LESSON 13 The sale of the pet lamb 第十三课 卖宠物绵羊
A thousand flocks were on the hills, 山上成群结队的牲畜,
A thousand flocks and more, 一群接着一群
Feeding in sunshine pleasantly: 在明媚的阳光下吃草,
They were the rich man's store. 牲畜十分的昂贵
There was the while one little lamb 有一只小绵羊,
Beside a cottage door; 栖息在家门口
A little lamb that rested,with the children 'neath the tree; 小绵羊和孩子在树下休息
And nestled to their knee; 依偎在膝盖上
That had a place within their hearts— 他们有一个共同意识--
One of the family. 我们是一家人
But want, even as an armed man, 但是谁曾想,
Came down upon their shed: 债主来到家门口
The father laboured all day long 父亲没日没夜的工作--
That his children might be fed; 为了养家糊口
And, one by one, their household things 日子一天天过去,
Were sold to buy them bread. 卖掉家里的东西去买食物
That father, with a downcast eye, 父亲他很难过,
Upon his threshold stood; 愣愣站在家门口,
Gaunt poverty each pleasant thought 贫穷打击他的心。
"What is the creature's life to us?" 舒适的生活带来了什么?
Said he;"twill buy us food." 他说,布料可以换食物。
"Ay, though the children weep all day, 唉,虽然孩子整天哭,
And with down-drooping head 自己头疼又欲裂,
Each does his small task mournfully, 每件小事都很烦,
The hungry must be fed; 毕竟还是得充饥,
And that which has a price to bring 仍有一件值钱物,
Must go to buy us bread." 可以换来买食物。“
But the tender soul of a little child 虽然孩子极伤痛,
With love that hath no feignings false, 从未做错任何事,
Unto each gentle thing. 每件父母都满意
Therefore most sorrowful it was 难过事情要降临
Those children small to see; 孩子早就预想过,
Most sorrowful to hear them plead 努力恳求其父母,
For the lamb so piteously: 乞求留下可怜小绵羊:
"O mother dear, it loveth us! 妈妈,它很爱我们的。
And what besides have we?" 我们没有其他东西了吗?
"Let's take him to the broad green hill."in his impotent despair, 男孩伤心地说:带它去高山上。“
Said one strong boy—"let's take him off,the hills are wide and fair; 一个男孩回答道:我们带它走,高山宽而广,
I know a little hiding-place,and we shall keep him there." 有个好地方,可当藏身地。“
Oh, vain!—They took the little lamb, 哎,徒劳无功--领着小绵羊,
And straightway tied him down; 一直往前走,
With a strong cord they tied him fast, 绳索一直牵,
And o'er the common brown, 天也渐渐亮,
And o'er the hot and flinty roads, 又热又难走,
They took him to the town. 只好回家中
The little children through that day, 小孩一整天,
And throughout all the morrow, 连着第二天,
From everything about the house 想到家里发生的所有的事
A mournful thought did borrow; 一直在哭喊
The very bread they had to eat 吃食的食物--
Was food unto their sorrow. 伤痛的源泉

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adj.温顺的,逆来顺受的 | |
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adj. 屈服的,柔和的,减弱的 动词subdue的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.剧痛,悲痛,苦闷 | |
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n.扭绞;v.拧,绞出,扭 | |
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adj.热的,热烈的,热情的 | |
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