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  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-05 November 5th, 1940, My conscience will not let me turn my back upon a call to service. Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the only American president to win an unprecedented third term in office. Roosevelt serves as president for a total of more than 12 y
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-08 November 8th, 1923Nazi leader Adolf Hitler makes his first attempt to seize power in Germany. He launches a failed coup in the city of Munich, an event that becomes known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler ultimately achieves his goal when he becomes Ge
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-09 November 9th 1989A sign that the end of the Cold War is near as joyous Germans dance atop the Berlin Wall. Communist East Germany throws open its borders, allowing its citizens to travel freely to the West. 1938What becomes known as Kristallnacht or
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-10 November 10th, 1975, Superior, they said, never gives up her dead when the gales of November come early! The ore-hauling ship Edmund Fitzgerald sinks and its crew of 29 perishes during a severe storm on Lake Superior. 1982, Leonid Brezhnev, the Sovie
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-11 November 11th, 1918In Europe, World War I comes to an end after 4 years of fighting as the allies in Germany sign an armistice. But peace does not last as the Second World War engulfs the Continent as well as Asia some two decades later. 1620Pilgrims
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-12 November 12th, 1927, Josef Stalin becomes undisputed ruler of whats then the Soviet Union. His rival Leon Trotsky is expelled from the Communist Party. More than a dozen years later, Trotsky is killed with an ice-pick while in exile in Mexico. Stalin
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-13 November 13th, 1982In Washington D.C. the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated, honoring US service members who died in the Americas longest war. 2001Afghanistans ruling Taliban regime abandons the capital Cabul without a fight. That allows fighter
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-14 November 14, 1940One of the most devastating bombing raids during World War Two. Hundreds of Nazi Germany's warplanes destroy most of the English town of Coventry. 1851,Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick, the tale about the pursuit of the great white
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-15 November 15th, 1864During the American Civil War, Union General William T. Sherman and his troops begin their March to the Sea. Their devastating campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia strikes at the heart of the Confederacy. 1806,In the Rocky Mo
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-17 November 17th, 1973,an embattled President Richard Nixon defends himself during the Watergate scandal. He tells the Associated Press managing editors meeting in Orlando, Florida. People have got to know, whether or not their presidents a crook. Wel
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-18 November 18th, 1978A mass murder-suicide in the Jungles of Guyana in South America. Cult leader Jim Jones orders more than 900 followers at his Jonestown compound to drink poison punch. That happens after a Congressman and 4 others investigating the
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-19 November 19th, 1863, Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln delivers what becomes known as the Gettysburg Address. He speaks at the dedication
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-20 November 20th, 1945Months after World War II ends in Europe, two dozen Nazi leaders go on trial before International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. 1925 Violence or lawlessness in variety make no sense whatsoever in the United StatesRober
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-22 I appreciate your being here this morning, Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself. It takes longer, but of course she looks better than we do when she does it. But we appreciate your welcome. This city's been a great western city. We understand there's b
  • 历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-11-23 And they started their dirty aggression against this country. November 23rd, 2001, the UN war crimes tribunal says it will try former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for genocide in Bosnia. Its the first time that the court links Milosevic to t