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  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)361 Your Questions Annoy Me (2) Later that afternoon, Earl sent everyone out to take pictures for practice. He said to return by 4:30 sharp. Will and Keesha went to two vacant apartments. Keesha took lots of pictures; Will took only a few. They returned to the training room at 4:27
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)362 The Accidental Big Tipper They took a limo to JFK airport. When they arrived, she got out of the limo. She said, I already paid the driver to take you back home. I've paid for everything. An hour later, Melvin gave the driver $20, saying, Thanks. Here's your tip. The driver t
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)363 The Whiny Voter He was at CUNY on Fifth Avenue. It was the presidential election. Would Obama win again? Eight volunteers were inside a small room downstairs. He showed a volunteer his driver license. She couldn't find his name on her list of registered voters. She
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)364 Survivor Is 500 Years Old On an uncharted island, a scholar was trying to find Amelia Earhart. Instead, she found Pablo. He was skinny and naked. His white hair and beard dragged along the ground. She started asking questions. How'd you get here? How long have you been here?
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)365 The Smelly Subway Panhandler They got on the N train. Jane stood there for a second. Then she spun on her heel and started walking out of the car. Cliff looked around. He saw a little man holding a white Styrofoam cup. Cliff followed Jane out of the car. They entered another car
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)366 Tough Love from the Soda Machine She walked up to the drink machine. She fed it a dollar bill. She pushed the button for a cherry soda. The machine buzzed. Then it said, We're so sorry. We cannot accept your money for this product. It has calories, and you are overweight. Please sel
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)367 Big Boys Don't Cry Kyle said, I'm not afraid of anything. Jenna, Kyle's older sister, said, You're still a little baby. Halloween is next week. I'll bet I can scare you. He laughed. What are you going to do? Jump out of the closet? Wear a scary mask? Nothing will work.
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)368 Get-Well Card for One Mason's brother-in-law David was scheduled for surgery. It's his heart. They're going to saw through his sternum, said David's wife. He'll be in the hospital for about five days. It'll take him about five months to recover fully. But he should feel a
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)369 Where Can I Buy Groceries? She pulled her small cart into the apartment building elevator. She had just been grocery shopping. She pushed the button for the ninth floor. A man was already standing inside. He said, Hi. I'm new here in Manhattan. Can you tell me where I can buy
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)370 New DVD Cable Causes Discord He bought a DVD player. He went home. He unplugged the old DVD player from the living room flat-screen TV. He hooked up the new player. He plugged the old player into the 10-year-old TV in the bedroom. His wife came home. She said, Why didn't you jus
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)371 One Couple, Two Beds She wasn't getting enough sleep. She blamed him. She wanted to sleep in the other bedroom. He said, You can't do that. Married people should sleep in the same bedroom and in the same bed. She said, Not if one of them sounds like a farm animal. He pro
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)372 A Modern Sleeping Beauty A 17-year-old girl in Ohio has sleeping beauty syndrome. Julie appears to be perfectly normal. She's an excellent student. She has good friends at school and church. But occasionally, she has spells. During these spells, she sleeps up to 18 hours a d
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)373 Who Passed the Gas? Luke entered the classroom. He saw one empty desk. It was the last desk in the far row next to the wall. He walked over to it and sat down. An old man was sitting in front of him. The teacher started talking. Luke started taking notes. The old man mo
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)374 A Blankety-Blank CD Lorna needed some blank CDs. At Staples, she found a Memorex 25-pack for $10. The Memorex label said Cool Colors. An illustration of a yellow disc and an orange disc was on the label. That's cool, Lorna thought. She bought the Cool Colors and went ho
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)375 A Computer Warranty He held down the shift key. He tapped the letter T. A small t appeared on his computer screen. He tapped again. This time a big T appeared on the screen. I hate this computer, he thought. Several function keys had never worked. The touchpad had becom