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相关教程: 英语单词 单词背诵
  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1633-pick-up-steam

    今天我们要学的词是 pick up steam. To pick up steam 意思是提升速度和实力。比如,The hurricane is picking up steam. 飓风风力正在逐渐加强。上星期五公布的数字显示,美国经济10月份增加了17万1千个就业...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1632-pitiful

    今天我们要学的词是 pitiful. Pitiful 形容词,意思是可怜的Our defense looked pitiful during the entire game. 我们球队比赛从头到球队防守都烂得要命。I can barely make ends meet with my pitiful salary. 我那点可怜的...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1631-Few and far between

    今天我们要学的词是 few and far between. Few and far between 意思是特别少。在美国篮球运动员中,拉美裔人数的比例很低。While they may still be few and far between, Latinos are an ever growing force in the NBA. 虽然...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1630-lifetime

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1629-score-points

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1628-token

    今天我们要学的词是 token. Token 做为形容词,指象征性的。The candidate has re-election in the bag against only token opposition. 这位候选人面对的只是象征性的对抗,所以当选连任已成囊中之物。美国联邦雇...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1627-backing

    今天我们要学的词是 backing. Backing 做为名词,是支持的意思。The obesity drug named Qsiva failed to gain the backing of European drug regulators because of its potential side effects. 一种名叫Qsiva的治疗肥胖症的药物,因...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1626-likelihood

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1625-flagship

    今天我们要学的词是 flagship. Flagship 旗舰。星巴克入驻中国已经13年了,但在印度才刚刚开了第一家。Starbucks opened its flagship store in Mumbai, which can hold up to 120 people. 星巴克的第一家旗舰店设在孟...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1624-best bet

    今天我们要学的词是 best bet. Best bet意思是最好的选择。投资业界人士说,Stocks are still the best bet for long term investment. 从长期投资来说,股票依然是最佳选择。银行业专家说,Credit Unions are stil...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1623-hunker down

    今天我们要学的词是 hunker down. To hunker down 意思是待在一个地方,铆足了劲儿做某事。期中考试快到了,The students are hunkering down to prepare for the mid-term exams. 学生们都集中精力为期中考试做准备...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1622-discontinue

    今天我们要学的词是 discontinue. Discontinue 动词,停止。Volvo has confirmed that it'll discontinue it's C30 production. 大众汽车公司证实,计划停止C30车的生产。Walmart, the world largest retailer, discontinued sales of...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1621-circulation

    今天我们要学的词是 circulation. Circulation 有发行量的意思。美国皮尤研究中心的报告说,报纸虽然不会马上消失,但是,The declines in daily newspaper circulation are unprecedented. 日报发行量的降低是闻所...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1620-hiccup

    今天我们要学的词是 hiccup. Hiccup 打嗝,可以引伸为小障碍,小问题。Google's Gmail had a significant service hiccup earlier this year. 谷歌电邮Gmail今年早些时候曾出现过服务大规模中断的情况。美国邮政总...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1619-disposable

    今天我们要学的词是disposable. Disposable意思是可以任意处理的。The Boulder City Council approved a proposal that would charge a 20-cent fee on all disposable grocery bags. 博德尔市政委员会批准了一项对所有一次性购物...
