Why didn't you continue your formal education? 你为什么中途停止接受正规教育? When I was in college,I worked part-time to pay my college expenses and I was fortunate to be employed by a great company. 上大学时,为了赚学费,我
What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager? 作为管理者,你认为最困难的工作是什么? When I have to let people go,who have made contributions and hae been loyal to the company over the years,due to downsizing or
必背英文面试口语78:你曾经开除过别人吗? Did you ever fire anyone?
Did you ever fire anyone?If so,what were the reasons and how did you handle it? 你曾经开除过别人吗?如果有,原因是什么?你又是如何处理的? Yes,I did when an employee did not show up for work for five days without notifyin
What supervisory or leadership roles have you had? 你曾经担任过什么管理者或领导者的角色? In my last job,I led a team of five on a research project. 在上一份工作中,我领导了一个五人组成的研究项目小组。 Bas
Do you mind working for someone younger than yourself? 你介意在比你年轻的人手下工作吗? Not at all. 完全不介意。 I spent the last two years in business school studying alongside people in their 20s and 30s. 过去两年来,我在
Will you be able to cope with a change in work environment after working 10 years in your last job? 在之前的公司工作了十年之久,你能适应工作环境的变化吗? Certainly. 当然可以。 Although I have been with the same compan
What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make? 你曾经做过的最困难的决定是什么? When I had to let good employees go. 当我要解雇优秀员工的时候,我感到难以决定。 When the company I worked for was acquire
How do you react to criticism by superiors if you believe it is unwarranted? 当你认为上司对你的批评不当时,你会如何处理? Even if the criticism is unwarranted,it was caused by something. 即使批评不正确,也一定事出有因
Do you speak up if your point of view differs from that of your superiors? 如果和上司的意见不一致,你会提出来吗? I'm not a yes person and I don't refrain from expressing my opinions,but I'm careful about how to express them. 我不是
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable? 你在什么样的工作环境下感觉最好? I function best in a positive but competitive environment. 在积极又充满竞争的环境中,我最能发挥能力。 I come from a sport
What do you want to do with your life? 你想要什么样的人生? I want to never feel like I've given less than my best. 我从不愿留下没有尽全力的遗憾, I believe that's the key to reaching all my goals in my career because I know
What is your biggest weakness as a manager? 作为管理者,你认为自己最大的缺点是什么? I'm the kind of manager who lets the subordinates think and act on their own. 我是那种让属下自己思考,自己行动的管理者。 I h
You said earlier that you were still working for ABC Corporation.How have you managed to attend this interview while still employed? 刚才你说目前还就职于ABC公司,你是如何在工作中抽出时间来参加这场面试的? I took a da
必背英文面试口语90:你期望的薪资是多少? What are your salary expectations?
What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪资是多少? I still have a few questions about my responsibilities. 关于工作职责,我还有几个问题。 May I first ask you those questions before we discuss money? 在谈薪水之前,我