新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson58:PEACEFUL EXPERIENCES宁静的经历
856.Its very quiet up here on the mountain. 在这山上很宁静。 857.This street is so much more peaceful than the rest of the city. 这条街比城市的其他地方要宁静多了。 858.The church is a very calm place to pray. 这个教堂是一个非常安静的做祈祷的地方。 8
新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson59:FAILURE失败的经历
871.Im sure I just failedv that exam. 我确信刚才那个考试我没通过。 872.Terry just lost that account for our company. 特里刚刚把我们公司的账目给弄丢了。 873.He gambledw away most of his savings. 他赌博输掉了他的大部分积蓄。 874.The cook ruined this m
新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson60:SUCCESS成功经历
886.His first book was a best seller. 他的第一本书很畅销。 887.Ive finally graduated from college. 我终于大学毕业了。 888.I just got my dream job. 我刚刚得到了我梦寐以求的工作。 889.Youre taken some incredible photographs here. 你在这儿照了一些很棒