A number of foreign embassies in Yemen remain closed or have restricted public access as the caution against possible attacks by Al-Qaeda linked militants1. The closures were initially2 announced for a day or so, but the American Secretary of State Hilary Clinton now says the US embassy will remain closed until security conditions permit. From Yemen, here is Johnathan Head.
There were more armed police on the road leading to the main airport in Sanaa this morning and heavily fortified3 American embassy remained closed along with the British and French missions. The government here believes that it foiled a lot of plots to detonate multiple car bombs outside western targets last month. But not all the plotters were caught. It responded quickly to the demands for action, reporting an operation this morning in which two militants were killed, that simply increasing attacks on suspected Al-Qeada cells is a risky4 strategy.
Nigeria says it unjust for the United States to subject travellers to the US on flights from Nigeria to special scrutiny5 before boarding. The measures followed the alleged6 attempt by a Nigerian national to mount a suicide bombing on a plane approaching Detroit on Christmas Day. Mark Doyle reports from Nigeria.
The Nigerian Information Minister Dora Akunyili told BBC it was unfair to stigmatize7 the whole of Nigera's population because the actions of one man. She stressed fact that Umar Farouk Abdulmatallab had not been trained or recruited by Al-Qaeda inside Nigeria. Nigerians in general outraged8 that their country had been portrayed9 in some circles similar to failed states, such as Somalia.
A human rights group in Saudi Arabia has demanded an official explanation of a report that a leading rights activist10 in his 70s has been tortured in detention11. In an open letter to King Abdullah, the group says it has information that the former judge Suliman Al-Rashid has recently been subjected severe physical and psychological torture.
The tallest building in the world has opened in Dubai. The Burj Dubai which is 828 metres around twice the height of New York Empire State Building. Construction began at the height of Dubai's economic boom, but it's opened in the wake of financial crisis.
Share and commodity prices around the world have risen following news of improved manufacturing output in the United States and China. Andrew Walker reports.
Most stock markets have taken encouragement from news that China's manufacturing industry expanded last month at its fastest rate since April 2004. There was also a boost for European and US shares from reports that American manufacturing grew in December for the fifth consecutive12 month. Commodity prices also gained from the news. But there was also a reminder13 of the severity of the recent global recession. The Singaporean economy declined quite sharply in the final quarter of last year after six months of renewed growth.
Belarus has warned it might cut electricity supplies to Russia's westernmost region Kaliningrad if the two countries can't reach agreement in their current negotiations14 about oil deliveries. The disagreement centers on the amount of tax Belarus should pay on oil which it refines then exports. So far, Russia is still sending oil to Belarus, both for domestic use and on which shipment, but analysts15 say the dispute is a factor in oil prices rising.
Two train drivers and six other transport ministry16 employees have been jailed in Egypt for the manslaughter of 18 people killed in a train crash October. The busy passenger service ran into the back of stationary17 train south of Cairo. Sentences handed down range from 3 to 7 years.
President Jacob Zuma of South Africa has married his third current wife in a traditional Zulu ceremony attended by leading politicians as well as local people in traditional dress. He had already married 36-year-old Thobeka Mabhija in a civil ceremony. In all, Mr. Zuma has had five wives but one died and he divorced from another. Karen Allen reports.
Jacob Zuma formalized his marriage to Thobeka Mabhija who's already been seen with him during a number of public engagements. Wearing traditional Zulu dress, the couple danced and celebrated18 their union in front of guests strewn from the world business and politics. President Zuma embracing of polygamy has endeared him to a large numbers of South Africans. But some voices from the church and women's groups expressed concern about what signal they’ve sent out, given South Africa's high HIV rates.
In Malaysia, dozens of unmarried Muslim couples may face charges of sexual misconduct after being arrested by Islamic morality police. Officers in the western state of Selangor raided hotels in the early hours of new year's day detaining unmarried Muslims who were sharing rooms. The latest Sharia code forbids unmarried men and women from being alone in private.
由于与基地组织相关的好战分子可能发动袭击,一些驻也门外国大使馆仍然关闭或禁止公众访问。最初,大使馆宣布关闭一天左右,但是后来,美国国务卿希拉里宣布美国大使馆将继续关闭,直到安全形势允许才会重新开放。也门,Johnathan Head报道。
尼日利亚表示,美国对从尼日利亚乘坐航班前往美国的乘客进行特殊检查是不公平的。此举是由于圣诞节当天,一名尼日利亚男子试图在抵达底特律的航班上实施自杀式爆炸。Mark Doyle在尼日利亚报道。
尼日利亚信息部长Dora Akunyili告诉BBC,因为一个人的行为而污蔑所有尼日利亚人是不公平的。她强调说,阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉并不是由尼日利亚境内的基地组织招募或训练的。总体来说,尼日利亚人民感到非常愤怒,自己的国家居然被描述为像索马里一样失败的国家。
据报道,一名70多岁的人权活动积极分子在拘留期间遭受虐待。沙特阿拉伯一人权组织要求官方做出解释。在致国王阿布杜拉的公开信中,该组织称他们获得消息,前法官Suliman Al-Rashid最近遭受了严重的肉体和精神虐待。
世界最高建筑迪拜塔(Burj Dubai)落成揭幕。迪拜塔高828米,是纽约帝王大厦高度的两倍。该塔开始建设时,迪拜处于经济繁荣时期,但是却在金融危机后揭幕。
有消息称,美国和中国制造业输出量有所改善,世界各地股价和商品价格上涨。Andrew Walker报道。
有消息称,上月,中国的制造业出现大幅增长,增长幅度达2004年4月份以来的最高水平。随后,大部分股票市场受到激励。同时,12月份,美国制造业连续第五个月出现增长,致使欧洲和美国股市上扬。商品价格也从该消息中获益。但是也有一些迹象表明最近全球经济衰退的严重程度。新加坡的经济在经历了6个月 的重新增长之后,去年最后一个季度再次出现严重下滑。
南非总统雅各布·祖马按照祖鲁传统迎娶其第三位第一夫人,许多政治家和当地居民身着传统服饰参加婚礼。此前,祖马已经按照国礼迎娶了36岁的托贝卡·马比加。目前为止,祖马共娶了的5任妻子,但是一人去世,另外一人离异。Karen Allen报道。

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激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 ) | |
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adv.最初,开始 | |
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adj. 加强的 | |
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adj.有风险的,冒险的 | |
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n.详细检查,仔细观察 | |
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a.被指控的,嫌疑的 | |
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v.污蔑,玷污 | |
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a.震惊的,义愤填膺的 | |
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v.画像( portray的过去式和过去分词 );描述;描绘;描画 | |
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n.活动分子,积极分子 | |
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n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下 | |
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adj.连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的 | |
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n.提醒物,纪念品;暗示,提示 | |
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协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过 | |
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分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 ) | |
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n.(政府的)部;牧师 | |
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adj.固定的,静止不动的 | |
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adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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