[00:02.00]"Made glorious summer by this sun of York
[00:06.64]"And all the clouds that there are around
[00:11.12]"dance to the lascivious1 pleasings of a lute2
[00:15.28]"Now is the winter of our discontent
[00:20.84]"Made glorious summer by this sun of York"
[00:24.80]So I'm a little high.... 我只是有点兴奋
[00:26.12]Sometimes, it seemed like everyone in New York was an actor. 有时纽约的所有人好象都是演员,
[00:30.60]Even the stockbrokers3. 即使是股票经济人也是如此
[00:33.52]You might not think it to look at me... 你或许不想正眼瞧我,
[00:35.68]and I know I'm white and everything, but I can rap. 而且我是白人, 但我也可以唱rap
[00:37.24]Help, somebody! Somebody call an ambulance! 救命! 快叫救护车
[00:42.24]Come on, man. Somebody, help! 快来人,救命
[00:47.92]He's fallen down the stairs! 他从楼梯上摔下来了
[00:49.28]I think someone's fallen down the stairs. 我想有人从楼梯上摔下来了
[00:53.08]I think it's Mateo. Get your coat. 我想是马蒂奥,快穿上衣服
[01:06.72]It's Mateo. Will I get the lemon drops? 是马蒂奥,我要去取柠檬糖吗?
[01:08.28]-Yeah, and a pillow. -Okay. - 好,还要一个枕头 - 好的
[01:11.40]Mateo! Did anyone call for help? 马蒂奥!已经叫救护车了吗?
[01:12.96]He just fainted. 他刚刚晕倒了
[01:15.60]Keep the dog away, man, keep him away. 让他走开,不要让他靠近
[01:17.60]-Go downstairs. -Stevie doesn't let me. He'll lock me out. - 下楼去 - 斯蒂维不让我,他会把我锁在门外
[01:20.76]That's because you're a junkie, Papo. Go and get an ambulance. 那是因为你是瘾君子,帕珀 快去叫救护车
[01:24.60]Don't do that. 不用
[01:28.04]-I did this to my brother. -No. It's different. - 我这样救过我的弟弟 - 不,现在不一样
[01:30.80]Come on, come on. 加油,快醒醒
[01:38.04]Are you okay? 你还好吗?
[01:53.84]-Are you okay? -Can't seem to catch my breath. - 你还好吗? - 感觉呼吸不过来
[01:55.28]-Just relax. -Here. - 放松些 - 尝尝这个
[02:00.08]-What are they? -They're lemon drops. They're magic. - 什么东西? - 柠檬糖,它们很神奇的
[02:03.12]If you suck on some, they'll make you better. 含着它们,你感觉会好些的
[02:07.60]-ls that right, Christy? -Yeah. - 还好吧,克莉丝蒂? - 是的
[02:11.28]My mam takes them to help the baby. 我妈妈用这个帮助比比
[02:18.68]I think you saved my life, Ariel. 我想是你救了我,爱蕊儿
[02:31.72]All right, that's it. Get out of the fucking cab! 好了,就这样吧, 你快给我下车
[02:35.16]What are you talking about? I was right in the middle of a flow. 你在说什么呢? 我正讲在兴头上
[02:38.96]Come on, what the hell is the matter with you, you freak? 别这样,伙计,你到底怎么了?
[02:41.16]Where's the Bill of Rights? “权利自由法案”还存在吗?
[02:46.52]-Get the fuck off me, you piece of shit. -Take your fucking handbag! - 快离我远点,你这该死的 - 把你的手提包也取走
[02:50.12]Night, E.T. 晚安, E.T.
[02:51.00]Are you awake, Ariel? 你醒着吗, 爱蕊儿?
[02:53.12]-Yeah. Are you, Christy? -Yeah. - 是的,你呢, 克莉丝蒂? - 是的,没睡着
[02:58.36]-What's wrong with Mateo? -Some disease. - 马蒂奥到底怎么了? - 他生病了
[03:01.52]-Will you get it? -What? - 你也会被传染吗? - 什么?
[03:02.64]Mateo's disease. 马蒂奥的病
[03:09.36]-Why? -Because you kissed him. - 为什么? - 因为你亲过他
[03:14.64]-Night, Christy. -Night. -晚安,克莉丝蒂 -晚安
[03:15.36]No. 不,不会的
[04:05.64]There's Dad. 爸爸在那
[04:19.76]Get him, Frankie, get him. 抓住他,弗兰克

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adj.淫荡的,好色的 | |
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n.琵琶,鲁特琴 | |
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n.股票经纪人( stockbroker的名词复数 ) | |
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