Did you know that there is one simple thing you can do at the beginning of any relationship to set it up for a long-term success, but most of us are afraid to do it?
Hi! I'm Marie Forleo, life coach and author, and I'm gonna give you this one simple tip that's gonna set you up on the right path for any relationship in your life. Here it is.
Most of us tend to not communicate honestly. Now I know this doesn't sound like a revolutionary idea, but it comes down to the small things. Here's what I mean.
Have you ever been on a date and the guy always shows up late or there is something that he does that really doesn't work for you, but you're kind of afraid to say, coz you think he's not gonna like you or he won't ask you on a second date? No, no, no. What you wanna do is you wanna communicate what's happening for you, what's working for you, what's not, and you gotta start from the get-go.
Here's why. When you don't communicate, things that aren't working for you or things that really aggravate1 you and kind of get you pissed off. What happens is you build up resentment2. That resentment builds up overtime3 and before you know it you're gonna start picking fights. You are not gonna know why; he is not gonna know why. And things are gonna get really bumpy4 really fast.
What happens when you practice communicating and speaking honestly when things aren't working is that when the relationship gets a little further and things are to get bumpy, it's gonna be so easy for you to smooth it out and you guys are gonna have a great relationship moving forward. And then of course if things aren't gonna work out for you guys, it's not gonna be hard to say it and you are gonna spend less time in a relationship that's not working. So you can move on to one that does.
If you wanna learn more on how to be a great communicator and more helpful tips on dating and relationships, do me a favor, check out makeeverymanwantyou.com. It's an excellent book that I just wrote and it's gonna help you out so much in all your relationships.
Thanks for clicking on imag.

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vt.加重(剧),使恶化;激怒,使恼火 | |
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n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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adj.超时的,加班的;adv.加班地 | |
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adj.颠簸不平的,崎岖的 | |
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n.记录,圆木,日志;v.伐木,切,航行 | |
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