Rosie: Hi and welcome to Authentic1 Real English. Today we're having an office party with the whole BBC Learning English team.
Helen: And we're eating some delicious cakes and pies that Jen has baked for us. 我的同事 Jen 还带来了她做的蛋糕和水果派。Have you tried the apple tart2?
Rosie: Mmm... It's so tasty... Jen really has a lot of different skills, doesn't she?
Helen: Yeah, she really gets involved in loads of different activities. 她做好多事情,可忙了。She's always organising different parties, goes rowing... and did you know she works as a weather presenter3 at the weekend too?
Rosie: And she's a really good cook - this blueberry crumble5 is just delicious. She really does have a finger in every pie.
Helen: Err4, really? 这些糕点味道是不错,不过 Jen 把手指放在里面,太不卫生了吧!I think I've just lost my appetite.
Rosie: That's not what I meant when I said she has a finger in every pie. It means she gets involved in a lot of different things.
Helen: 你是说如果某人 has a finger in every pie, 意思是他们做很多事情,样样活动都参与。Is it a good thing then?
Rosie: Well, in this case, when I said Jen has a finger in every pie I meant it as a good thing, but it can sometimes suggest someone gets involved in things when they shouldn't.
Helen: So it can be a good or a bad thing. Let's have a look at some examples:
If you need any information just ask Annabel. She has a finger in every pie and always knows the answer.
At work I'm a teacher but I also do some accounting6 and organise7 the end-of-term play. I like to have a finger in every pie!
"I can't seem to do anything without him being there – yesterday I went to the photography club and he was there." "Well, unfortunately he does have a finger in every pie."
Helen: 原来这个短语也有贬义,也就是指某人多管闲事,参与不应该管的事情。
Rosie: Shakespeare used it in his play Henry VIII. In the play it's used as a criticism of someone who gets involved in everything when he shouldn't:
No man's pie is freed
From his ambitious finger.
Helen: So the person criticised here feels the need to put his 'ambitious finger' in every single pie that is baked... 莎翁在他的舞台剧《亨利八世》中也提到了这个短语,其中一个角色非要尝每一个烤好的派。
Rosie: Yes, which means he gets involved in things he shouldn't.
Helen: 莎翁的剧本说法稍有不同,现在我们说 someone has a finger in every pie.
Rosie: Yes, it's slightly less poetic8 than "No man's pie is freed from his ambitious finger".
Helen: 的确听起来没有莎翁的剧本那么好听,不过意思都一样。Well, this is all very interesting, but I think I might have a slice of peach pie... 这么多好吃的水果派,我还饿着呢,可不能放弃。
Rosie: No pie is freed from your greedy fingers, is it Helen? Only joking...

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a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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adj.酸的;尖酸的,刻薄的;n.果馅饼;淫妇 | |
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n.(电视、广播的)主持人,赠与者 | |
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vi.犯错误,出差错 | |
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vi.碎裂,崩溃;vt.弄碎,摧毁 | |
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n.会计,会计学,借贷对照表 | |
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vt.组织,安排,筹办 | |
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adj.富有诗意的,有诗人气质的,善于抒情的 | |
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