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英语听力精选进阶版 7033

时间:2018-12-04 08:35来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

(Rob and Li are in a toy shop with Rob's nephew)

Rob: Thanks for coming with me to this toy shop, Li. I have to find a gift for my nephew, Dominic. It's his birthday.

Dominic: I'm a big boy now!

Li: Hey Rob, 你侄子很可爱哟,可是我知道小孩子们有时会很挑剔的,不过别担心我来帮你选。

Dominic: I want that! Ooh on the shelf! Big ears! Mickey Mouse! Mickey, Mickey, Mickey Mouse!

Rob: That one over there's ideal1! It's really great.

Li: 怎么?你想给他买电脑游戏,他还不到四岁呢,Rob!

Rob: Oh he'll love it! You can be an astronaut who chases2 aliens...

Li: Oh 电脑游戏! 你可以充当宇航员,用激光枪来追踪外星人 Ptshiw ptshiw ptshiw... come on, Rob, this gift is for you!

Rob: Alright, alright. I am the one who likes it. Go on, take the mickey!

Li: Take the Mickey? OK. Dominic 你已经是大孩子了,米老鼠是小 baby 的玩具,咱不要,快给我吧。

(Li takes the Mickey Mouse toy from Dominic's hands)

Dominic: No! I like Mickey! He's got nice big ears!

Rob: There's no need to do that Li. Maybe a stuffed3 Mickey Mouse is all he wants.

Li: But Rob 你刚才不是让我把米老鼠从 Dominic 的手里拿过来吗?

Rob: No, no, no, I said you were taking the mickey out of me. In English, the expression 'taking the mickey' means to make fun of somebody.

Li: 啊,原来 'taking the mickey out of somebody' 是个固定表达,和迪斯尼卡通片中的米老鼠没关系,这个短语的意思是取笑、嘲笑某人。

Rob: That's right. It's a very old expression. Let's hear some examples.

When you asked me to lend you $2,000 I thought you were taking the mickey. You know I don't have much money.

My brother doesn't take anything seriously. He takes the mickey out of our parents and teachers all the time.

Rob: Now that this is clear, where is Dominic?

Dominic: I want that! Big car! Brrrum. It's like daddy's!

Li: 快看,Dominic 爬上了那辆闪亮的轿车,Rob, 这辆车可看上去很贵呀!

Rob: This is for boys with very rich uncles. Come back here, Dominic!

Li: Ah, 现在是你侄子在取笑你喽!Taking the mickey out of you, Rob.

Rob: Come on, Dominic. How about... how about the Mickey Mouse... or this teddy bear here...

Dominic: No! I want the car! Brrrumm. Give me the car! It's my birthday!

Li: Yes, indeed. 现在 Dominic 认准了就要这辆汽车,我要看看 Rob 有什么绝招能说服他这四岁的小侄子!Bye.

Rob: Bye.

Dominic: And I will go home in my big car! Bye bye! Brrruum!


1 ideal 2bRxF     
  • The weather at the seaside was ideal—bright and breezy.海边的天气最宜人,风和日丽的。
  • They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。
2 chases a2901c3e7b0bc8c0d0982d08452afb86     
n.打猎( chase的名词复数 );猎物 (指鸟兽等);槽
  • When Bull and his men rob the payroll, Gene chases them down. 当公牛和他手下抢夺工资后,基尔追踪他们。 来自互联网
  • It was one of these boring films with endless police chases. 这是那种乏味的电影,尽是没完没了的警察追击的场面。 来自互联网
3 stuffed c07925943917d17397a704e4a3632ff2     
adj.充满的;饱的v.塞住( stuff的过去式和过去分词 );把…装进;把…装满;(使)吃撑
  • stuffed animals in glass cases 玻璃柜里的动物标本
  • I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake. 我嘴里塞满了巧克力蛋糕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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