英国新闻听力 印度飞行员集体告病罢工
The Election Commission in Afghanistan says President Karzai now has 54% of the votes in the presidential poll. His nearest rival Abdullah Abdullah has 28%. But the results have been dogged by allegations of cheating. As the United Nations publicly e
英国新闻听力 英国3名男子曾密谋连环炸机
A court here in London has found three British Muslim men guilty of conspiracy to murder by plotting to blow up planes bound for North America in 2006. Four more defendants were cleared of involvement in the plot. Another was found guilty of general
英国新闻听力 菲律宾船只倾覆,搜救工作正在进行
Latest results in Afghanistans presidential election showed the incumbent Hamid Karzai has established a clear lead. For around 2/3 of the votes now counted, President Karzai has just under 49% his nearest rival the former Foreign Minister Abdullah A
英国新闻听力 G20同意继续使用政府支出刺激经济增长
The British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling has said G20 finance ministers have agreed to continue to use government spending to boost their economies. Mr. Darling said the ministers from the worlds 20 leading economies meeting in London
英国新闻听力 北约空袭造成阿富汗平民伤亡
The White House said its gravely concerned about reports that civilians were among 90 people killed in an attack by NATO-led aircraft in Afghanistan. Local officials said up to 30 civilians had been killed. The Afghan President Hamid Karzai said targ
英国新闻听力 墨西哥逮捕安全部长
The United States has announced new measures against Honduras during talks in Washington between the ousted president Manuel Zelaya and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It is terminating a broad range of assistance in response to the coup last
英国新闻听力 美国辉瑞医药同意支付23亿美元赔款
The pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer has agreed to pay a record 2.3 billion dollars to settle charges related to improper marketing of drugs in the United States. The company was accused of repeatedly trying to sell drugs for uses not approved by regulat
英国新闻听力 波兰纪念二战70周年
Leaders from Poland, Russia and Germany have commemorated the anniversary of the start of the Second World War with a series of ceremonies in the Polish city of Gdansk. The first shots were fired there 70 years ago. Johnny Diamond was in Gdansk and w
英国新闻听力 南非参加暴力示威士兵收到解雇信
The anti-corruption commission in Nigeria has filed criminal charges against four former executives of banks that are to be rescued to prevent the countrys financial system collapsing. From Lagos, here is Caroline Duffield. A sight Nigerians never th
英国新闻听力 以色列前总理奥尔默特被控腐败
The man almost certain to be Japans next Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama says his partys apparent landslide-victory in the general election was due to public anger with politics during a crippling economic recession. The exit polls suggested the Democr
英国新闻听力 喀麦隆首都火车脱轨
President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan has increased his lead over his main rival in the presidential election. After results from a third of polling stations, President Karzai has 46% of the vote, comfortably ahead of his main opponent Abdullah Abdul
英国新闻听力 英国机密文件再现公共场合
Days after a rout in Britain over top secret intelligence files left on a train, it has emerged more confidential papers were lost on the same day. Earlier this week, a classified file was handed to the BBC containing intelligence assessments about A
英国新闻听力 周末赴台包机将实现
Negotiators from China and Taiwan are today resuming formal talks that were suspended almost ten years ago. The meeting in Beijing comes less than a month after Taiwan's new president Ma Ying-Jeou was inaugurated. The talks are expected to result in
英国新闻听力 巴勒斯坦难民的梦想
The Dream of Palestinian Refugees-巴勒斯坦难民的梦想 兵营的难民营在那些自称法塔赫伊斯兰的人的控制下已有两个月了,那里离的黎波里以北仅有几公里而已。这场战争导致了黎巴嫩局势的日益紧张
英国新闻听力 巴基斯坦政治动荡
Anarchy Looms in Pakistan-巴基斯坦政治动荡 巴基斯坦前总理纳瓦兹谢里夫在流亡海外七年后终于得以在上周一重返家园,但不幸又在同一天又被驱逐至沙特阿拉伯。另一位前总理贝娜齐尔布托接到
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