The World Health Organization has said there is no room for complacency in the response to human cases of swine flu. The WHO said there were now almost 900 confirmed cases in 18 countries and no one should lower their guard. Health experts in the United States say swine flu could soon be present throughout their country as cases have been confirmed in more than half the states in the US. John Dollarson reports from Washington.
Scientists here say the virus is spreading, but no more so than seasonal1 flu. Most people have not fallen seriously ill. However, Doctor Ann Schuchat from the CDC told reporters the virus is now probably circulating across the US. She said she expected cases to become more severe and to lead to deaths. She stressed though that this in itself would not be unusual. She said every year 36,000 people die in America after contracting seasonal flu.
Preliminary results are due shortly in the presidential election in Panama. The centre-left governing party's candidate Balbina Herrera is being challenged by one of the country's wealthiest men, Ricardo Martinelli. Emilio San Pedro reports.
This election in which some two million registered voters are eligible2 to participate has become an all-out battle between two very distinct personalities3. On the one side, there is the centre-left governing party's candidate Balbina Herrera, a woman who once led protest against the US following the American invasion that took General Manuel Noriega out of power in 1989. The challenger is Ricardo Martinelli, a conservative supermarket magnate who has campaigned as the candidate of real change. Whoever wins will face the challenge of overseeing the five-billion-dollar expansion of the Panama Canal.
The survival of Nepal's first elected government is in question after the second biggest party in the coalition4 pulled out. The communist UML party said the Maoists who head the administration had acted unilaterally in sacking the army chief. Sanjoy Majumder reports.
General Rookmangud Katawal was fired after a special cabinet meeting with the government accusing him of ignoring orders to stop recruiting fresh soldiers and reinstating eight generals who had been dismissed. But the UML says the Maoists acted unilaterally and their move had endangered the two-year-old peace agreement. There are reports that General Katawal has refused to accept his dismissal and is meeting senior generals, raising fears of a confrontation5 between the army and the civilian6 Maoist-led government.
The Parkistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has appealed to the international community to help stop the flow of weapons to Taliban militants8. In a BBC interview, Mr. Malik said the rebels fighting in the north-west of Parkistan were poor, and yet he said they had sophisticated weapons and technology. He suggested they were coming in from neighboring Afghanistan. But a spokesman for the Afghan president rejected the claim.
World News from the BBC.
The wife of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed that she is filing for divorce after 19 years of marriage. Veronica Lario said she had enough after her husband, who’s 72, attended the eighteenth birthday party of a young woman friend. She recently criticized what she called the shamelessly trashy process by which her husband's party chose attractive female candidates for European elections.
The Somali Security Minister Omar Hashi has accused Eritrea of making clandestine9 shipments of weapons to factions10 in Somalia twice last week. He said planes carrying arms had flown to a former Somali military airport which is thought to be controlled by a militant7 Islamic group Al-Shabab. Mr. Hashi said Eritrea's actions were undermining peace in Somalia. Eritrea has in the past denied arming Somalia insurgence11.
A Venezuelan military helicopter has crashed on the border with Colombia, killing12 all 18 people on board. All but one of those who died were military personnel.
Bob Dylan's latest release has jumped straight to the top of the British album charts, almost 40 years since he last held the number one slot there. "Together through Life" is Dylan's 33rd studio album. Colan Pedison reports.
The last time Bob Dylan had a UK number one album, Edward Heath was prime minister. Back in November 1970, Dylan's "New Morning" knocked "Led Zeppelin III” off the top of the charts. Now today, over 38 years later, "Together through Life" has replaced "Lady Gaga" at number one.
"The evening winds are still, I have lost the way and will."
Dylan's success has been put down to a combination of factors. There are the good reviews; he’s currently on a UK tour, and crucially that in this era of illegal downloading his fans will still go to the shops and actually buy this album on CD.
世卫组织提醒不可放松对人猪流感病例的打击力度,18个国家已有将近900起确诊的病例,决不能放松警惕。联合国卫生专家表示,美国已有一半以上的州确诊有此病例,猪流感将很快在整个美国蔓延开来。John Dollarson从华盛顿发回报道。
科学家说这种病毒正在蔓延,但是没有季节性流感那么快,很多人的病情并不严重。然而,疾病控制中心的Ann Schuchat医生告诉记者,这种病毒目前可能已在美国传播。她预计情况会更严重,并会导致死亡事件。但是她强调说,危机本身并不是不寻常的,在美国每年有36,000人死于季节性流感。
巴拿马总统选举的初步结果很快即将见分晓,中间-左翼派政党候选人 Balbina Herrera面临本国一个最富有的人 Ricardo Martinelli的挑战,Emilio San Pedro报道。
这次选举有大约2百万符合条件的注册选民参与,并已演化为两位截然不同的人物之间的殊死搏斗。一方面是中间-左翼派执政党候选人 Balbina Herrera,1989年美国入侵巴拿马并将诺瑞加将军逐下台, Balbina Herrera当时领导了对美国的抗议活动。她的对手是Ricardo Martinelli,他是一位保守的超市巨头,他曾是“真正改变”机构的候选人。无论谁赢得选举,都得面临监督巴拿马运河扩建项目的50亿美元资金的挑战。
执政联盟第二大党的退出,使尼泊尔首届当选政府的残余人员受到了质疑。尼泊尔共产党表示,领导政府的毛主义者解除军事首领的职务一事是单方面的行为。Sanjoy Majumder报道。
政府指控Rookmangud Katawal将军无视和平协定擅自停止招募新兵,并擅自留用政府要求退役的将领,政府决定解除Katawal的职务。但是尼泊尔共产党声称毛主义者单方面行动,其行为危及了两年前签订的和平协议。有报道说,Katawal拒绝接受免职的命令,正在与一些高级将领举行会议,这让人们担心军队和毛主义者领导的平民政府间产生冲突。
巴基斯坦内务部长Rehman Malik向国际社会呼吁寻求帮助,以阻止武器流向塔利班武装分子。在BBC的采访中,Malik说,在巴基斯坦西北部作战的叛军很穷,但是,他说,他们有精尖的武器和技术。他认为这些武器和技术来自邻邦的阿富汗。然而阿富汗总统的发言人对此表示否认。
意大利总理Silvio Berlusconi的妻子承认正在申请离婚,以结束19年的婚姻。Veronica Lario说,自从72岁的丈夫参加了一位18岁的女性朋友的生日聚会后,她对丈夫受够了。她最近还批评了一桩她认为无耻的事情--丈夫的党派挑选有魅力的女性候选人参加欧洲大选。
索马里安全部长 Omar Hashi指控厄立特里亚上周两次向索马里小派别秘密输送武器。他说,装载武器的飞机飞至索马里军队的一个飞机场,该机场被认为由一个伊斯兰武装组织 Al-Shabab控制。Hashi说,厄立特里亚的行为危害了索马里的安全局面。厄立特里亚曾否认向索马里叛乱组织提供武器。
Bob Dylan最新专辑登上英国专辑排行榜的首位,距离他上次荣登榜首已有近40年时间。“Together through Life”是他的第33个录音专辑。
Bob Dylan上次荣登英国专辑榜首时,Edward Heath是当时的总理。1970年11月,Dylan的专辑"New Morning"取代Led Zeppelin III的作品,登上榜首的宝座。38年后,专辑"Together through Life"取代 "Lady Gaga" ,成为榜首。

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adj.季节的,季节性的 | |
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adj.有条件被选中的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的 | |
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n. 诽谤,(对某人容貌、性格等所进行的)人身攻击; 人身攻击;人格, 个性, 名人( personality的名词复数 ) | |
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n.结合体,同盟,结合,联合 | |
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n.对抗,对峙,冲突 | |
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adj.平民的,民用的,民众的 | |
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adj.激进的,好斗的;n.激进分子,斗士 | |
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激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.秘密的,暗中从事的 | |
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组织中的小派别,派系( faction的名词复数 ) | |
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n.起义;造反;暴动;叛乱 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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