[00:01.86]but I once saw Ringo Starr. 有次我见过林戈-斯达(著名音乐人)
[00:04.82]-Where was that? -Kensington High Street. -在哪? -肯辛顿大道
[00:07.90]At least I think it was Ringo. It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof. 至少我觉得是林戈. 也许是那个"屋顶上的提琴手"的主演
[00:11.34]-You know, Toppy. -Topol. -你知道的,塔皮 -塔颇
[00:14.94]Yes, that’s right. Topol. 是的,没错,塔颇
[00:19.18]Actually, Ringo Starr doesn’t-- doesn’t look at all like, uh, Topol. 实际上林戈-斯达一点也不象塔颇
[00:22.26]Yeah, but he was-- he was quite a long way away from me. 是的,不过他--他离我相当远
[00:25.42]So actually it could’ve been neither of them. 所以肯定会是他们中的一个
[00:28.62]Yes, I suppose so, yes. 对,我想是这样,是的
[00:41.38]-Another one? ( Sighs ) -Yes. No. -还要一杯吗? -好啊...不
[00:43.66]Let’s go crazy. I’ll have an orange juice. 就奢侈一回吧,我要橙汁
[00:48.22](People Chattering2)
[00:54.22]-Okay, thanks.Bye-bye. -See you later. -好的,谢谢,再见 -回见
[01:00.60]Oh! Oh! Shit! 哦,该死
[01:03.54]Oh, my God! Bugger! I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. 哦,老天,该死,对不起,我非常抱歉
[01:06.34]Here. Let me-- Get your hands off! -来,让我-- -把手拿开
[01:08.62]I’m really sorry. I-- I live just over the street. 我真的很抱歉,我--我就住在街对面
[01:13.74]I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up. 那有水和肥皂,可以让你弄干净
[01:16.54]No, thank you. I just need to get my car back. 不,谢谢,我只想找到我的车
[01:19.10]I also have a phone. I’m confident that in five minutes... 我那有电话,我想只要五分钟...
[01:21.34]we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 就能让你弄干净回到街上来
[01:23.22]In the non-prostitute sense, obviously. 绝没有不尊重你的意思
[01:31.26]All right. Well-- What do you mean, "just over the street"? 好吧,你说"就在街对面"是多远?
[01:31.82]Give it to me in yards. Uh, 18 yards. -具体是多远? -大概18码
[01:37.54]That’s my house there with the blue front door. 那扇蓝色的门就是我的家
[01:43.22]Come on in. I’ll just-- I’ll just-- 请进,我--我--
[01:48.78]Um, right. Right. Come in. 好了,好了,进来吧
[01:53.62]It’s, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear. 这里通常都不太整洁
[01:55.70]But, um-- The bathroom’s on the top floor. 不过--洗手间在楼上
[01:59.14]And the telephone’s just-- just up here. 电话就--就在这
[02:05.02]Here. Let-- Let me, um-- 来,让--让我,唔
[02:12.26]Um, round the corner. Straight on-- straight on up. 转过去,一直--一直向上
[02:19.02]Bugger. 该死
[02:42.90]would you like a cup of tea before you go? 走之前想喝杯茶吗?
[02:46.98]-No. -Coffee? -不用 -咖啡?
[02:47.34]-No. -Orange juice? -不 -橙汁?
[02:53.30]Probably not. Um, something else cold. 你大概不会要,那来些其他冷饮吧
[02:57.42]-(Bottles Rattling) -Coke? Water? 可乐?水?
[03:02.42]Some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest? 或者来些所谓的天然水果味, 让人恶心的含糖饮料?
[03:05.54]-No. -Would you like something to eat? -不用 -那你想吃点什么吗?
[03:11.54]Um, apricots soaked in honey? 蜜制杏子?
[03:14.66]Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting of apricots... 没人知道味道怎样, 因为都来不及尝尝杏子...
[03:17.58]and makes them taste like honey, 以为味道就象蜂蜜
[03:22.30]and if you wanted honey, you’d just buy honey instead of... apricots. 如果你想要蜂蜜,就只要买蜂蜜而不要杏子
[03:25.26]Um, but nevertheless, there we go there. 但不管怎样,我们有这个
[03:27.38]They’re yours if you want them. 你想的话可以尝尝
[03:29.98]No. 不用了
[03:34.86]Do you always say "no" to everything? 不管什么事你都说"不"吗?
[03:39.66]No. 不
[03:40.82]I’d better be going. 我还是走的好
[03:45.22]Thanks for your, uh, help. 谢谢你的--帮忙
[03:50.70]And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly. 也许我也要说,太棒了
[03:55.54]I’ll just take my one chance to say it. 我只有一次机会这么说
[03:59.06]you’re certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 你肯定不会再回那家书店
[03:59.10]After you’ve read that terrible book, 在你读过那些糟糕的书之后
[04:02.26]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:03.66]Yeah. Well, my pleasure. 不客气
[04:22.22]it was nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
[04:24.42]Surreal but, um-- but nice. 有些超现实--但很棒
[04:30.74]Sorry. 抱歉
[04:32.42](People Chattering Outside )
[04:38.34]"Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking? "超现实但很棒"?我在想什么?
[04:48.46](Doorbell Rings )
[04:53.14]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
[04:57.10]I forgot my other bag. Oh, right. Right. -我忘了我的袋子 -哦,好的
[05:07.54]Thanks. 谢谢
[05:39.26]I’m very sorry about the "surreal but nice" comment. 很抱歉说什么"超现实但很棒"
[05:42.82]Disaster. That’s okay. 太糟糕了
[05:45.38]I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point. 那没什么,我觉得有关蜂蜜和杏子才真正糟糕
[05:52.18]Oh, my God. My flatmate. 老天,我的室友
[05:56.94]I’m sorry. There’s no excuse for him. 对不起,他行为很怪诞
[05:58.46]( Clears Throat )
[06:02.18]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨
[06:03.86]I’m just going into the kitchen to get some food. 我要去厨房找些吃的
[06:04.06]Then I’m gonna tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins6. 然后跟你说个故事, 那会让你的毬缩到只有葡萄干那么大
[06:12.66]Probably best not to tell anyone about this. 最好别跟任何人提起这事
[06:17.74]Right. Right. No one. 好的,好的,没问题
[06:20.54]I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but don’t worry. I won’t believe it. 我是说,我会偶尔跟自己说说, 不过别担心,我根本不相信
[06:31.46]-Bye. -Bye. -再见 -再见
[06:44.70]There’s something wrong with this yogurt. 这酸奶有点问题
[06:48.26]It’s not yogurt. It’s mayonnaise. 这不是酸奶,是蛋黄酱
[06:52.18]Oh, right. There we are, then. 哦,没错,就是这样
[06:55.42]On for a videofest tonight? 今晚想饱饱眼福吗?
[06:59.94]I got some absolute classics. 我有部绝对的好片子
[07:06.98]-Smile. -No. -笑一笑 -不
[07:10.58]-Smile. -I’ve got nothing to smile about. -笑一笑 -没什么值得我笑
[07:25.54]Okay. 好吧
[07:27.22]In about seven seconds, 在七秒钟内
[07:28.58]I’m going to ask you to marry me. 我会向你求婚
[07:36.78](Spike ) Imagine. 想想看
[07:41.82]Somewhere in the world there’s a man who’s allowed to kiss her. 在某个地方有个男人被允准吻她
[07:45.50]( Both Laughing )
[07:49.10]Yes, she is, uh, 是的,她的确
[08:00.58]-Do you have any books by Dickens? -No. -你们这有狄更斯的书吗? -不
[08:03.54]No, I’m afraid we’re a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books. 没有,我们这是旅游书店,只出售旅游书刊
[08:16.18]Well, no, ’cause that’s, uh-- that’s a novel too, isn’t it? 没有,因为那--那也是小说不是吗?
[08:19.82]Oh, right. 哦,是的
[08:23.18]( Sighs ) Have you got Winnie the Pooh? 有"小熊维尼"吗?
[08:28.30]Martin, your customer. 马丁,你来接待一下
[08:32.26]Uh, can I help you? (Bell Dinging) 需要效劳吗?
[08:36.10]~ (Pop )
[08:38.70]~ Once in a lifetime ~
[08:43.98]~ ( Continues ) Hey. 嘿
[08:46.70]Hi. 嗨
[08:50.26]-~ Once in a lifetime ~~ -Just, um, incidentally, 我想问一下
[08:54.58]uh, why... are you wearing that? 为什么...你穿这个?
[08:57.34]Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes. 多方面的因素,唔,没有干净衣服
[08:59.94]There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes. 永远不会有,要知道, 如果你不把衣服洗干净的话
[09:06.18]Right. Vicious circle. 不错,很坏的习惯
[09:06.78]And I was, like, rooting around in your things... 所以我去翻找你的衣物...
[09:10.66]and I found this, and I thought, "Cool." 找到了这个,我觉得很酷
[09:13.26]Kinda... spacey. 有几分...独特
[09:23.06]No, they were, um, prescription10. 没有,它用的是光学镜片
[09:25.46]-Groovy. -So I could see all the fishes properly. -太棒了 -这样我才能完全看清那些鱼
[09:27.66]You should do more of this stuff. 你该多弄些这玩意
[09:31.14]-So, look, any messages today? -Yeah, I wrote a couple down. -今天有没有留言? -有的,我记下了两三条
[09:35.54]So there were two. There were two messages? Right? 那就是两条,有两条对吗?
[09:41.02]You want me to write down all your messages? 你要我记下你所有的留言吗?
[09:42.06]Okay, who are the ones that you didn’t write down from? 好吧,哪些是你没写记的?
[09:46.22]( Sighs ) No. Gone completely. Oh, no. 不记得了,哦,不
[09:51.42]There was one from your mum. She said don’t forget lunch, and her leg’s hurting again. 有一条是你妈妈打来的, 她说别忘了吃午饭,还有她的腿疼又犯了
[09:56.06]No one else? Absolutely no one else. -没别的了? -绝对没有了

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n.轶事,趣闻,短故事 | |
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n. (机器振动发出的)咔嗒声,(鸟等)鸣,啁啾 adj. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的 动词chatter的现在分词形式 | |
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n.呻吟,叹息( groan的名词复数 );呻吟般的声音v.呻吟( groan的第三人称单数 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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n.轻咬,啃;v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃,吹毛求疵 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的名词复数 ) | |
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n.葡萄干( raisin的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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n.惊险片,恐怖片 | |
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n.护目镜 | |
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n.处方,开药;指示,规定 | |
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