One big reason is that voters passed a law called Proposition 13, which limited how much money homeowners and businesses had to pay in property taxes. This reduced tax money for funding schools. Voters then became worried that schools were getting to...
Have you ever wondered what makes a community strong? Why is it that some communities thrive and other struggle? Well, there are lots of reasons. Think of hospitals. If your community has good doctors and health care, your community may be healthier....
For a first-time homebuyer, Karen knows a lot. She knows the neighborhoods and the types of home she wants. She's been looking on the web for a while, but now she is ready to tour homes even though she's a little unsure about details of the process....
At a stoplight, have you looked around your fellow drivers? If so, youve seen them doing two things: bobbing their head to the music or talking on a cell phone. Its what we do in our cars. The problem is that we have these awesome devices but they do...
Youve been there. Youre about to buy lunch and realize your wallet is in your other pants, or maybe you left your keys at home. The problem is organization. You need one place for everything, like a magic pocket. Putting something in the magic pocket...