[00:04.10]...but l seldom interfere1 with their decisions. ...虽然我很少干涉他们的决定
[00:07.30]l have the authority to have you reinstated. 但我有权力让你恢复学籍
[00:14.14]So, what's the catch? 那条件呢?
[00:16.74]This thing you have going with my daughter, it ends now. 条件就是你跟我女儿的交往 就此打住吧
[00:20.62]-What does that have to do with--? -Look, you little shit. -这两件事有什么关系--? -听着 你这个混球
[00:24.10]My daughter is not some shorty for you to mess with. 我女儿可不是 你可以胡搞的玩物
[00:30.46]She's a woman with a bright and promising2 future... 她有她的美好前程...
[00:32.94]...and l'm not gonna have you come here and take advantage of her. ...我可不能让你毁了她
[00:35.50]-Excuse me? -Am l not getting through to you? -什么? -你以为我会容忍你吗?
[00:39.70]lf you don't agree to stop seeing my daughter... 如果你不同意跟她断交的话...
[00:44.86]...you can kiss your education goodbye. ...你就可以不用再上学了
[00:51.02]And you'll end up just like your uncle, cutting grass for a living. 那样你就会跟你舅舅一个下场 一辈子以割草为生
[00:56.22]Now, how long do you think April will go out with you then? 你以为April会和你交往多久?
[01:02.26]Well.... 那么....
[01:04.06]With all due respect... 恕我冒昧地说...
[01:06.74]...sir... ...先生...
[01:11.14]...it's her decision, not yours. ...那是她的决定 而不是你的
[01:17.98]You have a good day. 祝你愉快
[01:25.62]Three days before the Nationals. 还有叁天就全国比赛了
[01:26.90]Are you sure there's nothing we can do to help change Dr. Palmer's mind? 你确定我们没法改变Palmer的主意吗?
[01:31.38]-No, he's one of them. -Palmer's a Mu Gamma? -没有 他跟他们是一伙的 -Palmer以前也是Mu Gamma的?
[01:32.60]-That's right. -Damn. -是的 -见鬼
[01:36.26]We are screwed. 我们要搞砸了
[01:42.14]You guys are unbelievable, man. 你们前途无限量 伙计们
[01:48.42]You will be leaving here in three, what, four years... 你们再有叁四年 就能从这走出去...
[01:49.70]...with your fancy job offers in your pockets. ...好的工作机会握在你们手中
[01:53.94]lt's my ass3 getting kicked to the curb4, man. 是我被踢开了 老兄
[01:56.14]This is my life that's messed up. 只是我的人生被搞砸了
[02:00.42]This is not about no damn Nationals. 这跟全国比赛无关
[02:16.14]Did he tell you he has a criminal record? 他告诉你 他有犯罪记录了吗?
[02:18.18]What criminal record? 什么犯罪记录?
[02:21.42]And l suppose he hasn't told you... 那我猜他还没告诉你...
[02:23.86]...that he's been brought up before the Ethics5 Committee... ...他被带到道德委员会...
[02:27.26]...for lying on his scholarship application? ...是因为在他的 奖学金申请上撒谎?
[02:28.14]What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?
[02:45.82]l was just about to call you. 我正要打电话给你的
[02:52.30]So it's true. 那么 是真的了
[02:59.74]What do you want me to say to you, April? 你想要我说什么 April?
[02:59.94]l believed in you. 我曾经很相信你的
[03:03.82]Why wouldn't you just tell me? 为什么你不直接告诉我呢?
[03:09.42]l got arrested because l was.... 我被捕是因为我....
[03:14.50]Because l was fighting and my brother got killed. 因为我参与群架 而我弟弟被杀了
[03:18.26]lt wasn't my fault. The only reason l got convicted was... 那不是我的错 我之所以被判罪是因为...
[03:20.86]...because l had a public defender6 who couldn't even remember my name. ...是因为我找了个公共辩护律师 他甚至都不记得我的名字
[03:28.02]Then why are you leaving? 那你为什么要离开?
[03:28.78]Good question. 问得好
[03:32.94]Why don't you go ask your father? 你为什么不去问你的父亲?
[03:44.10]He would have given me back my scholarship... 他本来可以把 我的奖学金还给我...
[03:46.78]...had l agreed to break up with her. ...如果我同意跟她 断绝关系的话
[03:48.38]And you said no? 而你拒绝了?
[03:51.46]l wasn't gonna let him play me. 我不能遭他摆弄
[03:55.42]-lt was my fault. -l don't get it. -那是我的错 -我不明白
[04:08.26]l dated Will Palmer back at Truth. 还在Truth上学的时候 我跟Will Palmer约会过
[04:09.74]My junior and most of my senior year until l met your uncle. 那是二年级还有大半叁年级的时候 直到我遇到你舅舅
[04:18.22]-You stole his girl? -lt's not that simple. -你抢了他的女朋友? -没那么简单
[04:27.02]l wish you would've told me that before it blew up in my face. 我真希望在这之前你有告诉过我
[04:36.90]What's up, world? This is Sway with MTV News, 你们好吗 全世界的观众们? 这里是"和MTV一起摇摆"新闻
[04:39.86]Coming to you live from Atlanta... 在亚特兰大为您现场报道...
[04:40.78]...for the 1 7th Annual Step Show Championships. ...第17届每年一度的 街舞冠军杯赛
[04:45.22]The Atlanta Arena7 will be overflowing8 as thousands of fans have gathered... 成千上万的舞迷们来到这里 看上去亚特兰大竞技场都快被挤爆了...
[04:49.10]...from far and wide for the competition. ...他们从世界各地赶来 观看这次的比赛
[04:53.50]Hundreds of applications poured in... 成百上千的申请者 纷纭而至...
[04:54.86]...but only 25 teams were chosen from universities... ...但是只有25支 来自全国的大学队伍被选中...
[04:57.06]...from all across the country to compete in the ultimate showdown. ...来参加这最后的比赛

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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.场外证券市场,场外交易;vt.制止,抑制 | |
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n.伦理学;伦理观,道德标准 | |
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n.保卫者,拥护者,辩护人 | |
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n.竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台 | |
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n. 溢出物,溢流 adj. 充沛的,充满的 动词overflow的现在分词形式 | |
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