[00:06.42]-Good evening, sir. -Hey, Harold. 晚上好 先生 嘿 哈罗德
[00:07.86]-Thanks, Victor. See you in the morning. -Right, sir. 谢谢 维克托 明早见 好的 先生
[00:13.46]-Terrible weather. -Tell me about it. 糟糕的天气 给我说说看
[00:18.50]Wow. 哇
[00:22.70]You live here? 你就住这?
[00:23.38]Just on the weekends. 只是在周末的时候
[00:25.38]It’s my dad’s place. He’s kind of never around, so.... 这是我爸爸的地方 他不经常在家 于是...
[00:27.86]Where is he? 他在哪?
[00:30.98]Skiing in Europe with my stepmom. 和我继母在欧洲滑雪
[00:36.90]Is this you and your brother? 这是你和你兄弟吗?
[00:38.50]Yeah, that’s when we took a bike trip together. 对 那时我们一起骑车
[00:43.98]It’s been raining like this for three days now. 这样的雨到现在为止 已经下了三天了
[01:00.26]Come on, hurry up. 来 快点
[01:16.90]You can’t stay here. 你不能待在这里
[01:17.74]I never liked this neighborhood anyway. 反正我从来不喜欢这里的社区
[01:20.42]It’s a mob1 scene here at Grand Central Station. 在大中心车站是一片慌乱的景象
[01:25.34]Over half the platforms are flooded and service has been suspended on all trains. 有一半以上的站台已经被淹没 所有的火车服务已经终止
[01:28.82]With planes still grounded and trains now out of service... 飞机仍然停在机场 而火车现在也停止服务...
[01:32.90]... that’s bad news for the.... ...这真是个坏消息...
[01:34.54]Victor’ s coming to pick me up. You guys want a ride to the train station? 维克托来接我了 你们需要搭车去火车站吗?
[01:39.34]In Nova Scotia earlier today the ocean 在诺瓦斯科舌 今早
[01:39.62]Not anymore. 不用了
[01:41.34]rose by 25 feet in a matter of seconds. 在数秒中之内海浪就升高了二十五英尺
[01:46.62]What we have feared for the past few days has indeed happened. 我们在几天前所担心的终于发生了
[01:49.86]The cold front moving from the Arctic2... 冷空气前锋已经从北极移动...
[01:52.94]...has created an enormous storm system in Canada... ...在加拿大形成了 巨大的风暴系统...
[01:55.26]... which, incredible3 as it sounds, looks more like a tropical hurricane.... ...听起来很难相信 但它看起来更象一个热带的飓风...
[01:59.30]I gotta go pick up my little brother. Do you guys want a ride? 我要去接我的弟弟 你们要搭车吗?
[02:01.30]-Where is he? -He’s in a boarding school in Philadelphia. 他在哪? 他在费城的寄宿学校
[02:05.90]If this system moves south... 如果这个系统移向南方...
[02:06.58]...we could see a wind-driven storm surge4 threaten the entire Eastern Seaboard. ...我们就将看见海啸在风力驱使下 侵袭整个东海岸
[02:14.74]Okay, bye. 好吧 再见
[02:19.30]It’ll be easier to head out of town if we meet him over there. 如果我们能在那里和他碰头的话 出城会更方便一点
[02:20.66]-You mean walk? -No, not in this. 你是说走去? 不 不能象这样
[02:29.46]We should take the stairs. 我们应该走楼梯
[02:31.22]We’re on the top floor. 我们可在顶层
[02:35.62]I guess we’re walking. 我猜我们得走着下去了
[02:49.74]Maybe we should just stay here. 也许我们应该等在这里
[02:52.02]I think the young lady is right. 我认为这位小姐说得对
[02:54.06]No. We need to get home. 不 我们必须回家
[03:21.54]Hey, Cesar, come here. 嘿 恺撒 来这里
[03:22.82]What are you doing? 你在干什么呢?
[03:31.78]The wolves, they’re gone. 狼 它们跑了
[03:34.26]Just to give you an idea of the situation... 这只是让你们能大概了解一下...
[03:34.74]...which seems to be becoming worse with each passing minute: ...这里的情况每况愈下
[03:38.94]A t the moment, we have flooding in most parts of the island. 现在 在岛上的大部分地区 都出现了洪水
[03:41.90]We’ve got traffic snarl-ups because the electricity is now out... 在曼哈顿大部分市区内 因为电力中断...
[03:47.06]... to almost every part of Manhattan. No traffic signals. ...交通已经瘫痪了 没有交通灯
[03:49.86]Car accidents, at least two hundred. 最少有两百起汽车事故
[03:53.86]And lower Manhattan, we’ve been told, is virtually inaccessible5. 而下曼哈顿区 我们已被告知 几乎无法进入
[04:18.38]Can you call Mom? Will you please phone her for me? 你能打电话给妈妈吗? 你能打电话找她吗?
[04:20.18]Hey. 嘿
[04:23.94]That dog can’t come in here. 狗不允许进入
[04:24.34]Come on, man. It’s pouring out there. 我说 哥们 外面瓢泼大雨啊
[04:29.02]I don’t care. Read the sign. 我不管 看那个标示
[04:30.58]It’s supposed to be a public library. 这可是个公共图书馆
[04:39.86]Come on, guys, this way. 来 哥们 这边
[04:44.26]Excuse me. Your bad. 对不起 你的包
[04:45.90]Goddamn 1 500-dollar waterproof6 raincoat. 该死的一千五百美圆的防水雨衣
[04:50.38]-Please, shut up, man. -There must be rats everywhere. 请闭嘴吧 哥们 这里肯定到处都有很多老鼠
[04:50.66]That’s because it’s New York. 那是因为这是纽约
[04:54.30]Hey! Hey! 嘿! 嘿!
[04:57.46]-Open up, big papa. -It’s out of service. 开门 大佬 已经停止服务了

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n.暴民,民众,暴徒;v.大举包围,乱挤,围攻 | |
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adj.北极的;n.北极 | |
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adj.难以置信的,不可信的,极好的,大量的 | |
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n.汹涌,澎湃;vi.汹涌,强烈感到,飞涨;vt.放开,松手 | |
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adj.达不到的,难接近的 | |
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n.防水材料;adj.防水的;v.使...能防水 | |
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