LESSON 49 The sailor's mother 第四十九课 水手的妈妈
One morning (raw it was and wet, A foggy day in winter time), 一个早上(冬天的一个雾霾天,阴冷寒湿),
A woman on the road I met, 我在路上见到一位女士。
Not old, though something past her prime; 虽然有东西遮盖住面貌,但是能看出年纪不大,
The ancient spirit is not dead; 古老的精神并未消失,
Old times, thought I, are breathing there: 我想古时代的风韵依然存在:
Proud was I that my country bred such strength, a dignity so fair: 我很自豪我的国家孕育出如此的力量,高贵美丽:
She begged an alms, like one in poor estate; 她正在领取救济品,像是深处困境,
When from these lofty thoughts I woke. 我怀着崇高的想法,
"What is it," said I, "that you bear beneath the covert4 of your cloak, protected from this cold damp air?" 问道:是什么让你甘愿忍受在斗篷的掩盖之下,在这种寒冷天气来到这里?
She answered, soon as she the question heard, 她听到后回答说:
"A simple burden, sir—a little singing-bird." 先生,我的负担很小,只有一只唱歌的小鸟。
And, thus continuing, she said , 接着她继续说道:
"I had a son, who many a day sailed on the seas, but he is dead,— 我有个儿子,出海死了,
In Denmark he was cast away; 埋葬在丹麦,
And I have travelled weary miles, 我已经走了一段很疲惫的路程,
to see if aught which he had owned might still remain for me 我想看看他生前拥有的东西有没有为我留下来。
The bird and cage they both were his: 这只鸟和鸟笼都是我儿子的,
'Twas my son's bird; and neat and trim 这是我儿子养的鸟,很干净整洁,
He kept it: many voyages this singing-bird had gone with him: 他带着这只唱歌的鸟儿出过很多次海,
When last he sailed, he left the bird behind; 但是最后一次出海的时候把它留了下来,
From bodings, as might be, that hung upon his mind. 或许当时他就有不祥的预感了吧。
He to a fellow-lodger's care had left it, to be watched and fed, 他把它留给了一位房客朋友照看喂养,
And pipe its song in safety;—there I found it when my son was dead; 我在我儿子死的地方发现了它。它当时正在唱歌,
And now, God help me for my little wit! 现在,上帝以我对儿子的执念而帮助了我,
I bear it with me, sir; he took so much delight in it." 我收养了它,因为我儿子曾在它身上得到很多快乐。

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adj.雄伟的,壮丽的,庄严的,威严的,崇高的 | |
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n.风采;态度 | |
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vi.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退 | |
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adj.隐藏的;暗地里的 | |
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