The President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev who is in hiding in the south of the country says he fears he will be killed if he returns to the capital Bishkek. Mr.Bakiyev fled the city after an uprising earlier this week and was speaking to a BBC correspondent at a secret location in the city of Jalalabad.
If I were to turn up in Bishkek today, I would not be safe. I would be killed or they would throw me into the crowd, saying this is the man who ordered the police to open fire. He is responsible for the bloodshed.
Iran says it's developed a new type of centrifuge which it says will be six times more efficient at enriching uranium than those currently in use. Unveiling one of the new machines at a ceremony celebrating what Iran calls a nuclear day, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said no one could stop his country from producing peaceful nuclear energy. The BBC's Tehran correspondent says the new technology will worry the west as it could speed up Iran's ability to make a nuclear bomb.
The Islamist group in Somalia al-Shabab has closed down BBC radio relay stations in five cities in southern Somalia, including the capital Mogadishu. In addition, they have ordered the BBC partner station in Mogadishu ... not to broadcast BBC programmes. Here is our east Africa correspondent Peter Greste.
In a statement, al-Shabab said the BBC had been broadcasting the agenda of crusaders and colonialists against Muslims and ordered all the organization' transmitters to be shut down. The BBC has been broadcasting its services in Somali, Arabic and English across the country on a series of FM frequencies for at least a decade, and surveys suggest it is one of the most widely listened to news services in Somalia. In response, the head of the BBC Africa service Jerry Timmins said the organization speaks to all sides in the conflict, including al-Shabab and rejected any suggestion otherwise.
President Obama has ordered a report into an explosion at a coal mine in West Virginia which killed at least 25 miners. Mr. Obama says he is praying for a miracle as rescuers continue to search for four miners still missing. Rising levels of methane1 gas have hindered rescue operation. Madeleine Morris reports.
Monday's accident has brought to light a history of safety violation2 at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia. Records show that in the last 18 months, it was evacuated3 64 times because of safety violations4. It also received more safety warnings from the national average, but it was allowed to continue to operate. Massey, the company which owns and operates the mine has defended its safety record.
The oldest and longest serving member of the United States Supreme5 Court has announced his retire. John Paul Stevens who is nearly 90 is considered the leader of the liberal judges on the court. President Obama is expected to nominate a liberal leading judge to replace him.
World News from the BBC.
Pope Benedict is facing new allegations about his handling of cases of child abuse by pedophile priests. The Associated Press News Agency says it obtains a letter signed by the future pope in 1985 when he was a senior Vatican official in which he resisted the dismissal of an American priest who'd sexually abused children. The letter speaks of concerns including what it calls the "good of the universal Church", that it says should be considered when deciding the matter. The Vatican hasn't commented on the contents of the letter, but the Vatican spokesman said it wasn't strange that there were documents with the future pope's signature on them.
Russia is considering suspending the adoption6 of Russian children by people in the United States until the two countries conclude an International agreement on the conditions governing such adoptions7. The proposed move follows the case of a seven-year-old Russian boy who were sent back unaccompanied from the United States after his adopted family rejected him. Steve Kingstone reports.
The US State Department says it's very troubled by the case of the seven-year-old Artyom Savelyev who arrived unaccompanied in Moscow on a flight from Washington. The Russian authorities say the boy was carrying a letter from his adoptive mother back in Tennessee, Torry Hansen. She reportedly wrote that the child had become violent and mentally unstable8 and that she no longer wished to parent him. It is understood she took custody9 of Artyom last September. The US authorities are investigating whether she committed crime by sending her son back to his homeland.
Officials in Indian-Administered Kashmir say they will for the first time allow foreigners to climb more than 100 high altitude peaks later this year. That Peaks that will be opened for tracking and mountaineering are situated10 at an altitude ranging from 3000 meters to nearly 8000 meters. Mostly in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Ladak region. The officials say that the move is an attempt to boost the province's tourism industry.
藏匿在吉尔吉斯斯坦南部的总统库尔曼别克·巴基耶夫(Kurmanbek Bakiyev)说,他担心一旦回到首部比什凯克他将被杀害。本周初发生起义之后,巴基耶夫逃离首都,并在吉南部贾拉拉巴德一个秘密地点接受BBC记者采访。
索马里伊斯兰激进组织青年党关闭了索马里南部五座BBC电台转播站,其中包括在首都摩加迪沙的设施。此外,他们还下令BBC在摩加迪沙的合作电台不要广播BBC的节目。下面是我们的东非记者Peter Greste的报道。
在一份声明中,青年党声称,BBC一直广播十字军战士的日程和反对穆斯林的殖民主义,下令关闭BBC所有的传播设施。BBC已在该国以索马里语,阿拉伯语和英语,通过一系列调频波段提供新闻服务至少十年时间。调查表明,BBC是索马里收听范围最广的新闻服务之一。BBC非洲服务部门负责人Jerry Timmins表示,BBC广播代表冲突各方的利益,包括青年党在内,拒绝他们进行其他暗示。
美国西佛吉尼亚一座煤矿发生爆炸,造成至少25人死亡,奥巴马总统下令对这次事件进行调查。搜救人员正在继续搜索仍然失踪的四人,奥巴马说他祈祷奇迹的出现。甲烷水平的不断升高使搜救行动遇阻。Madeleine Morris报道。
周一的事故重新引起人们对西佛吉尼亚上大支流(Upper Big Branch Mine)煤矿安全事故历史的关注。记录显示,在过去的18个月,由于存在安全隐患,周边人员曾被疏散64次,收到的安全警报远远高于全国水平,但是仍然获准继续经营。该煤矿的母公司梅西公司为其安全记录进行了辩护。
美国最高法院最年长,服务时间最长的法官宣布退休。史蒂文斯(John Paul Stevens)已经接近90岁,被认为是最高法院自由法官的领袖。预期奥巴马总统将任命一位新的法官领袖来接替他的职位。
俄罗斯正在考虑暂时停止美国人收养俄罗斯儿童的程序,直到两国就收养管理条件达成国际协议。此前,一名7岁的俄罗斯儿童被收养他的家庭遗弃,在无人陪伴的情况下被送回俄罗斯。Steve Kingstone报道。
美国国务院表示,7岁的小男孩Artyom Savelyev在无人陪伴的情况下搭乘从华盛顿飞往俄罗斯的航班抵达莫斯科,这是非常棘手的案件。俄罗斯当局表示,这个小男孩带着他田纳西州的养母Torry Hansen的一封信。据报道,她在信中写道,这个小男孩开始变得暴力,精神不稳定,她不想继续收养他。据称她在去年9月份开始执行对Artyom的监护权。美国当局正在调查她将自己的养子送回俄罗斯是否构成犯罪。

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n.甲烷,沼气 | |
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n.违反(行为),违背(行为),侵犯 | |
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撤退者的 | |
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违反( violation的名词复数 ); 冒犯; 违反(行为、事例); 强奸 | |
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adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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n.采用,采纳,通过;收养 | |
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n.采用,收养( adoption的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.不稳定的,易变的 | |
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n.监护,照看,羁押,拘留 | |
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adj.坐落在...的,处于某种境地的 | |
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