If you know even a little about Turkish music, you’ll know his name, Zeki Muren, Turkey’s most prominentsinger. Known as Turkey’s Liberace, Zeki Muren was adored by millions for three decades. He was Turkey’sfirst gay icon1, the first man ever to wear a miniskirt on stage. Now an exhibition about his life is pulling in record crowds.
In an exhibition hall in central Istanbul, his voice grabs you instantly. This show is all about the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man, Turkey’s most famous classical music singer, Zeki Muren.
We went through thousands, maybe tens of thousands of photographs, his letters, and notes that he took, his telephone books, agendas, diaries, the letters he wrote, the letters he received, plus his compositions,drawings, paintings, poems he wrote and written. Over 50,000 people have come to the exhibition in less than two months.
This shows how much Zeki Muren is loved, doesn’t it?
It definitely does. Yes. He is loved very much and I think he is also missed very much. People come over and over again to see the exhibition.
The walls of the exhibition hall are full of hundreds of pictures of Zeki Muren, some of them depicting2 him on stage; some of them are taken from his films; and some of them are from his day-to-day life. And there is a special section featuring his costumes. He was designing his costumes himself. And these were very extravagant3, very flamboyant4, shining costumes, and some very high-heeled shoes, too.
He started wearing these shining costumes long before David Bowie. Zeki Muren is Turkey’s first gay icon.
Zeki Muren was much loved by most of Turkish society, not only by the gay community. However, he got threats, too, by the conservatives who didn’t approve of his sexual identity or his colorful costumes. Once, amob armed with sticks waited for him to appear at the stage door, but he invited them in and said, “Just have a listen to my songs. If you still want to beat me up, you can”. They accepted the invitation, listened to his songs and slowly put the sticks away.
In a café I met a theatre director and Jane an LGBT activist5, both big fans.
There’s a man on the screen. And he is wearing skirt. He is wearing high heels.
如果你对土耳其音乐有那么一点了解,那么你会知道这个名字——Zeki Muren。他是土耳其最杰出的歌手,被称为土耳其的列勃拉斯,30年来深受数百万歌迷的喜爱。他也是土耳其的第一位同志偶像,第一个在舞台上穿短裙的男人。日前,介绍他的一生的展览吸引了众多观众前来参观,观展人数打破了历史记录。
在伊斯坦布尔中部的一个展厅里,他的声音能够瞬间吸引你。这次展览展示了一个传奇人物的传奇人生。他就是土耳其最著名的古典音乐歌手——Zeki Muren。
这显示了Zeki Muren受人爱戴的程度,不是吗?
展厅的墙壁上挂满了Zeki Muren的照片,这数百张照片中,有些是他的舞台照,有些是电影剧照,有些则是生活照。另外,还有一个服装专区,都是他自己设计的服装,非常奢华、非常耀眼,也有一些跟很高的鞋子。
他早在大卫·鲍伊之前就开始穿这些华服了。Zeki Muren是土耳其第一位同志偶像。
Zeki Muren不只是深受同志群体的喜爱,土耳其大部分群众都喜欢他。但是,他也曾受过保守主义者的威胁,他们不同意他的性取向,并讨厌他那五颜六色的服装。有一次,一群暴徒拿着棍子在后台入口等他,但他把他们请进去,说:“听一下我的歌,如果你们还想打我,再动手也不迟。”他们接受了邀请,听了他的歌曲,纷纷扔掉了棍子。
在一间咖啡厅里,我遇到了一位剧场导演和简——一个LGBT(同性恋、双性恋及变性者)活动家,他们都是Zeki Muren的歌迷。

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n.偶像,崇拜的对象,画像 | |
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描绘,描画( depict的现在分词 ); 描述 | |
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adj.奢侈的;过分的;(言行等)放肆的 | |
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adj.火焰般的,华丽的,炫耀的 | |
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n.活动分子,积极分子 | |
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