[00:01.74]What exactly did you hear? 你听说了什么?
[00:02.26]Look, you don’t owe me any explanation. 听着 你不需要像我解释什么
[00:04.42]No, I don’t. What did you hear? 没错 我不需要 你听说了什么?
[00:07.82]Huh? 啊?
[00:09.18]You wanna hear the truth? 你想听事情的真相吗?
[00:19.94]Mrs. Torrelson came to me with a hemangioma. Torrelson夫人过来看血管瘤
[00:21.70]A cyst on her left cheek. 长在左脸颊的一个胞
[00:24.02]Benign, but substantial1. 良性的 但是很大
[00:26.66]It was disfiguring, that was all. It wasn’t life-threatening. 只是很难看 没有生命危险
[00:29.54]I have removed cysts this bad and worse, much worse, hundreds of times. 我切除过像她这样的胞还是比这更严重的 严重很多 几百次了
[00:36.02]Nothing’s ever gone wrong. 从没出过什么错
[00:39.14]She died on the table. 她死在了手术台上
[00:48.06]The husband... 她的丈夫...
[00:50.54]...he filed a suit for wrongful death. ...他提出了过失死亡诉讼
[00:56.50]And then he wrote me a note and he said he wanted to talk. 然后他写信给我说要和我谈谈
[01:01.54]Fine. One conversation, I’ll clear this whole thing up. " 好啊 一次对话 我就把事情澄清"
[01:02.10]I thought, "Sure. 我想 "没问题...
[01:08.02]But when I get to the house, his son won’t even let me see him. 但是当我到了他的家 他的儿子却见都不让我见他
[01:10.22]Kicks in my car. 还踢我的车子
[01:13.90]Must have been very hurtful. 那一定很令人伤心
[01:19.74]He was angry. 他是很愤怒
[01:22.66]I meant for you. 我是指你
[01:26.10]To be held responsible for the death of a mother. 要承担一个母亲的死的全部责任
[01:43.74]Look, if me being here makes you feel uncomfortable, I can go. 听着 如果我在这让你不自在的话 我可以离开
[02:09.94]Sounds good. 不错的主意
[02:14.62]ADRIENNE: Oh, Jean, don’t worry so much. 哦 Jean 不要太担心了
[02:21.78]-We’re gonna be just fine. JEAN (O VER PHONE): Whoa, whoa, whoa. - 我们不会有事的 - 哇哦 哇哦 哇哦
[02:22.90]"We"? Mm. "我们"? 嗯嗯
[02:26.98](LAUGHING) 别给我来这套
[02:28.78]Don’t start with me.
[02:29.14]I didn’t mean anything by "we," all right? 我说"我们"没什么特别含义 好不好?
[02:33.42]Dr. Flanner and I. Flanner医生和我
[02:35.14]Doctor, is it? 医生 是吗?
[02:36.38]Listen to me. I’m not gonna do this with you. 听我说 我才不会和你讨论这个的
[02:39.78]So now we know he’s rich. But is he good-looking? 现在我们知道他很有钱了 那么他长的帅吗?
[02:40.90]I am not having this conversation with you. 我不是在和你讨论这个话题
[02:44.06](LAUGHING) 那就是帅咯?
[02:46.66]That good-looking, huh?
[02:50.02]I didn’t say that. You know I didn’t say that. 我可没这么说 你知道我没这么说
[02:51.30]Oh, come on. 哦 来嘛
[02:52.62]Tell me my great-grandmama’s place is doing you some good. 拜托告诉我 我曾祖母的房子 给你带来了好运
[02:58.06]Come on, it is, isn’t it? It is, you could tell me. 说嘛 是的 是不是? 是的话 你可以告诉我嘛
[03:01.66]Don’t you have something you’re supposed to do... 你不是还有事要忙吗?
[03:06.02]I am meeting and I am showing. 我在会见我在展示啊
[03:19.38]I am giving all I got. 我正在施展全身解数
[03:23.54]God. 天
[03:35.86]-This is Miss Amanda. PAUL: Aw. - 这就是我女儿Amanda - 哦
[03:38.06]Before and after. 之前和之后的 (可能指她离婚前后)
[03:39.54]-You see the whole story there now? -Ha-ha-ha. 看得出来变化很大吧?
[03:42.18]She is really something else. 她真的很特别
[03:46.18]Whatever she thinks or feels, she will let you know. 有什么想法或感受 她都会让你知道
[03:50.98]She’s like her dad like that. You don’t have to second-guess her. 这点她像她爸爸 完全不需要猜测她的想法
[03:54.82]But I do admire her for her honesty, really I do. 我很佩服她的这点诚实 真的很佩服
[03:59.94]I don’t think there’s much she admires about me lately. 虽然我觉得她最近 应该不怎么崇拜我
[04:03.26]And this is my Danny. 然后这是我的Danny
[04:03.38]But that’s fine. 也没什么
[04:06.94]PAUL: Oh. 哦
[04:10.18]Look at him. Is he about 9? 看看他 他大约9岁了吧?
[04:11.14]-Ten, yeah. -Ten. - 是的 10岁了 - 10岁
[04:11.82]He’s always in his own world. 他总是沉浸在自己的世界里
[04:15.30]I think when he grows up, he’s going to be a writer... 我觉得他长大了 会成为一个作家...
[04:17.62]...or philosopher6... ...或者哲学家...
[04:26.34]-You light up when you talk about him. -Thanks. - 你在谈论他们时 显得神采飞扬 - 谢谢
[04:26.54]Both your kids. 谈论两个都一样
[04:30.94]I saw a picture of you with a little boy. 我看到你和一个小男孩的照片
[04:33.98]Must be your son? 一定是你儿子吧?
[04:36.62]Mark. 是Mark
[04:39.18]He’s 28 now. Believe that? My God. 他现在28岁了 相信吗? 天
[04:42.66]Yeah, he’s a... 是啊 他是...
[04:45.94]He’s a doctor, like his dad. 他是个医生 像他爸爸
[04:47.10]Well... 这个...
[04:47.74]...I don’t think he’d see it quite like that, but he’s- ...我想他不会认同这点 他在...
[04:52.10]He heads a clinic in Ecuador, up in the mountains. Ecuador的一家诊所里当主治医生 在山上
[04:55.66]Wow. He must be doing some important work there. 哇 他一定在那做了很多了不起的事
[04:57.98]I tend to think he’s hiding. Probably from me. 我觉得他是在逃避 很可能是逃避我吧
[05:01.86]Oh, stop. Stop. 哦 别来了 别来了
[05:05.90]Ah, it’s been almost a year now. 啊 到现在快一年了
[05:12.26]Yeah. Yeah. 没错 没错
[05:15.06]I’m sorry, I just can’t imagine that. I mean... 抱歉 我只是不敢相信 你看...
[05:17.74]...you know, Amanda drives me crazy... ...你知道 Amanda是经常让我抓狂...
[05:21.82]...but not talking for a year, I... ...但是一年不说话 我...
[05:26.02]He was there when the woman died. 那个女人死的时候他也在场
[05:30.86]And I had... 然后我...
[05:35.26]...which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. ...我知道这样做很不明智
[05:37.34]But I had four operations that morning already... 但是那天早上我做了4个手术...
[05:41.30]...and I had another patient waiting in the next O.R. ...而且当时还有个病人在手术室等我
[05:47.74]...was not gonna bring his wife back. 也不能改变她已死的事实
[05:52.42]Mark did not approve. Mark不赞同我这样做
[05:52.54]I’m sure he felt it was just another example of me making the wrong decision. 我肯定他一定觉得 我又做了个错误的选择
[05:58.18]Bad doctor. Bad father. Bad, bad, bad. 糟糕的医生 糟糕的父亲 糟糕 糟糕 糟糕
[06:06.14]Anyway, in a month he was gone. 反正 一个月后他就离开了
[06:07.94]Hmm. 嗯
[06:11.50]I’ve been leaning on a pharmaceutical11 company... 我已经要求好一家制药公司...
[06:12.10]...to send drugs and medical equipment down there. ...运药和医用设备去那了
[06:17.90]I’m going down there for two weeks. I’m gonna bring him back. 我也要去呆两个星期 我要把他带回来
[06:26.14]Must be something in this wine, I am just, "Blah, blah. " 这酒里是不是放了什么东西 我一直说个不停
[06:29.98]I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. 抱歉 真的很抱歉
[06:31.18]Stop. 不用
[06:41.86]I’d like for you to come with me. 跟我来吧
[06:49.30]Okay. 好
[06:58.74]All right, where are you taking me? 好吧 你要带我去哪?
[07:24.98]Jean had a great-grandmother who came here right after the Civil War. Jean的曾祖母内战后就住在这里
[07:29.14]You’re surrounded by the spirit-gods that she taught Jean about. 你进入了她教Jean的精神空间
[07:32.26]That’s Yemaja. 这是Yemaja
[07:41.70]This is you, isn’t it? 这是你 是不是?
[07:44.58]I was in my 20s. Ha, ha. 20几岁那时的
[07:50.62]God of thunder. 雷电之神
[07:53.02]Not a happy guy tonight. 今天他似乎不怎么高兴
[07:55.38]Oh, there’s Amanda. With Jean. 哦 那是Amanda 和Jean
[08:01.34]-Jean’s her godmother. -Hmm. Oh, she’s adorable. - Jean是她的教母 - 嗯 哦 她真可爱
[08:08.22]Sweet. 可爱
[08:11.78]-This? You made this? -Yeah. - 这个? 这你做的? - 是的
[08:11.90]I made that. 那个是我做的
[08:15.70]-Yeah. -Get out of here. - 没错 - 开玩笑吧
[08:16.50]Years ago, from driftwood. 多年前的事 用浮木做的
[08:24.10]They used them for special things that they loved and wanted to keep safe. 她们用来放那些特别的东西 她们珍爱的想保存好的东西
[08:32.66]...because if you could make something beautiful out of it, it meant that much more. ...这样做出同样漂亮的盒子来意义就更深了
[08:37.46]What would you keep in yours? 你会在那里放什么?
[08:41.94]My children. 我的孩子
[08:45.38]And Jean. Jean
[08:47.10]And memories of my father. 还有有关我爸爸的回忆
[08:53.06]Yeah. 是的
[08:54.22]Who keeps you safe? 谁又会来保护你呢?
[09:04.18]Well, you fall in love with someone, you know... 这个 你和一个人坠入情网 你知道的...
[09:07.38]...and you make a family... ...然后组成一个家庭...
[09:11.82]...and you become what you think you’re supposed to be. ...过上你觉得理所当然的生活
[09:23.18]And you change and you give up certain things. 为此改变 放弃一些东西
[09:27.82]Then they look at what you’ve got left and you wish you... 最后回头想想自己还剩什么 却但愿...
[09:33.98]I don’t know, you just think maybe you shouldn’t have. 我也不知道 只是想当初不该放弃
[09:40.38]Don’t. 别放弃
[09:45.26]Just don’t do it anymore. 别再继续放弃下去了
[09:52.50]Huh. 呵
[09:58.34](PHONE RINGING)
[09:59.54]Oh, my. Sorry, I forgot it was even... 哦 我的 抱歉 我忘了到了...

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adj.大的,相当可观的,大体上的 | |
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v.烧烤( grill的现在分词 );拷问,盘问 | |
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n.鲑,大马哈鱼,橙红色的 | |
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n.小旅馆,客栈;小酒店,小饭店 | |
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n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者 | |
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n.哲学家,哲人 | |
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n. 孤独; 独居,荒僻之地,幽静的地方 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.外科,外科手术;手术室 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adj.药学的,药物的;药用的,药剂师的 | |
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adj.有学问的,博学的;learn的过去式和过去分词 | |
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瘢痕性的 | |
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