[00:13.34]Come on, guys. 来 伙计们
[00:20.50]Oh, my God. 喔 我的天啊
[00:46.58]The basic rule of storms is they continue... 风暴的基本规则是 它们会一直继续
[00:50.06]...until the imbalance that created them is corrected. ...直到产生它们的条件被破坏为止
[00:52.10]In this case, we’re talking about a global realignment. 现在 我们说的是全球重新调整
[00:55.70]This superstorm will last seven to 1 0 days. 这次超级风暴会持续七到十天
[00:59.10]When it’s over, ice and snow will cover the entire Northern Hemisphere1. 当它结束时 冰雪会覆盖整个北半球
[01:05.22]The ice and snow will reflect sunlight. 冰雪会反射阳光
[01:07.14]The Earth’s atmosphere will restabilize... 而地球气候会重新平衡...
[01:10.34]...with an average temperature close to that of the last lce Age. ...保持和上一个冰川时代相同的气温
[01:14.90]Well, what can we do about this? 喔 我们能做什么?
[01:19.78]Head as far south as possible. 向南走 越远越好
[01:21.46]That is not amusing2, professor. 这并不好笑 教授
[01:23.34]Where do you suggest they go? 你建议他们去哪?
[01:26.30]The farther south they go, the safer they’ll be. 他们向南走的越远 他们就越安全
[01:27.70]Texas. Parts of Florida that aren’t flooded. 德克萨斯 佛罗里达州部分
[01:31.02]Mexico would be best. 没有被淹的地方 墨西哥最好
[01:32.06]Mexico? Maybe you should stick to science and leave policy to us. 墨西哥? 也许你该去管你的科学 让我们来决定政策
[01:38.14]Well, we tried that approach. 喔 这办法我们已经试过了
[01:38.94]You didn’t want to hear about the science when it could have made a difference. 在这还管用的时候 你听不进科学的话
[01:44.42]What exactly are you proposing, professor? 你到底有什么建议 教授?
[01:51.86]Evacuate3 everyone south of that line. 疏散所有这条线以南的人
[02:05.06]What about the people in the North? 那线以北的人怎么办?
[02:07.42]I’m afraid it’s too late for them. 很遗憾 现在对他们来说已经太晚了
[02:11.58]If they go outside... 如果他们走出去...
[02:11.90]...the storm will kill them. ...风暴会杀死他们
[02:17.86]At this point... 到了这个时候...
[02:20.34]...their best chance is to stay inside. ...他们最大的生存机会是留在屋里
[02:23.82]Try to ride it out. 尽可能安全渡过
[02:29.42]Pray. 祈祷
[02:34.58]What do you think he’ll do? 你想他们会怎么办?
[02:35.42]I don’t know. 我不知道...
[02:37.54]Jack... 杰克...
[02:40.34]...thanks... ...谢谢...
[02:40.62]...and good luck. ...祝你好运
[02:43.78]You too. 你也一样
[02:46.98]We’re all gonna need it. 我们都需要好运气
[02:52.26]We can’t evacuate half the country because one scientist 我们不能因为一个科学家认为气候在转变
[02:55.02]thinks the climate is shifting. 就疏散半个国家
[02:58.22]Every minute we delay costs lives. 耽误每一分钟都要付出生命的代价
[02:58.90]What about the other half of the country? 那另一半国家怎么办?
[03:02.62]If Professor Hall is right about this storm... 如果霍尔教授 对风暴的预测是正确的话...
[03:07.94]We need to save the people we can right now. 我们必须现在就开始救我们能救的人
[03:09.22]We take the same approach in triage on the battlefield. 我们在战场上也会 选择性救治 和这很像
[03:13.14]Sometimes it’s necessary to make difficult choices-- 有时作出艰难的选择是有必要的
[03:16.98]I don’t accept abandoning half the country as necessary. 我不认为抛弃半个国家是必要的
[03:20.26]Maybe if you listened sooner, it wouldn’t be. 如果你早点听他的话 也许确实没必要
[03:21.26]Bullshit. It’s easy for him to suggest this plan. 胡说 对他来说很建议一下很容易
[03:22.66]-He’s safely here in Washington. -His son is in Manhattan. 他在华盛顿很安全 他的儿子在曼哈顿
[03:32.02]I thought you should know before you start questioning his motives4. 我认为在你置疑他的动机之前 你应该了解这一点
[03:37.66]We’re going to follow Hall’s plan. 我们准备执行霍尔的计划
[03:42.06]-General. -Sir? 将军 长官?
[03:42.46]Give the order for the National Guard to evacuate Southern states. 给国民警卫队下达命令疏散整个南部
[03:44.50]Yes, sir. 遵命 长官
[04:01.06]Vivian... 维维安...
[04:05.14]...get me my wife. ...给我接我的妻子
[04:25.30]Sorry, mates, but we’re just about out of petrol. 对不起 兄弟们 但是我们刚好用光了所有的汽油
[04:31.26]Hey. 嘿
[04:33.14]Is there any chance... 有没有可能...
[04:35.94]...that it’ll run... ...那可以...
[04:37.90]...on this? ...用这个?
[04:40.18]Are you mad? 你疯了吗?
[04:41.22]That’s a 1 2-year-old Scotch5. 那是放了十二年的苏格兰威士忌

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n.半球,半球地图 | |
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adj.有有趣的,好玩的 | |
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v.遣送;搬空;抽出;排泄;大(小)便 | |
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n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 ) | |
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n.伤口,刻痕;苏格兰威士忌酒;v.粉碎,消灭,阻止;adj.苏格兰(人)的 | |
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