[00:04.28]I'm just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know... 我只是说,你会更有成就 若你能多一点…
[00:07.60]I'm just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know... 我只是说,你会更有成就 若你能多一点…
[00:08.40]- Shy? Sugar-sweet, like you? - Boys seem to like it. - 娇羞?含情脉脉,像你? - 男孩就爱这种
[00:13.16]Well, I am not interested in boys, Deena. 哼,我对男孩才没有兴趣 蒂娜
[00:16.32]Well, Curtis, we were just wondering... 看,君特,我们正在想…
[00:24.28]Do you cheat on your wife, like Mr. Jimmy Early? 你会否背妻偷欢 像吉米那样?
[00:25.56]Hey, Effie! I don't know her. 嘻,艾菲 我不认识她呢
[00:30.44]Deena's right. It's really none of our business. 是蒂娜对的 我们也不能干涉
[00:31.36]We don't even know if you're married. 我们还不知你结婚没有
[00:33.92]I was married. It didn't work out. 我曾结婚 但又婚姻失败
[00:39.68]Well, was she one of those teeny little tweety-birds like little Miss Deena here? 那么,你娶的一定像蒂娜那样 小鸟依人的女子?
[00:42.28]Or do you prefer a real woman? 还是一个真我的女人?
[00:44.56]Well, actually, I was raised by my older sisters, 这…事实上 是我姊姊把我带大的
[00:47.92]and they were just as real as you are. 她就像你那样率性真情
[00:49.84]Well, why don't you sit down and tell me about them? 那好,那不妨坐下来 谈谈她的真情性?
[00:53.20]You know, I would love to, but give me a minute. 你知道我很乐意 你等我一下
[01:05.12]It ain't working, Marty. That faint used to kill 'em. 那行不通,马列 一定叫他们晕死过去
[01:08.44]- It used to slay2 'em in the aisles3. - Slay 'em in the aisles, baby. - 放他们在走廊 - 放他们在走廊,宝贝
[01:10.48]But now you got everybody doing it. 现在人人都唱这个
[01:12.68]You got Otis, J.B. Everybody doing my shit. 奥蒂斯·雷丁、J.B. 所有人都抄袭我
[01:13.16]You're right, Jimmy. Everybody's doing it. 你说得对,吉米 人人都参一脚
[01:15.60]Well, who's the original? 可是,谁是首创?
[01:16.88]Who was the first one to fall down and start screaming? 谁人创先在舞台跪下 随曲韵高叫
[01:17.04]- That was you. - I'm the first! - 那是你 - 我第一个做的
[01:19.48]And you killed 'em tonight, baby. It was beautiful, Jimmy. Beautiful. 你把他们全迷倒 你是表演真是太精采,吉米
[01:22.12]Marty, you're full of shit, man. I need something. 马列,你的马屁话多 我需要的是建议
[01:24.12]Man, I need something... 我要切实建议
[01:26.80]That's what I need. Sweet Mother Jesus. 就是那些 好个甜姐儿
[01:28.80]I need that right there! 就在那里
[01:30.48]What you need is a new sound. 你需要新的曲风
[01:35.16]What I need is a new Caddy. That one you sold me is dripping oil. 我需要大油缸的车 你却卖我小漏斗
[01:40.72]Hey, Jimmy, you remember C.C., Effie's brother? 嘻,吉米,你认识斯斯吧 艾菲的哥哥?
[01:43.92]He's a very talented composer. 才华洋溢的作曲人
[01:46.32]Yeah, I remember you. You wrote that song, Move On. 对,我认得你 你写了那首〈走,走〉
[01:47.92]Move. The girls be, "Move, move, move." 走,走 妞儿们,"走,走"
[01:48.76]Yeah, that was me, man. 对,是我写的,老友
[01:49.96]- All right. - Yeah. - 好 - 好
[01:54.64]What did you think of that song, Marty? 你对这曲有什么评价,马列?
[01:57.24]Well, I think it was kind of... 这个嘛,有点……
[02:02.00]You know... 就是…
[02:04.20]- Kind of boring, I thought. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - 挺闷蛋,我认为 - 对,对,对
[02:08.48]It's boring, kid. - 闷蛋,小伙子
[02:11.32]I'm no kid, mister. 我不是小伙子,先生
[02:17.92]I'm sorry, baby, but when Jimmy's involved, 呵,对不起,宝贝 但吉米的歌
[02:19.92]the song got to have some soul! 一定要有骚灵的味道
[02:27.84]Damn! Lord have mercy! 该死!上帝怜悯!
[02:30.60]Got to have soul! 骚灵音乐至上!
[02:37.08]everything else the man has grabbed from us. 一切都是黑人音乐 都被人偷去
[02:40.96]Listen, there's got to be a better way for us to get our music 听好,一定要找方法 把黑人音乐
[02:42.56]to a broader audience, 介绍给更多听众
[02:44.08]only this time with our artists and our money. 以黑人歌手名义 用我们的资金
[02:47.04]Marty, this man is handing me a line of crap. 马列,这人说了一大堆废话
[02:50.40]Yeah, I know, baby. 对,我就知道
[02:52.28]Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克,卡迪拉克
[02:56.96]Got me a Cadillac car 给我一辆卡迪拉克
[03:02.12]Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克,卡迪拉克
[03:06.40]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
[03:12.88]I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it. 我知你们这些坏心眼都在想什么 算吧了
[03:16.96]James Early ain't no street-corner punk looking for his first date. 吉米·岳利不是站街的庞克 在找他的约会对象
[03:24.08]On a shitty local label that can't get him to the pop charts. 以社区街坊品牌发行 一辈子也打不入流行榜
[03:26.56]We can't do nothing about that. 那我们也没办法
[03:28.48]All I'm asking is one record, man. One song with a simple hook. 只要有一张唱片大卖 老友,一首扣人心弦的歌
[03:32.28]"Look at me in my pretty car, makes me feel like a movie star." "看我坐在华美的车 让我自觉如电影明星"
[03:34.04]You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man. 今日乐曲在哪里流行起来? 车里,老友
[03:38.44]Songs that make you feel good while you're driving your automobile6. 人们听你的歌 因为驾车时,它琅琅上口
[03:41.08]Yeah? 是吗?
[03:44.60]Jimmy's fans like taking the bus. 吉米的歌迷乘巴士,不驾车
[03:48.04]Let's hit it, Jimmy. 走吧,吉米
[03:53.72]Hey, what do you think about using that bridge there, baby? 嘻,不如就用那首歌吧,甜心?
[03:58.92]Movir out 驶出来
[04:00.28]Movir up 驶上去
[04:04.24]Sounds a little tick-tock, boys. 好像有些钟表滴答声
[04:04.60]Movir on 继续驶
[04:06.72]Going to work! Shut it down! 要开工了!关掉它们!
[04:07.08]Let's stay in the pocket. 收好你们的手表
[04:10.80]Recording, Cadillac Car. Take nine. 录音,〈卡迪拉克〉,第九次
[04:14.00]I got me a Cadillac 我有一辆卡迪拉克
[04:17.52]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
[04:17.56]I got me a Cadillac car 我有一辆卡迪拉克
[04:21.08]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
[04:21.64]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
[04:24.48]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
[04:28.80]I'm on the move 我正驶着
[04:30.00]I'm gettir on 鼓足冲劲
[04:31.08]I'm breakir out 蓄势爆发
[04:33.68]And it won't take long 日子不远
[04:34.76]Behind the wheel 车轮背后
[04:37.88]Got a song 就有这歌
[04:38.04]Pedal's down 使劲踩踏板
[04:38.16]And I'm gone 绝尘而去
[04:44.60]We've got that coming up in the next hour, 下一小时还有很多新曲
[04:48.32]It's a different sound for the Thunder Man. 雷震子吉米的新歌
[04:48.64]but for now, let me get a hold of your ear. 但大家先来听听
[04:52.40]And I think you're gonna enjoy it. 定能令你耳目一新
[04:55.88]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
[04:56.84]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
[04:57.52]Oh, my God, Lorrell! Do you hear that? That's us! 噢,天呀,罗慧 你听到吗?我们的歌
[05:00.04]We're on the radio, Curtis! 电台放我们的歌,君特!
[05:04.60]- What's happening? - Black station, the signal's too weak. - 怎样了? - 黑人电台,收不到
[05:06.72]Turn this boat around! Hurry up! 倒车!快!
[05:07.28]C.C., fix it! What are you waiting for? 斯斯,倒车 还等什么?
[05:11.88]Antenna's up 竖起天线
[05:12.56]Top is down 上下倒转
[05:15.04]Peelir out 内外颠倒
[05:15.32]Don't care where I'm bound 没有地域规限
[05:18.32]Got these four wheels 鼓动四轮
[05:18.84]Spinnir round 高速疾驰
[05:21.72]Me and my two-tone Caddy 我和我的大油缸
[05:22.92]Gonna blow this town 席卷全城
[05:24.88]Movir out 驶出来
[05:28.80]Cadillac Car is No. 8 on the R&B charts, and No. 98 on the pop charts. 〈卡迪拉克〉登上蓝调曲榜第8位 流行曲榜第98位
[05:31.96]Movir out 驶出来
[05:32.92]Movir up 驶上去
[05:35.24]Movir on 继续驶
[05:53.32]Right to the top 直上榜首
[06:12.32]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
[06:14.76]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
[06:18.08]Got me a Cadillac car 给我一辆卡迪拉克
[06:20.64]Oh, I've got me a Cadillac 噢,我有一辆卡迪拉克
[06:24.32]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
[06:27.40]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
[06:31.76]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
[06:35.44]Look at me, mister 看着我,先生
[06:39.16]I'm a star 我就是明星
[06:50.28]That's Dave & the Sweethearts with their marvelous 戴夫和甜姐儿,还有他们的
[06:52.84]new recording, Cadillac Car. 新专辑,〈卡迪拉克〉
[07:05.60]You hear this shit? 你听到他们的混帐话?
[07:09.76]You hear this shit? 你听到他们的混帐话?
[07:11.04]They act like we don't even exist! 他们完全对我们视而不见
[07:14.76]Is that how it works, Curtis? 这就是你讲的成名,君特?
[07:16.04]The man decides he wants something, he just takes it? 他们想要什么 就随便拿去?
[07:16.40]I mean, how can they do that? That's my song. 他们怎可以这样? 那是我的创作
[07:21.00]Our song. 我们的创作
[07:23.48]Marty says this happens all the time. Once something... 马列说这事一直发生 每有好歌…
[07:24.36]That's bullshit, man! He should have protected us! 废话,老兄 你应该保护我们的权益
[07:25.28]Wake up, brother. The only one that can protect you is me. 醒醒,兄弟 惟一能保护你的人是我
[07:30.32]Who was the first artist to sing Hound Dog? 那个歌手先唱〈猎犬〉一曲
[07:34.60]Elvis Presley. 猫王埃尔维斯·普莱斯里
[07:36.88]Big Mama Thornton. She had the No. 1 single on the R&B charts, 但是,是大妈科铎的〈猎犬〉 登上蓝调细碟榜冠军
[07:39.08]because to them it was just another race record. 他们只视为 小众的黑人音乐
[07:40.80]but white stations wouldn't play it 白人电歌不肯广播这歌
[07:42.84]We are gonna make friends with the most important deejays in this country. 我们先要和全国著名的 唱片骑师混熟
[07:50.64]That takes money. Real money. 他们只对钱开眼 真金白银
[07:54.40]What is that? Chicken scratch? 都看呀,不用凑钱吧!
[07:56.16]Let's get to work. 开始计划
[07:57.56]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
[08:04.24]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
[08:06.84]The smile I had is gone away 往日天真不再
[08:11.00]Those that steal are gonna pay 今天犹有重重障碍
[08:11.76]Steppir to the bad side today 今天弃明投暗
[08:20.84]I'm telling you now, it's got to end 我来豪言,一切革新
[08:21.84]No more trusting them, my friend 不要再信任他们
[08:24.00]Change our tone 说话理直气壮
[08:25.32]Change our style 一洗颓风
[08:25.80]Make the songs we sing our own 令黑人歌手打响名堂
[08:27.96]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
[08:32.68]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
[08:38.32]I'll get you all the breaks you need 我会令你大红大紫
[08:39.60]In just two years, we'll be in the lead 两年内行内领先
[08:42.92]Can't sit back, it's plain to see 潜能太大,一出必胜
[08:46.28]Open your eyes and trust in me 看清楚,信任我
[08:46.36]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
[08:51.84]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
[08:57.00]I was a man who tried to be good 我总想做好人
[09:00.32]I was always misunderstood 却总是教人误会
[09:02.56]You gotta get way down 一定要破釜沉舟
[09:11.36]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
[09:11.40]Here's a great new song from Jimmy Early and The Dreamettes. 吉米·岳利和梦幻女郎的 派台新歌
[09:15.20]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
[09:20.08]...a new hit from Jimmy Early and The Dreamettes. 电台热播 吉米和梦幻三人组的新歌
[09:23.08]It's called Steppir to the Bad Side. 歌名是〈弃明投暗〉
[09:56.96]Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Apollo Theater's legendary stage 各位观众,欢迎来到 太阳神剧院的大舞台

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n.用水灌注 | |
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v.杀死,宰杀,杀戮 | |
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n. (席位间的)通道, 侧廊 | |
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n.抑郁,沮丧;布鲁斯音乐 | |
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n.录音,记录 | |
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n.汽车,机动车 | |
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adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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adj.温顺的,逆来顺受的 | |
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n.条理,斑纹,倾向,少许,痕迹;v.加条纹,变成条纹,奔驰,快速移动 | |
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