LESSON 39 Stories of dogs 第三十九课 狗的故事
Some years ago, a fine dog, called Neptune1, was kept at an inn in Wimborne, in the county of Dorset. 多年前,在多赛特郡的温伯恩,一家旅店内养了一条叫做海神的狗。
His fame spread far and wide. 这条狗声名远播。
Every morning, as the clock of the minster struck eight, he might be seen, with a basket in his mouth, going to the baker2's for bread. 每天早上八点,它会叼着一个篮子去面包师那里买面包。
The basket contained money to buy the bread; and Neptune, day after day, carried it safely across the street to the baker's shop. 篮子里有用来买面包的钱;海神日复一日地叼着篮子穿过大街小巷去买面包,一直平安无事。
The baker took the money, and placed the right number of rolls in the basket. 面包师拿了钱,在篮子里放进合适的面包数量。
With these, Neptune hastened back to the kitchen of the inn, and there laid down his trust. 海神就带着面包跑回旅店,尽到了责任。
It is said that he never tried to take the basket, or even to approach it, on Sunday mornings, when no rolls could be got. 据说,周日早上它从不会叼着篮子出门,甚至不会靠近篮子,因为那时候没有面包可买。
On one occasion, when returning with the rolls, another dog made an attack upon the basket, for the purpose of stealing its contents. 有一次,它带着面包往回跑时,收到了另一条狗的攻击,因为那条狗想吃篮子里的面包。
On this, the trusty fellow, placing it on the ground, began to fight with his assailant. 因为这样,海神放下篮子,开始反击。
Two gentlemen, brothers, were one day out shooting wild-fowl. They had with them a noble Newfoundland dog. 有一天,有贵族两兄弟带着一条高贵的纽芬兰狗出去打猎。
Having thrown down their hats on the grass, they crept through some reeds to the river's bank. 他们把帽子扔在草丛中,爬过芦苇荡到达河岸。
After firing at the birds, they proceeded some way down by the side of the stream. 打了几只鸟后,他们沿着小溪继续前行。
At length they began to wish for their hats. 最后他们想起了帽子。
Calling the dog, they sent him back for them; and away he went to fulfill4 the errand. 于是叫来了那条狗让它回去取帽子,他们的狗便听命回头了。
When he reached the place, he made several attempts to bring both hats together in his mouth at once. 纽芬兰犬到了放帽子的地方后,反复尝试,想一次把两顶帽子一次性叼回去,但都没有成功。
Finding great difficulty in this, he at last noticed that one of the hats was smaller than the other. 最后,它发现这两顶帽子一大一小。
Placing the smaller hat within the larger one, and pressing it down with his foot, he was then able to carry both at the same time! 于是把小的帽子放到大帽子里,用爪子踩好,然后终于能一次性带着两顶帽子回去了!
There are two ways of doing everything—a right and a wrong. 凡事都有两种解决方法——正确的和错误的方法。

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n.海王星 | |
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n.面包师 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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vt.履行,实现,完成;满足,使满意 | |
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