[00:05.52]Oh my god. 我的天
[00:32.20]Everything is really horrible right now, you know. 今天真是糟透了
[00:32.32]Sorry. - Hey, Rose, are you okay? - 对不起 - 嘿 Rose 你还好么?
[00:35.20]One... - Oscar, is asleep in the back. Oscar在后屋睡着了
[00:38.52]Okay, good, good. 好的 好的
[00:40.40]Is he... Norah ruined everything. 他有没有... Norah把什么都毁了
[00:45.36]She burnt down a house. 她把房子给烧了
[00:46.44]A house, she burnt down the client house. 一幢房子 她把客户的房子烧了
[00:49.88]How do you know? - Carl, told me. - 你怎么知道的? - Carl告诉我的
[00:54.72]How does he know? - It is his job... - 他又是怎么知道的? - 这是他的工作啊
[00:57.80]What he does. 他就是干这事的
[01:03.24]We burnt down a client's house. 我们烧了客户的房子
[01:03.60]How do you gonna round that? - Insurance. - 这样怎么办? - 有保险
[01:09.20]Oh... you see, I thought that I would get a better rate, once I was certified1. 噢... 我想要是我有资格证的话 我们的赔偿率会高一点儿
[01:18.16]There is not much that I'm good at. 这不是我拿手的
[01:24.28]I'm good at getting guys to want me, Not date me or marry me, but want me. 我拿手的是让男人要我 不是跟我约会或者娶我 只是要我
[01:28.48]I am good at that. 我很在行的
[01:31.56]And... 还有...
[01:35.60]And cheering... 做啦啦队...
[01:38.00]I was a really good at cheering. 我可在行呢
[01:42.24]Cheering is good. 啦啦队不错啊
[01:45.44]Yes, but it is not so marketable as you think. 对 不过没你想得那么有钱途
[02:05.24]Hey Dad. 嘿 老爸
[02:09.24]Hi. - Do you mind keeping an eye on Oscar for a while? - 嗨 - 能不能替我带会儿孩子?
[02:09.40]Yeah, sure. - I just got to go and get my couple of shifts back. - 好啊 - 我得去把我的班补回来
[02:14.36]Don't go back to be a maid. That is not a good job for you. 别再给人去当仆人了 这工作不适合你
[02:18.40]Dad, I need a job. 老爸 我需要工作
[02:22.68]I hold like about 40.000 dollars on that house and on top of everything else's, i just... 因为那间屋子我欠了大概四万块 除此之外还有...
[02:26.04]You're not getting 40000 dollars by just cleaning houses. 你不可能靠打扫屋子赚四万块
[02:31.44]I'll figure something to do. 我会想办法的
[02:33.96]I will. 我会的
[02:35.48]Can I make a sandwich? - Yeah, go ahead you know where everything is. - 我能做个三明治吗? - 可以啊 去吧 你知道东西在哪儿
[02:44.52]Go make up with your sister. 跟你妹妹和好吧
[02:46.76]She is your sister, go make up with her. 她是你妹妹啊 去跟她和好吧
[02:48.20]Dad... please. 老爸... 拜托了
[03:01.40]What's this? 这是什么?
[03:03.68]Just open it. 打开看看吧
[03:19.48]Why do you have my mom's I.D.? 你怎么会有我妈的身份证?
[03:22.28]I found it. At work. 我上班的时候找到的
[03:24.12]Me and Rose did a job while back. Rose和我之前接了一单活儿
[03:27.08]And... there was a woman. 有个女人
[03:32.96]Who i... 她...
[03:34.40]Look, we're supposed to throw everything away. 我们应该是要把东西都扔了的
[03:36.24]But i need you to kept that picture of you... - Is this her fanny pack? - 但我得让你拿回自己的照片 - 这是她的腰包?
[03:44.16]I couldn't throw them away. 我没法把它们扔了
[03:47.84]You were following me that day. 你那天确实是在跟踪我咯
[03:49.80]I should have told you, I know that and I.. 我该告诉你的 我知道...
[03:52.68]Felt so stupid and I just got scared and I. .. 我觉得自己很蠢 又很害怕 就...
[03:58.80]I didn't know what the situation was between you and your mom. 我不知道你和你妈是怎么回事
[04:01.80]I do not know what went on. 我不知道发生了些什么
[04:02.24]But I just thought, That everybody... 但我觉得 每个人...
[04:06.92]That I would understand. - You would understand? - 我能理解 - 你能理解?
[04:09.60]My Mom was a pathetic2 drunk. 我妈是个可怜的酒鬼
[04:15.84]I'm an idiot3, I actually thought that you were interested in me. 我真是个白痴 我还真以为 你是看上我了呢
[04:20.96]I just wanted to do the right thing. 我只是想帮你
[04:22.88]Please don't. - Don't call me. - 不要这样 - 别再联系我了
[04:39.96]You got that? - Yeah. - 你行吗? - 行
[04:42.64]I'm sure that I'll be able to turn this around pretty quick , so... - Thank you. - 我想我马上就能搞定的 - 谢谢你
[04:44.20]For everything. 做了这么多事
[04:48.48]Are you coming to my party? 你会来我的聚会吗?
[04:51.00]We are having Oscar's birthday party... 我们准备给Oscar办生日会
[04:54.52]At Hinkle's, on Saturday. It would be great if you came. 这个礼拜天在Hinkle快餐店 如果你能来那真是太好了
[04:57.12]Sounds like a blast4. 盛情难却啊

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a.经证明合格的;具有证明文件的 | |
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adj.悲哀的,可怜的,感伤的,不足的,差强人意的 | |
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n.白痴,傻子,笨蛋 | |
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v.炸毁,摧毁;n.爆炸,爆破,一阵,汽笛声 | |
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