The game manufacturer Bioware has announced that it will release further content for Mass Effect 3, following complaints from disgruntled users.
The final part of the Mass Effect trilogy was released at the start of this month to great critical acclaim1.
But it didn't take long for gamers to voice their displeasure at the game's endings. Fans were up in arms that although they were able to tailor the game by making over a thousand decisions, there were only three basic plot endings.
The backlash soon gathered pace on internet forums2 and microblogging sites. A campaign for a new endings even raised more than $70,000 (441,000 yuan) for charity.
Cheesed-off gamer Sebastian Sobczyk told the BBC: "They just completely destroyed the whole game for us. If I wanted to get my soul crushed, I could just turn on the TV and put the news on."
After three weeks of taking the flak, Bioware appeared to cave in yesterday. In a blog post, the co-founder and general manager of the company Ray Muzyka said that the peeved-off players would be provided with a number of "game content initiatives" to get "further closure" on the story.
Mr Muzyka also urged fans to keep their feedback constructive3. He warned whingers Bioware wouldn't "support or respond to destructive commentary".
It remains4 to be seen exactly what form these "game content initiatives" will take. No manufacturer has issued completely new endings after a game's release before, but it looks like nothing short of that will appease5 these fans. This certainly seems to be one story that will end in a way of their choosing.
Quiz 测验
Why are users of Mass Effect 3 unhappy?
They are disappointed at the limited number of endings to the game.
True, false or not given: When it was released, reviewers criticised the game because of its ending.
False. It was released to great critical acclaim.
True, false or not given: Mass Effect 3 is about tailoring suits.
False. Users can tailor the game, but it has nothing to do with suit tailoring.
Look at the article. Can you see a noun that refers to a bad public reaction to something?
A backlash.
Look at the article. Can you see another expression that means 'cheesed off'?
Peeved-off, disgruntled, up in arms.
Glossary 词汇表
disgruntled 不满的
acclaim 称赞,喝彩
to voice one's displeasure 告诉公众你的不满
to be up in arms 各个群体联合起来表示非常不满
to tailor something 定制
backlash 强烈抵制,反弹
cheesed-off (口语)非常不满
to take the flak 收到很多批评
to cave in 让步,认输
peeved-off 恼火的,气愤的
closure 结束,收尾
constructive 建设性的
a whinger 只会发牢骚的人
to appease someone 平息,安抚某人

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v.向…欢呼,公认;n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞 | |
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讨论会; 座谈会; 广播专题讲话节目; 集会的公共场所( forum的名词复数 ); 论坛,讨论会,专题讨论节目; 法庭 | |
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adj.建设的,建设性的 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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v.安抚,缓和,平息,满足 | |
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