[00:04.52]Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer! 老婆,打给市政府,变电箱烧了
[00:06.92]Power pole's sparking all over the place! 电线杆也到处在喷火花
[00:08.36]Oh, man. Yard's a waste. 院子没救了,全毁了
[00:11.68]Trashed. Gone. 院子完全被毁了
[00:13.72]- It's a wash. The whole yard. - You're kidding. 全毁了,没救了 你在开玩笑
[00:14.64]The parents are very irritating. 他的父母真的很烦耶
[00:16.52]- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Can I take them out? 我可以消灭他们吗?
[00:20.72]Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans. 铁皮,我们不能伤害人类
[00:22.28]Well, I'm just saying we could. It's an option. 我只是说消灭他们是个好选择
[00:23.08]What is with you? 你是怎么了?
[00:27.00]We heard you talking to somebody, Sam. 我听到你跟别人讲话
[00:28.08]- We wanna know who. - Mom, I told... 我们要知道是谁
[00:32.12]Hi. I'm Mikaela. 嗨,我是蜜琪
[00:33.40]I'm a... I'm a friend of Sam's. 我是...山姆的朋友
[00:36.32]Gosh, you're gorgeous. Isn't that the prettiest girl? 天啊,你真漂亮,她漂不漂亮?
[00:41.68]- She can hear you talking, Mom. - Thank you. 她听得到你耶 谢谢夸奖
[00:44.56]Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry you had to hear our little family discussion about... 抱歉让你听到我们在讨论...
[00:45.24]- Sorry that we're bugging1 you. - Do you have my backpack? 我的背包呢?
[00:48.64]- Come on, hon. Let's go. - Oh, it's in the kitchen. 在厨房
[01:05.72]Oh, yes. Okay. Okay. 太好了,好耶
[01:10.44]- Yeah. - Your mom's so nice. 你妈人很好
[01:12.20]I want you to distract my parents 分散我爸妈注意力
[01:14.12]while I slip out and get these glasses to them, okay? 让我把眼镜交给他们
[01:20.12]- Ronald Wickity? - It's Witwicky. Who are you? 朗诺魏奇奇? 是魏瓦奇,你是哪位?
[01:24.80]We're the government. Sector3 Seven. 政府官员,第七区
[01:27.28]Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not? 魏奇奇队长是你儿子的曾曾祖父
[01:27.32]- Never heard of it. - Never will. 从来没听过 以后也不会
[01:31.80]It's Witwicky. 是魏瓦奇
[01:33.76]May I enter the premises4, sir? 我能进到房屋内吗?
[01:35.08]Ron, there's guys all over the front yard. 老公,前院到处都是人
[01:37.56]What the heck is going on here? 到底是怎么回事?
[01:39.52]Your son filed a stolen car report last night. 你儿子报案说车子被偷
[01:42.44]We think it's involved in a national security matter. 我们认为事情攸关国家安全
[01:45.28]- They're ripping up my rose bushes! - National security? 他们拔掉我... 国家安全?
[01:46.08]That's right. National security. 没错,国家安全
[01:47.76]My God, Ron, they're everywhere. 天啊,到处都有人
[01:48.56]There's guys in suits all around the house! Look at this! 家里都是穿西装的家伙,你看
[01:52.44]Could you stay off the grass? 拜托别践踏草坪
[01:54.04]Get me a sample and some isotope5 readings. 检查同位素指数...
[01:54.16]They're pulling bushes out of the ground! 他们还在拔我的花
[01:55.12]Good Lord! They've got to get their hands off my bush! 老天爷,别碰我的花
[01:59.44]- Drop the bat, ma'am. - Hey, hey, hey, that's my... 把球棒放下
[02:02.48]But you'd better get those guys out of my garden 你最好叫他们滚出花圃
[02:02.72]I'm carrying a loaded weapon. 我有佩带手枪
[02:05.20]or I am gonna beat the crap out of them! 不然我要痛扁他们
[02:05.28]Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints6? Fever? 你有没有感冒的症状?发烧流鼻水?
[02:08.84]- No! - What is this? 没有 怎么回事?
[02:11.52]How you doing, son? Is your name Sam? 小子,你好吗?你是山姆吗?
[02:13.84]- Yeah. - Well, I need you to come with us. 对 你得跟我们走
[02:16.48]Sir, I am asking politely. Back off. 先生!我很客气地请你,让开
[02:17.12]Whoa, way out of line. 想都别想
[02:22.36]You gonna try to get rough with us? 你要跟我们来硬的吗?
[02:25.08]No, but I'm gonna call the cops 不,不过我要报警
[02:26.88]because there's something fishy7 going on around here. 你们这群人非常可疑
[02:27.12]Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son, 你、你儿子、你的小狗狗
[02:32.32]your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here. 和这整个行动都很可疑
[02:36.60]- What operation? - That is what we are gonna find out. 什么行动? 我们要查出来
[02:36.96]I think direct contact. 他们应该有过直接接触
[02:44.96]- Son? - Yeah. 小子? 干嘛
[02:49.52]- Step forward, please. - Just stand? 请你向前走 你要我站着?
[02:57.20]Fourteen rads. 辐射量14度
[03:00.48]Bingo! Tag them and bag them! 中奖了,把他们带走
[03:03.32]If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass2! 你敢伤害我的狗,我就扁你
[03:05.32]Get me a sample on that vegetation ASAP! 马上采取植物样本
[03:06.52]Sam! Do not say anything, Sam! 山姆,什么都别说!
[03:07.08]- Yeah. - Not a word until we get a lawyer! 我们要先找律师!
[03:13.60]So, 你是...
[03:15.04]LadiesMan217. 猛男217
[03:20.32]That is your eBay username, right? 你的拍卖网页代号,对吧?
[03:22.44]Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it. 没错,不过是我打错了 我就将错就错
[03:26.20]What do you make of this? 这又算什么?
[03:27.48]My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my... 我叫魏山姆,我的车子...
[03:29.16]Is that you? 那是你吗?
[03:31.08]Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan. 听起来的确像是猛男
[03:34.28]Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed. 昨晚你跟警察说你的车子变形
[03:38.00]- Enlighten me. - Well, here's what I said, okay? 请你解释 我不是那么说的
[03:41.72]'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen... 我的车子被偷是个误会
[03:45.00]- Really? ...from me, from my home, 真的吗? 它从我家消失
[03:47.96]but it's fine now because it's back! It came back! 不过现在它又回来了
[03:51.24]- Well, not by itself. - Well, no. 它不是自己回来的 不是
[03:52.56]Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy. 车子不会自己回来
[04:00.88]That's funny. That is so funny. 太扯了吧!
[04:01.68]So what do you kids know about aliens, huh? 你们知道外星人吗?
[04:04.36]Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E. T? No. 你是说火星人?或是ET?
[04:09.84]- It's an urban legend. - Yeah. 那只是谣传 对
[04:10.24]You see this? 看到吗?
[04:12.20]This is an l-can-do-whatever-l-want and-get-away-with-it badge. 这是我的“为所欲为”警徽
[04:14.00]- Right. - I'm gonna lock you up forever. 是哦 我要让你坐一辈子的牢
[04:16.48]Oh, God. You know what? Don't listen to him. 别听他胡说
[04:18.80]He's just pissy 'cause he's got to get back to guarding the mall. 他只是不想回去当百货公司警卫
[04:19.84]You, in the training bra, do not test me. 你这发育未全的小妞,别惹我生气!
[04:23.48]Especially with your daddy's parole coming up. 尤其是你老爸的假释期快到了
[04:26.32]- It's nothing. - Oh, grand theft auto8, that ain't nothing? 那不算什么 窃车罪不算什么?
[04:31.08]You know those cars my dad used to teach me to fix? 我爸教我修的那些车
[04:33.48]Well, they... They weren't always his. 其实大部份都不是他的
[04:34.80]You stole cars? 你是偷车贼
[04:36.60]Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter, 他请不起褓姆
[04:37.84]so sometimes he had to take me along. 有时候会带我一起去
[04:39.44]She's got her own juvie record to prove it! 她自己都有案底
[04:43.04]She's a criminal. Criminals are hot. 她是个罪犯,女罪犯通常都很辣!
[04:46.12]That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail the rest of his natural life. 如果他被关一辈子就太可惜了
[04:50.08]It is time to talk! 你们该说实话了
[04:59.24]Big! It's big! 哇塞,好大哦

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[法] 窃听 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.部门,部分;防御地段,防区;扇形 | |
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n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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n.同位素 | |
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接头( joint的名词复数 ); 关节; 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所) (非正式); 一块烤肉 (英式英语) | |
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adj. 值得怀疑的 | |
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n.(=automobile)(口语)汽车 | |
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