From her Oscar winning performance in Monster to her revolutionary mineworker in North Country, Charlize Theron is creating her own gallery of commanding and compelling women. But none like Aeon2 Flux3, for the first time, she turns action star to bring a gravity-define animated4 gal1 heroine, animated cow heroine, I should say to the big screens. It's great to have her back with us, great pleasure to have you here.
Thank you for having me.
So this is set in 2415, 400 years from now, four hundred, ten years from now. So what's it like in 2415, just so I can be ready.
It's interesting, you know, a lot of how we get to 400 years in the future in this film. It's really taken from events in today's life. And I think it really reflects on the issues that we have to pay attention to today, because it could be very similar to, I think, what Bregna is. It deals with how we've become a population of only 5 million people on earth because of world hunger and coming up with you know, quick schemes to cure big diseases like these. And then realizing that, that, you, there isn't a quake thing you have to just kind of, pay attention to these things, otherwise we'll just die.
I am somewhat sober about the fact that, you'd have 5 million people, cause that, I was worried, for instance, 400 years from now, is there baseball?
No there's no baseball. yes, oh, you guys are so sad.
Morning television shows?
No, no that, no, no
None? Movies?
No, no films.
What? You are out of work.
No, we will be under complete, um, utter government control. We'll be completely controlled.
You actually led me to the clip here, which is, which is you threatening, or you've been, you are confronting the head of the last city on earth, who you think killed your parents, was responsible for the deaths of your parents,let's take a look.
You killed my sister.
I didn't know anything about it. I am sorry.
And that excuses you?
No, but this is a war, people on all sides die.
She shouldn't , she had nothing to do with this.
Everyone is involved in this.
She wasn't. I don't need that to kill you.
It would be easier, wouldn't it? What do you want from me?
What I want? I want my sister back. I wanna remember what it feels like to be a person.
Is it weird5 watching yourself with dark hair? It seems very strange and I would say it's a shock.
I've, kind of, I've always kind of changed my hair colour, so it wasn't the first thing that I've done something like that.
That's really dark though.(Yeah, but ) Did people treat you differently when you were...?
En... not that I can tell, I mean it's very liberating6, I think women should really, just really do something like that, every once in a while in their life. It's very liberating to kind of just, I remember the day I went to cut it all off when I was in training and it was, just really, it changes everything, I mean it, there were something about this haircut that made me feel like a warrior,(really?) and it's so helpful, yeah, I felt very strong and...
So it gives you a different persona.
Yeah, and the tights help too, you know.
We've been looking at people doing stunts7 all morning long and extraordinary stunts that they did (amazing, yeah). Were you doing that stuff in the movie?
Yeah, I got to do that move.
You did?
Yeah, the back, the monkey flip8 they call it and kept aware.
You had ballet training?
Yeah, I was trained as a ballerina for twelve years in my life, ballet and flamenco.
And does that give you the skill that you are able to kick people like that?
The angers are good reason to kick somebody(a good reason, but, yeah,), sounds about all you need.
That takes you along as well. How much of it did you actually do? Because I know you were hurt during the movie though.
Yeah, I've trained for about 3 months, a little over 3 months with just think incredible group of people. And I think that was the greatest gift that I got out of this film, to receive all these great tools, all of a sudden, just having this incredible staff of people around you who just dedicate themselves to you. And listen to you whining9 and moaning every single day because you're in pain, and still kind of believing you and they really kind of pushed me which is really incredible, really a great gift.
Well, I am dismayed by the fact that there is no baseball 410 years from now. But other than that ,this sounds quite good. Aeon Flux is in theatre this Friday, December, 2nd, 2005. By the way, I saw you quote to say in every interview with somebody you don't know. It is like a blind date. Do you normally date guys who've been married for 37 years?
If they wear tights, I'll go there...
oh, or D, thank, thank you, it's interesting. Nice to have you and all the best.
Thank you.

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n.姑娘,少女 | |
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n.极长的时间;永久 | |
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n.流动;不断的改变 | |
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adj.生气勃勃的,活跃的,愉快的 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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解放,释放( liberate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.惊人的表演( stunt的名词复数 );(广告中)引人注目的花招;愚蠢行为;危险举动v.阻碍…发育[生长],抑制,妨碍( stunt的第三人称单数 ) | |
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vt.快速翻动;轻抛;轻拍;n.轻抛;adj.轻浮的 | |
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n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚 | |
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