Mrs. Henry Miller1 had lived alone for several years. Her husband wasdead. But he had left her a comfortable amount of money. He also hadleft her a nice apartment in New York City near the East River. Therewere three other apartments in the large brown building where Mrs.
Miller lived with her bird, a yellow canary name Tommie. Mrs. Millerwas 61 years old. She had no friends and no special interests.
One evening in January, Mrs. Miller saw an advertisement2 for a movie.
It looked so interesting that Mrs. Miller decided3 to go to see it.
There was a long line of people waiting to buy tickets for the movie.
Mrs. Miller stood at the end of the line. Looking around her, Mrs.
Miller noticed a little girl standing4 near the line. The child's hairwas absolutely5 white, silver6 white in fact. The child was thin anddelicate. She wore a blue silk dress under her red velvet7 coat. Mrs.
Miller felt strangely excited. And when the little girl looked at her,Mrs. Miller gave her a warm smile.
The little girl walked over to her and said, "Would you do me a favor8?
Would you buy a ticket for me? They won't let me go into the moviesalone."She handed Mrs. Miller the money and they stood together in the line.
Mrs. Miller felt there were something strange about the little girl.
Her eyes were gray and very large. But they did not seem like the eyesof a child.
"What's your name, dear?" Mrs. Miller asked.
"Miriam." The child replied.
Mrs. Miller smiled "Why isn't that funny? That's my name too. I amMiriam Miller."The little girl was silent9. By this time, they had reached the ticketoffice. Mrs. Miller bought two tickets.
She gave one to Miriam and said, "It was nice to meet you, but I mustgo now."Miriam just nodded10 her head.
The next week one evening after dinner, Mrs. Miller's doorbell rang.
She opened the door. The little girl in the red coat was standingthere.
"Hello," said Miriam.
Mrs. Miller did not know what to say. Miriam stepped into theapartment. She took off her red velvet coat and dropped it on thechair. The dress made a soft swishing sound as Miriam walked aroundthe room.
"What do you want?" Mrs. Miller asked, "And how did you know where Ilive?"Miriam laughed, "Let's talk about something else." She said.
She walked over to the birdcage, which was covered by a piece ofcloth. Mrs. Miller raised her voice, "Leave my bird alone.""All right." Miriam said, "But I am hungry.""Look," Mrs. Miller said, "If I prepare something for you to eat, willyou be a good girl and go home?""I promise." The little girl said.
Mrs. Miller's hands were shaking as she made the sandwich and put aglass of milk for Miriam. She kept asking herself who this little girlwas and why she had come to her house. Mrs. Miller carried the foodinto the living room. The room was empty. Mrs. Miller began to feel alittle frightened. She went into her bedroom. Her jewelry11 box was openand Miriam was looking at Mrs. Miller's jewels12. The child turned tothe old woman looking deeply13 into her eyes.
"I want this pearl14 necklace." She told her.
"Put that back." Mrs. Miller ordered, "You can't have it. Thatnecklace was a gift from my husband.""But I want it." Miriam insisted15, "It's beautiful. Give it to me."Mrs. Miller suddenly felt very weak. She felt if she was going tofaint. Miriam put on the pearl necklace and went into the living room.
She ate the sandwich and drank the milk quickly.
"That’s very nice." She said when she had finished the food. "But Iwish I had some cookies or chocolates."Mrs. Miller sat on the sofa. Her face was very white and her eyes werestaring into space. "You promise to leave if I made the sandwich." Shesaid.
Miriam picked up her coat and put it on. Then she walked to Mrs.
Miller "Kiss me that night." She ordered.
Mrs. Miller trembled16 "Please." The old woman whispered17 "I, I do notwant to.""All right." Miriam said, "lifting in eyebrow18."She walked slowly to the door, turned and looked at Mrs. Miller. Thenshe was gone.
Mrs. Miller spent the next day in bed. The day after that, Mrs. Millerwoke up feeling much better. The sun was shining and when she openedher bedroom window. She discovered the weather felt almost likespring. The day was so beautiful. She decided to walk along the wideavenues of New York's East Side. When she came to a big * shop,something strange happened. Mrs. Miller could not stop her feet fromcarrying her inside the store. She spent ten dollars for a bag ofchocolates and some cookies. The weather had changed again. By thetime, Mrs. Miller came out of the big * shop.
Winter clouds through gray shadows19 over the sun. A cold wind blew inthe streets. Soon, snow began to fall. Mrs. Miller hurried home. Assoon as she entered her apartment, she put the chocolates on a platewith the cookies. At exactly five o'clock, the doorbell rang.
"Is that you?" Mrs. Miller called.
"Of course." Answered Miriam. "Open the door.""Go away," Said Mrs. Miller.
She sat down on the sofa. Mrs. Miller did not move for ten minutes.
Then she walked quietly to the door and opened it a little bit. Miriamwas sitting on a large box outside the door. She was holding abeautiful French doll.
"Really," Miriam said, "I thought you never open this door. Help meget this box into your apartment. It's very heavy."Mrs. Miller felt as if she were in a dream as she carried the heavybox into her living room. Miriam sat on the sofa watching Mrs. Miller.
She picked up a chocolate and put it into her mouth.
"I will come to live with you." She said.
Mrs. Miller's face turned into a mask20 of ugly red lines. She began tocry and ran out of her apartment. She ran down the steps and beganknocking loudly at the first door she came to. A short man with redhair opened the door. A young woman stood behind him.
"Please," cried Mrs. Miller, "I am your neighbor. I live upstairs."She covered her face with her hands. "I know I am some crazy. But I amafraid of a little girl in my apartment. She won't live. She hasalready stolen my pearl necklace. I just know she wants to dosomething terrible to me.""Calm down." The young woman said, "Harry21 will go upstairs and takecare of her."Mrs. Miller sat down. "You are very kind." She told the young woman,"and I am sorry to cause you any trouble."After a few minutes, they heard Harry coming down the stairs. Harrycame into his apartment shaking his head.
"Nobody is there." He said.
Mrs. Miller stood up. "Did you see a large box or a doll?""No man." Harry said slowly.
Mrs. Miller went back to her apartment. The chocolates and cookieswere still there. But the room was empty.
Where was Miriam? Where was she? Mrs. Miller sat down. The room wasdark and getting darker. Mrs. Miller closed her eyes and beganthinking. Maybe there was no girl named Miriam. Maybe she had imaginedeverything like a dream. Mrs. Miller began to feel better. She wasMrs. Henry Miller. She lived in this apartment. She cooked her ownmeals. She owned canary. Mrs. Miller knew who she was. She felt safeand relaxed.
Then she heard the songs coming from her bedroom. Someone was openingand closing the drawers of her bureau22. Mrs. Miller sat with her eyesclosed tightly23. She heard the soft swishing sound of a silk dress. Thesound grew louder and louder until the walls of the apartment began toshake. Mrs. Miller opened her eyes.
"Hello," said Miriam.
You have just heard the story called "Miriam". It was written byTruman Capote and adopted24 for Special English by Donald Discenctus. Itwas published25 by the Commdenest Company in 1967. Your storyteller wasKeglant. This is Shep O'Neal.

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n.磨坊主 | |
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n.广告,启事,广告宣传 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.绝对地;完全地 | |
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adj.银色的,银的;n.银,银币,银器;vt.镀银,变成银白色 | |
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n.丝绒,天鹅绒;adj.丝绒制的,柔软的 | |
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n.好感;赞同;好事;vt.赞同,喜爱;有利于 | |
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adj.安静的,不吵闹的,沉默的,无言的;n.(复数)默剧 | |
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v.点头( nod的过去式和过去分词 );打盹;打瞌睡;点头致意 | |
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n.(jewllery)(总称)珠宝 | |
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n.宝石,宝石饰物( jewel的名词复数 );受珍视的人[物];宝贝,手表的宝石轴承 | |
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adv.深刻地,在深处,深沉地 | |
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n.珍珠,珍珠母 | |
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坚持 | |
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v.发抖( tremble的过去式和过去分词 );焦虑;颤动;轻轻摇晃 | |
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adj.耳语的,低语的v.低声说( whisper的过去式和过去分词 );私语;小声说;私下说 | |
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n.眉毛,眉 | |
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n.阴影( shadow的名词复数 );影子;(坏)影响;形影不离的人[物] | |
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n.屏蔽,面具,假面具,掩饰,石膏面像;vt.戴面具,掩饰,使模糊;vi.化装,戴面具,掩饰 | |
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vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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n.提供或收集消息的机构;局,司,处;署 | |
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adv.紧紧地,坚固地,牢固地 | |
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adj.被收养的,被采用的v.采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词 );收养;正式接受;吸收(外来词语) | |
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v.出版( publish的过去式和过去分词 );(在互联网上)发表;公布;在报刊)发表 | |
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