voice 2
It is always fun to talk about food. But listeners also left comments to make us really think. Adem commented on the program “Building Schools in Pakistan, Part 1.” In that program we told about Greg Mortenson. He worked to build a school for the children in a poor community in Pakistan. Mortenson believes there is only one way to build peace. That is by giving education to the children. Adem commented on this program. He agrees that education is the best way to change people. He wrote:
Voice 4
“Education gives us the chance to think widely about events, nature, people, history, religion and other races. As a teacher, I am thankful to people who build schools anywhere in the world. We all live in our own country, but we all belong to this planet3.”
Voice 1
Thanks Adem! Adem also wrote about another positive effect of education. It makes people understand the responsibility they have to take care of the animals and the environment around them. Adem, we agree that we all need each other. It is important for people to work in groups to achieve things like peace. Thanks for your comment!
Voice 2
One program that showed the power of community was the program “Art for Community.”  In that program we told about artist Sreejata Roy. Roy wanted to give a community in India a place for people to come together. She met some people who opposed her idea. But she also had many supporters. Building the park was sometimes a struggle. But finally, it was a success in the community.
Voice 1
Some people wrote to us that they wanted to find the park Sreejata helped improve. And Oldman compared the park Sreejata worked on with a park near his own community. He said
Voice 5
“The park Sreejata helped to remodel4 is very similar to many other parks I know in my community - full of drug addicts5 and people drunk6 with alcohol7. I think she represents a good example of what everyone should do to preserve things for everybody.”
Voice 1
Nikoleta has observed similar situations in her area. She writes:
Voice 6
“Here in Bulgaria it is the same. There is a lot of garbage everywhere. There are nice little parks. And different firms build only malls and other buildings. I liked Sreejata’s idea. She is a brave woman. We all need people like her.”
Voice 2
Listeners, if you would like to know more about Sreejata’s community park you can visit our website. On the script8 page for that program we will include a link to Sreejata’s web blog about the park.  And be sure to tell us if you see the park in person! Be sure to also tell us if you work to change a park in your own community! We would love to hear your stories. You can email your experiences to radio @ english . net.
Voice 1
Like we said before, we always enjoy hearing about your experiences and opinions. Recently, there have been some very interesting discussions11 on our message board. There, people can ask any question they want. Then message board users12 can answer the questions with their own experiences and opinions. These discussions are open to ANYONE! But you do have to be a member of Spotlight’s website to give your opinion. Becoming a member is easy. You can just sign up on our website at http://www.radio.english.net.
Voice 2
In one discussion10 Masteris Misterius from Indonesia asked a question about love and marriage. He asked:
Voice 7
Normally13, we marry someone because we love him or her. But what if we have to marry someone without love? It is a common thing in some countries and cultures, especially in the past. Many people think that love will grow along with marriage, and finally happiness will come. So, what do you think about that?”
Voice 1
Many people have answered this question with many different opinions. Here are some of the opinions people have offered:
Voice 3
“I think we can marry without love. Love is a very nice feeling, but it is not important that love exists before marriage.”
Voice 4
“In my opinion it is dangerous if we get married without love. Normally we need to know ourselves together before we get married.”
Voice 5
“Yes. We could marry someone without love. Actually, love is definitely14 not necessary to get married. But, it probably will not be better than a marriage WITH love.”
Voice 6
“We all prefer love without marrying. Marrying restricts15 us and we will lose love after a time. So, if we want to live a real romantic love we should never marry who we love.”
Voice 2
Do you see your opinion here? Tell us what YOU think about this question. If you are interested in the subject of love and marriage, you can find programs about this topic on our website. Visit the script page for this program, “Listener Mail 102.” There you will find links to programs like these. And be sure to also look for other interesting discussions on the message board. Log9 on to our site and join in! Maybe we will read your comments on the next listener mail program.
Voice 1
The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid. The voices were from the United States. All quotes have been adapted for radio and voiced by Spotlight. This program is called “Listener Mail 102.”


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 carbohydrates 001f0186d1ea717492c413ca718f2635     
n.碳水化合物,糖类( carbohydrate的名词复数 );淀粉质或糖类食物
  • The plant uses the carbohydrates to make cellulose. 植物用碳水化合物制造纤维素。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All carbohydrates originate from plants. 所有的碳水化合物均来自植物。 来自辞典例句
3 planet A26z1     
  • Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. 海王星是离太阳最远的行星。
  • Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet. 然而, 垃圾只是我们这个星球的污染问题的一个方面。
4 remodel XVkx1     
  • Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.雇用了工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。
  • I'll remodel the downstairs bedroom first.我先要装修楼下那间房间。
5 addicts abaa34ffd5d9e0d57b7acefcb3539d0c     
有…瘾的人( addict的名词复数 ); 入迷的人
  • a unit for rehabilitating drug addicts 帮助吸毒者恢复正常生活的机构
  • There is counseling to help Internet addicts?even online. 有咨询机构帮助网络沉迷者。 来自超越目标英语 第3册
6 drunk LuozL6     
  • People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalised.醉酒驾车的人应受重罚。
  • She found him drunk when she came home at night.她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的。
7 alcohol AxCzB     
  • The law forbids shops to sell alcohol to minors.法律禁止商店向未成年者出售含酒精的饮料。
  • The alcohol is industrial.这些酒精是供工业用的。
8 script 2Z4x4     
  • It's easy to identify his script.他的笔迹容易辨认。
  • The script is massaged into final form.这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
9 log P0BxH     
  • They log for a living.他们以伐木为生。
  • And then what do you do with that log?然后你要拿那些记录做什么呢?
10 discussion 2PBzj     
  • It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
  • After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
11 discussions 48ee344d9a540894650ce4af27e169dd     
n.讨论( discussion的名词复数 );商讨;详述;论述
  • Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. 讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。
  • Her specialist input to the discussions has been very useful. 她在这些讨论中提供的专家建议很有助益。
12 users 9bc65c2abec141778ffaa729489f3e87     
用户,使用者( user的名词复数 )
  • The new software will prove a boon to Internet users. 这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有益处。
  • Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users. 应该给轮椅使用者提供坡道。
13 normally ln8zVb     
  • I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.我通常在星期六买东西。
  • My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。
14 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
15 restricts 73d4b3788e3b4f747bd91b24395d9fef     
v.(以法规)限制( restrict的第三人称单数 );约束;束缚
  • Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day. 她的规定饮食限制她每天摄入1500大卡热量。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The removal of infected materials also restricts the spread of Armillaria in established orchards. 把所有受感染的东西消除掉,也是在已建立的种子园中限制密环菌传播的办法。 来自辞典例句
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