LESSON 54 Letters of recommendation 第五十四课 引荐信
A gentleman once advertised for a boy to assist him in his office, and nearly fifty applied1 for the place. 曾经有一位先生刊登了一则广告,招聘一名男孩做办公室助理,将近50人申请这一职位。
Out of the whole number he in a short time chose one, and sent all the rest away. 在这些候选人中,他很快挑选一名,然后让其他面试者都回去了。
"I should like to know," said a friend, "on what ground you chose that boy. “我很想知道,”他的一个朋友说,“你是依据什么选了那个男孩。
He had not a single recommendation with him." 他连一封推荐信都没有。”
"You are mistaken," said the gentleman; "he had a great many: “你错了,”先生说道;“他有很多推荐信:
"He wiped his feet when he came in, and closed the door after him; showing that he was orderly and tidy. 他进来时把鞋子擦干净了,进来后关上了门;这些表示他办事有条不紊。
"He gave up his seat instantly to that lame2 old man; showing that he was kind and thoughtful. “他毫不犹豫地把座位让给了那个跛脚老者,显示出他心地善良,体贴人心。”
"He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions promptly3 and respectfully; showing that he was polite. 他进来时摘下了帽子,回答问题思路敏捷,口吻显示出对我的尊重;这些显示出他的礼貌。
"He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and placed it on the table, “他捡起了我故意放在地上的书,并放在桌子上,
while all the rest stepped over it, or shoved it aside; showing that he was careful. 而其他所有人都将这本书踩在脚下,或者踢在一旁;这些显示出他的细心。”
"And he waited quietly for his turn, instead of pushing the others aside; showing that he was modest. “在等候面试时,他也很安静,没有把别人推开;这些显示出他的虚心。”
"When I talked with him, I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, “和他交谈时,我注意到,他的衣服和头发都很整齐,
and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his name, I observed that his finger-nails were clean, 他的牙齿白如牛奶。他写下自己名字时,我注意到他的指甲很干净,并没有污垢,
instead of being tipped with jet, like the handsome little fellow's in the blue jacket. 他穿着一件蓝色夹克,是一位英俊的朋友。”
"Don't you call these things letters of recommendation? I do; “难道所有这些还不足以叫做推荐信吗?我认为足够了;
and what I can tell about a boy by using my eyes for ten minutes, is worth more than all the fine letters he can bring me." 我用十分钟观察选出的这个男孩,比那些带着很好的推荐信的人更有价值。”

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adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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adj.跛的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的 | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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