[00:05.17]I’m glad you told me, Liesl. We’ll just be good friends.
[00:10.40]I’m Friedrich. I’m 14. I’m impossible.
[00:14.47]Really? Who told you that, Friedrich?
[00:16.41]Fr鋟lein Josephine. Four governesses ago.
[00:20.35]I’m Brigitta.
[00:23.65]You didn’t tell me how old you are, Louisa.
[00:28.35]I’m Brigitta. She’s Louisa.
[00:30.86]She’s 13 years old, and you’re smart.
[00:33.86]I’m 10, and I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw.
[00:37.93]- Brigitta, you shouldn’t say that. - Why not?
[00:40.73]- Don’t you think it’s ugly? - Of course.
[00:43.30]But Fr鋟lein Helga’s was ugliest.
[00:46.24]I’m Kurt. I’m 11. I’m incorrigible1.
[00:49.14]- Congratulations. - What’s "incorrigible"?
[00:52.51]I think it means you want to be treated like a boy.
[00:58.55]I’m Marta, and I’m going to be 7 on Tuesday.
[01:02.09]I’d like a pink parasol.
[01:04.69]Pink’s my favorite color too.
[01:08.56]Yes, you’re Gretl.
[01:10.66]And you’re 5 years old?
[01:12.83]My, you’re practically a lady.
[01:17.34]I have to tell you a secret. I’ve never been a governess.
[01:21.91]You don’t know anything about being a governess?
[01:24.98]Nothing. I’ll need lots of advice.
[01:27.25]The best way to start is to tell Father to mind his own business.
[01:32.05]Never come to dinner on time.
[01:34.05]Never eat your soup quietly.
[01:37.06]During dessert, always blow your nose.
[01:39.36]Don’t you believe a word they say, Fr鋟lein Maria.
[01:42.36]- Oh, why not? - Because I like you.
[01:46.53]Children, outside for your walk.
[01:48.74]Father’s orders. Hurry up.
[01:50.80]Quick, quick, quick.
[01:52.37]Fr鋟lein Maria, I’m Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper2.
[01:55.81]How do you do.
[01:57.08]I’ll show you to your room. Follow me.
[02:11.06]Poor little dears.
[02:25.54]You’re very lucky. With Fr鋟lein Helga it was a snake.
[02:43.79]Good evening.
[02:46.49]- Good evening, children. - Good evening, Fr鋟lein Maria.
[02:57.27]Enchanting little ritual.
[02:59.14]Something you learned at the abbey?
[03:18.09]Excuse me, captain. Haven’t we forgotten to thank the Lord?
[03:29.47]For what we receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.
[03:33.01]- Amen. - Amen.
[03:39.48]I’d like to thank you all...
[03:41.61]...for the precious gift you left in my pocket today.
[03:48.05]What gift?
[03:53.03]It’s a secret between the children and me.
[03:55.40]Then I suggest you keep it, and let us eat.
[03:59.43]Knowing how nervous I must have been...
[04:01.67]...a stranger in a new household...
[04:04.27]...knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted...
[04:07.64]...it was so kind and thoughtful of you to make my first moments here...
[04:12.05]...so warm and happy...
[04:14.51]...and pleasant.
[04:25.53]- What is the matter, Marta? - Nothing.
[04:41.24]...is it to be at every meal or merely at dinnertime...
[04:45.28]...that you intend leading us through this rare and wonderful new world...
[04:50.08]...of indigestion?
[04:53.29]They’re all right, captain. They’re just happy.
[05:14.91]- Rolfe, good evening. - Good evening, Franz.
[05:17.84]- I trust everything is under control? - Yes, yes.
[05:22.22]- Are there any developments? - Perhaps.
[05:24.85]- Is the captain home? - He’s at dinner.
[05:27.29]- With the family? - Yes.
[05:29.86]Give him this telegram at once.
[05:45.14]A telegram for you, sir.
[05:49.74]Franz? Who delivered it?
[05:51.84]That young lad Rolfe, of course.
[05:56.15]Father, may I be excused?
[05:58.85]Children, in the morning I shall be going to Vienna.
[06:03.62]Not again, Father!
[06:09.96]How long will you be gone this time?
[06:12.77]I’m not sure, Gretl.
[06:18.97]As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa.
[06:22.68]- Why can’t we ever see the baroness? - Why would she want to see you?
[06:26.78]You are going to see the baroness. I’m bringing her back with me to visit.
[06:33.19]And Uncle Max.
[06:35.19]Uncle Max!
[06:58.08]Oh, Rolfe!
[07:01.71]- No, Liesl. We mustn’t! - Why not, silly?
[07:04.88]- I don’t know... - Isn’t this why you’re waiting?
[07:07.75]Yes, of course.
[07:09.86]- I’ve missed you, Liesl. - You have? How much?
[07:12.89]I even thought of sending a telegram, so I’d be able to deliver it here.
[07:16.96]Oh, that’s a lovely thought! Why don’t you, right now?
[07:21.10]- But I’m here! - Please, Rolfe. Send me a telegram.
[07:25.54]I’ll start it for you. "Dear Liesl..."
[07:29.64]"Dear Liesl: I’d like to be able to tell you...
[07:32.88]...how I feel about you. Stop.
[07:35.95]Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive.
[07:40.72]Sincerely, Rolfe."
[07:42.36]- "Sincerely"? - Cordially.
[07:45.29]- "Cordially"? - Affectionately?
[07:50.30]Will there be any reply?
[07:53.63]"Dear Rolfe: Stop.
[07:56.80]Don’t stop! Your Liesl."
[08:01.61]If only we didn’t have to wait for someone to send Father a telegram.
[08:05.75]How do I know when I’ll see you again?
[08:09.02]Well, let’s see...
[08:13.29]I could come here by mistake.
[08:16.19]With a telegram for Colonel Schneider! He’s here from Berlin staying with...
[08:21.79]No one knows he’s here. Don’t tell your father.
[08:25.33]- Why not? - Your father’s so Austrian.
[08:28.70]We’re all Austrian.
[08:30.20]Some think we ought to be German, and they’re very mad at those who don’t.
[08:34.84]They’re getting ready to...
[08:38.31]Let’s hope your father doesn’t get into trouble.
[08:46.15]I don’t worry about him. I worry about his daughter.
[08:49.96]- Me? Why? - Well, you’re so...
[08:54.49]- You’re such a baby! - I’m 16. What’s such a baby about that?
[09:00.80]You wait, little girl On an empty stage
[09:04.54]For fate to turn the light on
[09:08.54]Your life, little girl Is an empty page
[09:12.04]That men will want to write on
[09:16.85]To write on
[09:23.26]You are 16 going on 17
[09:27.39]Baby, it’s time to think
[09:39.24]You are 16 going on 17
[09:43.34]Fellows will fall in line
[09:47.25]Eager young lads And rou閟 and cads
[09:50.85]Will offer you food and wine
[09:55.22]Totally unprepared are you
[09:59.09]To face a world of men
[00:03.60]...you may still have about Maria's future here.
[00:07.07]I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe.
[00:11.37]After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.
[00:14.48]We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister Margaretta.
[00:19.05]Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is the least...
[00:22.72]Children, children.
[00:25.72]We were speculating about the qualifications of our postulants.
[00:33.56]...were trying to help me by expressing opposite points of view.
[00:39.10]Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria?
[00:42.34]She's a wonderful girl, some of the time.
[00:46.74]- Sister Agatha? - It's very easy to like Maria...
[00:49.74]...except when it's difficult.
[00:52.51]- And you, Sister Sophia? - Oh, I love her very dearly.
[00:56.32]But she always seems to be in trouble, doesn't she?
[00:59.49]Exactly what I say.
[01:01.62]She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee
[01:04.16]Her dress has got a tear
[01:06.59]She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair
[01:11.43]And underneath8 her wimple She has curlers in her hair
[01:16.17]I've even heard her singing In the abbey
[01:25.81]She's always late for everything
[01:28.35]Except for every meal
[01:30.85]I hate to have to say it But I very firmly feel
[01:35.79]Maria's not an asset to the abbey
[01:40.70]I'd like to say a word in her behalf
[01:43.40]Say it, Sister Margaretta.
[01:45.63]Maria makes me laugh
[01:52.54]How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[01:56.71]How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?
[02:00.72]How do you find a word That means Maria?
[02:04.59]A flibbertigibbet
[02:05.92]- A will-o'-the-wisp - A clown
[02:08.99]Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her
[02:12.99]Many a thing she ought to understand
[02:16.83]But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say?
[02:21.20]How do you keep a wave Upon the sand?
[02:24.94]How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[02:29.41]How do you hold a moonbeam
[02:35.18]In your hand?
[02:41.76]When I'm with her I'm confused Out of focus and bemused
[02:45.46]And I never know exactly where I am
[02:49.13]- Unpredictable as weather - She's as flighty as a feather
[02:54.87]She's a lamb
[03:00.47]She can throw a whirling dervish Out of whirl
[03:08.45]- She's a headache - She's an angel
[03:11.25]She's a girl
[03:15.92]How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[03:19.99]How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?
[03:24.00]How do you find a word That means Maria?
[03:27.80]- A flibbertigibbet - A will-o'-the-wisp
[03:30.00]A clown
[03:32.27]Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her
[03:36.28]Many a thing she ought to understand
[03:39.81]- But how do you make her stay? - And listen to all you say?
[03:44.45]How do you keep a wave Upon the sand?
[03:48.76]How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[04:10.51]How do you hold a moonbeam
[04:18.29]In your hand?
[04:36.47]You may go in now, Maria.
[04:51.05]Come here, my child.
[04:59.19]Now sit down.
[05:01.50]Reverend Mother, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.
[05:08.70]I haven't summoned you for apologies.
[05:10.91]Please let me ask for forgiveness.
[05:13.77]If you'll feel better.
[05:15.94]Yes, you see, the sky was so blue today...
[05:22.62]The Untersberg led me higher like it wanted me to go through the clouds.
[05:27.29]Suppose darkness had come and you were lost?
[05:29.62]Mother, I could never be lost up there.
[05:32.13]That's my mountain. I was brought up on it.
[05:35.16]It was the mountain that led me to you.
[05:38.27]When I was a child, I would come down and climb a tree...
[05:41.47]...and look in your garden.
[05:43.47]I'd see the sisters at work and hear them sing.
[05:47.78]Which brings me to another transgression16, Reverend Mother.
[05:51.61]I was singing out there today.
[05:54.42]Only in the abbey do we have rules about postulants singing.
[05:58.65]I can't stop wherever I am.
[06:00.92]Worse, I can't seem to stop saying things.
[06:03.49]Everything I think and feel.
[06:05.99]Some call that "honesty."
[06:07.66]Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother!
[06:10.30]You know how Sister Berthe makes me kiss the floor after a disagreement?
[06:14.57]Lately, I kiss the floor when I see her coming, just to save time.
[06:22.88]...when you saw us over the wall and longed to be with us...
[06:26.15]...that didn't mean you were prepared for the way we live here, did it?
[06:32.19]No, Mother, but I pray and I try.
[06:34.82]And I am learning. I really am.
[06:36.79]What is the most important lesson you have learned here?
[06:40.13]To find out what is the will of God and do it wholeheartedly.
[06:49.37]...it seems to be God's will that you leave us.
[06:52.41]- Leave? - Only for a while.
[06:54.41]No, Mother! Please don't send me away!
[06:57.01]This is where I belong. It's my home, my family. It's my life.
[07:01.92]- Are you truly ready for it? - Yes, I am.
[07:05.15]If you go out into the world for a time, knowing what we expect of you...
[07:10.32]...you will find out if you can expect it of yourself.
[07:13.26]I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it! I promise I can!
[07:21.14]Yes, Mother.
[07:24.44]If it is God's will.
[07:28.38]There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until September.
[07:33.71]- September? - For seven children.
[07:36.55]Seven children?!
[07:37.85]Do you like children?
[07:39.89]Well, yes, but seven!
[07:42.86]I will tell Captain von Trapp to expect you tomorrow.
[07:53.73]His wife died, and he is alone with the children.
[07:56.67]I understand he has had a difficult time keeping a governess there.
[08:01.74]Why difficult, Reverend Mother?
[08:05.41]The Lord will show you in his own good time.
[08:45.15]When the Lord closes a door...
[08:47.86]...somewhere he opens a window.
[08:52.76]What will this day be like?
[08:57.97]I wonder
[09:06.67]What will my future be?
[09:11.65]I wonder
[09:15.55]It could be so exciting
[09:18.75]To be out in the world To be free
[09:22.06]My heart should be wildly rejoicing
[09:26.33]Oh, what's the matter with me?
[09:32.00]I've always longed for adventure
[09:35.30]To do the things I've never dared
[09:39.14]Now here I'm facing adventure
[09:42.71]Then why am I so scared?
[09:52.22]A captain with seven children
[09:55.42]What's so fearsome about that?
[10:00.69]I must stop these doubts All these worries

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adj.难以纠正的,屡教不改的 | |
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n.管理家务的主妇,女管家 | |
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n.男爵夫人,女男爵 | |
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adj.海军的,军舰的,船的 | |
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adj.谨慎的,节俭的 | |
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n.(悬崖、河流等的)边缘,边沿 | |
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n.新手( novice的名词复数 );初学修士(或修女);(修会等的)初学生;尚未赢过大赛的赛马 | |
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adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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n.忏悔,赎罪;悔过 | |
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n.魔鬼,恶魔 | |
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v.纠缠,强求 | |
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n.谜,谜语,粗筛;vt.解谜,给…出谜,筛,检查,鉴定,非难,充满于;vi.出谜 | |
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adj.引诱人的,令人心动的v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.芬香的,馥郁的,愉快的 | |
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n.违背;犯规;罪过 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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