The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has told African leaders that he's outraged1 by the use of rape2 as a weapon of war. He said he was appointing a special representative to intensify3 efforts to stop sexual violence against women and children in conflict areas. His nominee4, the Swedish politician Margot Wallstrom, said rape was a problem affecting the whole world.
"Some people say that this is the least punished crime in the world, and I also want to underline that it is not only a problem in Africa. And I would of course have to look at what areas to prioritize, but I think it's important to say that this is not a problem only in Africa."
Aid workers in Haiti say some of the children identified as orphans5, who were being taken out of the country by a group of Americans, appear to have surviving relatives. The Americans from an Idaho-based church are under arrest in Port-au-Prince. From Haiti, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes.
The Americans now in detention6 in Port-au-Prince have insisted from the outset that all 33 of the children they were trying to take out of the country are orphans in desperate need of love and protection. But a spokesman for the international charity group that is now looking after the children says at least one of them appears to have parents. George Willeit, the spokesman for SOS in Port-au-Prince told journalists the little girl had cried and told them that she did have parents and that she thought she was being taken to a boarding school or summer camp. Mr Willeit said many of the children were also in poor health - they were hungry and dehydrated.
The World Food Programme has begun distributing food from 16 fixed7 sites across the Haitian capital to try to reach more than two million victims of the earthquake over the next two weeks. Each family will be given a 25-kilo ration8 of rice.
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Israel should consider what it would be like to lose Turkey as a friend following recent diplomatic tensions. He said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had shown a lack of diplomatic experience by saying he no longer trusted Turkey as a mediator9 with Syria.
Gunmen in the Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez have attacked a group of students, killing10 at least two adults and 11 teenagers. Reports say the killings11 happened during a birthday party for the youngsters. Police say they don't know why the students were shot. Here is Nicholas Rusher.
Rivalries12 between drug gangs fighting for control of routes that would give them access to the lucrative13 drugs market in the United States have made Ciudad Juarez one of the most dangerous cities in the world. At least 15 other people had been killed in the border city over the weekend, but even by its gruesome standards, the indiscriminate shooting of teenagers has baffled the Mexican authorities.
That was Nicholas Rusher reporting.
A spokesman for President Obama has said the alleged14 mastermind of the 9/11 attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to be executed if he's found guilty. The White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Mr Mohammed would, as he put it, "meet his maker15" for his alleged role in the killing of 3,000 people. Mr Gibbs refused to confirm reports that the Obama administration was looking to move the trial away from New York after criticism that it would be too disruptive and expensive.
A lawyer for one of the two Swiss businessmen barred from leaving Libya since 2008 says a 16-month sentence for outstaying his visa has been overturned. The man Rachid Hamdani was convicted along with his compatriot Max Goeldi last year.
Egypt have won the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament, beating Ghana one nil16 in the final in Angola. Alex Capstick has been following the cup from Angola.
Mohamed Gedo's winning goal with less than five minutes remaining provided the 2010 Cup of Nations with a dramatic end. But this competition will probably be remembered for what happened before it had started. The deadly attack on the Togo team bus dominated headlines across the world. The team went home, and then on the eve of the final CAF, the governing body of African football, took the controversial decision to ban Togo from the next two tournaments because of political interference. In between, there has been some exciting football. A few surprise results played out in front of enthusiastic crowds inside the impressive stadiums.
The Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi has been banned for two matches for biting the ball. He pleaded guilty to trying to change the condition of the ball illegally after television cameras caught him chewing on it during a one-day match against Australia. Afridi, who was Pakistan's captain in the match, apologized, saying he'd acted in the heat of the moment.
联合国秘书长潘基文告诉非洲领袖,他对于使用强奸作为战争武器感到非常愤怒。他表示,他将委任一名特别代表,加强阻止冲突地区对妇女和儿童实施性暴力的努力。他的提名人,瑞典政治家Margot Wallstrom表示,强奸是影响整个世界的一个问题。
海地救援工作者表示,地震中被鉴定为孤儿,并被一些美国人带出海地的孩子似乎还有幸存的亲人。这些美国人来自爱达荷州一家教堂,目前他们已在太子港被捕。海地,Rupert Wingfield-Hayes报道。
被关押在太子港的这些美国人从开始一直坚称,他们试图带出海地的33个孩子都是孤儿,亟需爱和保护。但是正在照看这些孩子的国际慈善组织一名发言人表示,其中至少有一个孩子似乎还有父母。太子港SOS发言人George Willeit告诉记者,那个小女孩哭着告诉他们,她确实有父母,她认为自己被带到寄宿学校或夏令营。Willeit表示,许多孩子的健康状况非常糟糕,他们非常饥饿,并出现脱水现象。
土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan) 表示,最近几次外交紧张事件之后,以色列应该考虑一下,如果失去土耳其这个朋友,会是什么样的后果。他说,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡居然表示不再信任土耳其作为与叙利亚之间的调停者,这显示缺乏外交经验。
墨西哥城市华雷斯的持枪者袭击了一群学生,造成至少两名成年人和11名青少年死亡。报道称枪杀事件发生在这些年轻人的生日派对期间。警方表示,他们不知道这些学生被枪击的原因。以下是Nicholas Rusher的报道。
不同的毒品团伙之间争夺控制贩毒路线,在美国获得诱人的毒品市场,这使得华雷斯成为世界上最危险的城市之一。周末期间,这个边境城市至少还有其他15人被杀害。但是即使按照其野蛮凶残的标准,这次对青少年不加区别的扫射仍然震惊了墨西哥当局。以上就是Nicholas Rusher的报道。
奥巴马总统一名发言人表示,一旦罪名成立,9.11袭击的策划人Khalid Sheikh Mohammed可能被处决。白宫新闻秘书罗伯特·吉布斯表示,因他在谋杀3,000人的恐怖袭击中扮演的角色,Mohammed“将去会见造物主”。此前有报道称,奥巴马政府寻求将审判搬出纽约,因为有批评称该过程容易制造混乱,而且非常昂贵。吉布斯拒绝对这些报道进行确认。
自2008年开始,两名瑞士商人被禁止离开利比亚,其中一人的律师表示,因逗留时间超过签证日期而被判处的16个月刑期现在被推翻。Rachid Hamdani和他的同胞Max Goeldi在2008年被判刑。
在安哥拉举行的非洲杯决赛中,埃及以1:0击败加纳,赢得非洲杯冠军。Alex Capstick一直在安哥拉追踪报道非洲杯比赛。
距离比赛结束不到5分钟时,Mohamed Gedo攻入一球,使2010年非洲杯获得了引人注目的结果。但是这次比赛可能因之前发生的事情而留在人们心中。多哥队遭遇的致命袭击占据了世界各地报纸头条。多哥队退出比赛回国。在决赛的前一天,非洲足联作出了有争议的决定:由于政治干预,禁止多哥队参加未来两届非洲杯比赛。在此期间,确实有激动人心的足球比赛。在令人印象深刻的体育馆内,热情的观众面前上演了一些出人意料的结果。
巴基斯坦板球运动员Shahid Afridi因咬球被禁止参加两场比赛。电视摄像头拍摄到他在与澳大利亚队进行为期一天的比赛时在球上咀嚼,他承认自己试图非法改变球的条件。这场比赛的巴基斯坦队长Afridi道歉,并表示自己在盛怒之下已经采取了行动。

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a.震惊的,义愤填膺的 | |
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n.抢夺,掠夺,强奸;vt.掠夺,抢夺,强奸 | |
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vt.加强;变强;加剧 | |
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n.被提名者;被任命者;被推荐者 | |
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孤儿( orphan的名词复数 ) | |
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n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.定量(pl.)给养,口粮;vt.定量供应 | |
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n.调解人,中介人 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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谋杀( killing的名词复数 ); 突然发大财,暴发 | |
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n.敌对,竞争,对抗( rivalry的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.赚钱的,可获利的 | |
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a.被指控的,嫌疑的 | |
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n.制造者,制造商 | |
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n.无,全无,零 | |
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