Exit polls in Ukraine suggest that the presidential election has been won by the pro-Moscow candidate Viktor Yanukovych. The unofficial polls indicate that Mr Yanukovych defeated his rival, the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, by three to six percentage points. Mrs Tymoshenko's campaign manager says the result is too early to call and has also alleged1 that extensive fraud has taken place. Richard Galpin reports from Kiev.
The results of the exit polls were released immediately after voting ended on Sunday night. Mr Yanukovych had been the front runner in the race all along. If his victory is confirmed by the Central Election Commission on Monday, it would be an extraordinary indictment2 of the failure of the leaders of the Orange Revolution to deliver on their promises over the past five years, which has left so many people here deeply disillusioned3.
A large rescue operation is underway at an energy plant in the American state of Connecticut after a powerful blast which may have injured dozens of people. The authorities in Middletown say two people are confirmed dead and four others are seriously injured. An official said at least 50 construction workers were inside the power plant when the explosion happened. Here is our Washington correspondent Imtiaz Tyab.
A huge search and rescue effort is underway at the Kleen Energy plant in Middletown, Connecticut. Emergency personnel are focusing mainly on one building which bore the brunt of the blast, which was reportedly caused by a gas pipeline4 explosion. The structure that suffered the most damage was apparently5 under construction, and there are concerns that there may be people buried under the steel and concrete. The massive explosion was felt nearly 50 kilometers away.
French police have closed down a makeshift shelter for illegal immigrants in northern France just 24 hours after it was opened. The disused warehouse6 in the Port of Calais was being used by about 100 migrants mostly from Afghanistan. Here is our Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield.
The migrants mainly from Afghanistan and Iraq had the backing of a local campaigning group called No Border. On Saturday they took over a warehouse, not far from Calais Port, with the apparent aim of turning it into a permanent shelter. Police and riot police surrounded the building, allowing all migrants to leave in search of food, but not to return. Eventually there were only a handful of migrants and activists7 remaining in the warehouse when police moved in to clear them out mid-afternoon Sunday.
Iran says it will begin enriching uranium to a higher grade from Tuesday, prompting objections from several Western governments, who say it could eventually lead to the production of a nuclear bomb. Britain said the enrichment would be a deliberate breach8 of UN resolutions, while Germany and the United States said it could lead to new sanctions on the Iranian government. The statements followed an order to officials from the Iranian president to increase uranium enrichment from 5 to 20%.
The Afghan President Hamid Karzai has told a conference of the world's top defense9 officials in Germany that he is considering introducing conscription to help strengthen Afghan forces so they can take control of security. His comments come as American-led forces prepare to launch a major offensive in southern Afghanistan. NATO commanders say the operation will be the biggest against Taliban insurgents10 since the war began.
Iraqi police say a female candidate in next month's parliamentary elections has been shot dead in the northern city of Mosul by an unknown gunman. The woman, Suha Abdel Jarallah, was running on the list of a secular11 non-sectarian coalition12 headed by the former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.
The former American vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, has said it would be absurd for her not to consider running for president in 2012. In an appearance on the Fox News television channel, she said her focus had widened since she was governor of Alaska. Ms. Palin attracted widespread support among conservative voters during the 2008 campaign.
The biggest annual event in American sport, the Super Bowl, takes place in Miami shortly. The Indianapolis Colts are favourites to win. But many Americans are expected to support the New Orleans Saints, whose city is still recovering from the devastation13 of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Here is Alex Capstick.
When Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent floods racked the city in 2005, the New Orleans Saints’ stadium, the Superdome, became a refugee camp for thousands of homeless people. It was a key image of the city's ruin. Its renaissance14 as a sports venue15 and the improved fortunes for the football team which plays there have been recognized as a symbol of the city's recovery. Before Katrina, the New Orleans Saints had an enviable record. But since the devastation five years ago, the Saints have been revitalized into a contender for America's biggest sporting prize.
乌克兰选后测验表明,亲莫斯科派候选人维克托·亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)赢得总统选举。该非官方的测验显示,亚努科维奇以3至6个百分点的优势击败对手,总理尤利娅·季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)。季莫申科的竞选管理人员表示,现在预测结果还为时过早。他还指控选举存在广泛的舞弊行为。Richard Galpin在基辅报道。
美国康乃狄格发生强力爆炸,可能已经造成数十人受伤,大型搜救行动正在进行。米德尔顿官方表示,现已确认2人死亡,4人重伤。一名官员表示,爆炸发生时,至少50名建筑工人在发电厂内。以下是我们的华盛顿记者Imtiaz Tyab的报道。
法国警方关闭了法国北部一座非法移民临时安置营,距离开放才刚刚24小时。加来港这座废弃的仓库为大约100名移民使用,其中大部分移民来自阿富汗。以下是我们的巴黎记者Hugh Schofield的报道。
这些主要来自阿富汗和伊拉克的移民获得了一个叫做No Border的当地组织的支持。周六,他们接收了距离加来港不远处的一个仓库,很明显,他们希望将这里变成永久住所。警方和防暴警察包围了该建筑,勒令所有移民外出寻找食物,但是不要再返回。最终,周日中午警方前往清场时,只有少数移民和活动积极分子仍然留在仓库。
美国前副总统候选人萨拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)表示,不考虑参加2012年的总统选举是非常荒唐的。在福克斯新闻电视频道发表讲话时,他表示,自担任阿拉斯加州长以来,她的视野得到了拓展。在2008年的竞选活动中,她获得了保守派投票者的广泛支持。
美国体育界最大的年度盛事超级杯稍后即将在迈阿密开幕。印第安纳波利斯小马(Indianapolis Colts)最有望夺冠。但是预期许多美国人将支持新奥尔良圣徒队(New Orleans Saints),新奥尔良还在从2005年卡特里娜飓风的灾难中恢复。以下是Alex Capstick的报道。

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a.被指控的,嫌疑的 | |
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n.起诉;诉状 | |
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a.不再抱幻想的,大失所望的,幻想破灭的 | |
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n.管道,管线 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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n.仓库;vt.存入仓库 | |
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n.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家( activist的名词复数 ) | |
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n.违反,不履行;破裂;vt.冲破,攻破 | |
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n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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n.起义,暴动,造反( insurgent的名词复数 ) | |
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n.牧师,凡人;adj.世俗的,现世的,不朽的 | |
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n.结合体,同盟,结合,联合 | |
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n.毁坏;荒废;极度震惊或悲伤 | |
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n.复活,复兴,文艺复兴 | |
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n.犯罪地点,审判地,管辖地,发生地点,集合地点 | |
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