Feifei: 大家好!欢迎收听《地道英语》。我是冯菲菲。
William: Guten tag! Ich heisse Wilhelm Kremer.
Feifei: Eh? 你怎么说起德语了,William?
William: Ach, sorry Feifei. It's because I've just got back from a long holiday in Germany.
Feifei: Ah, did you have a nice time?
William: I did indeed but it was quite full-on, what with all the walking and cycling and beer drinking. I didn't have much time to just, you know, just relax and read my book.
Feifei: What was that phrase you just used, William? You said your holiday was quite... something?
William: It was quite full-on. My holiday was full-on because I didn't have time to relax.
Feifei: So full-on means busy?
William: No, no, not quite. It's actually quite a vague phrase.
Feifei: Vague 比较模糊的。
William: But because it's vague it's quite useful. Full-on can mean busy but it can also mean, for example, upsetting or emotional. Basically, if something is intense it can be described as full-on.
Feifei: 通常在使用这个短语的时候,我们想说明一件事情使人非常紧张,或者这件事情非常费力;尤其当这件事情本身很费体力,搞得你精疲力尽的。我觉得咱们得来听些例句。
A: How was the training?
B: It was really great but hard work. It started at 8am and finished at 6 with only half an hour for lunch, so it was pretty full-on.
A: Have you seen that new war film?
B: No, not yet.
A: It's brilliant but it's really full-on.
B: Do you mean in terms of the violence?
A: Yeah and also it's quite upsetting. I wasn't quite ready for that!
Feifei: 第一个对话中,说话双方在讨论一个时间安排非常紧凑的培训课程。第二个对话中说话双方在讨论一个非常令人不安的战争影片。因为短语 full-on 要表达的意思比较模糊,所以在第二个对话中,说话一方为了确认他对这个短语的理解是正确的,和另一方核实了自己的理解。
William: Yes. And there is another usage1 of this phrase too. It can refer to something that is proper or complete or authentic2.
Feifei: Authentic 纯正的。
William: Let's listen to this example.
A: Have you ever been to a full-on Italian wedding?
B: No...
A: It's amazing. There is just so much food!
Feifei: 在这个例子中,说话的一方在谈论一个 full-on 意大利婚礼,这里 full-on 的意思是地道的,纯正的。也就是说这个婚礼是地地道道传统的意大利婚礼。
William: Have you heard this phrase much, this phrase full-on, since you moved to the UK, Feifei?
Feifei: Yes, I have actually.
William: Is it something that your friends maybe use often?
Feifei: Yes, my friends use it quite a lot and I use it.
William: OK. Well we don't want this edition of Authentic Real English to be too full-on for our listeners so let's end it there.
Feifei: Bye for now.
William: Auf Wiedersehen!

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n.惯用法,使用,用法 | |
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a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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