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英语听力精选进阶版 7487

时间:2018-12-14 03:26来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The former Bosnian Serb military commander General Ratko Mladic has been arrested by police in Serbia 16 years after he was indicted1 for alleged2 war crimes during the Bosnian conflict. The Serbian President Boris Tadic said General Mladic was detained in the north of the country. Mark Lowen reports from the Serbian capital Belgrade.

前波黑塞族军事指挥官姆拉迪奇(Ratko Mladic)将军被塞尔维亚警方逮捕。十六年前,姆拉迪奇被控告在波黑冲突期间犯有战争罪。塞尔维亚总统鲍里斯·塔迪奇(Boris Tadic)表示,姆拉迪奇将军被拘留在北部地区。Mark Lowen在塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德报道。

It was an early morning raid on a house in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina which captured the former Bosnian Serb commander in an operation by the country's security services. The arrest of Ratko Mladic brings to an end to the hunt for one of the world's most wanted men. He is charged with genocide and other war crimes from the Bosnian conflict of the 1990s, notably3 of orchestrating the massacre4 of over 7,000 Muslims in the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica in 1995, Europe's worst atrocity5 since the Second World War. But this is also a hugely important moment for Serbia's hopes of joining the European Union, which were dependent on Mladic's capture.


Hours after the announcement of his arrest, crowds gathered in a central square in Belgrade, calling for the general's release. Ratko Mladic has appeared at a special court in Belgrade where an investigative judge will decide whether to extradite him to the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague. Serbian television showed footage of the 69-year-old suspect looking frail6 and walking slowly. His defence lawyer said that the hearing was cut short because of his client's poor physical state.


The arrest of General Mladic has been widely acclaimed7 overseas. President Obama said that he hoped the families of General Mladic's victims would find some solace8 in the arrest. But Ratko Mladic also has many supporters in Serbia. Social media sites on the Internet suggest that they do not want him to be sent to The Hague tribunal. Nenad Vukicevic, who runs a Serbian nationalist website, believes that General Mladic would not get a fair trial.

姆拉迪奇的落网在海外受到称赞。奥巴马总统表示,他希望姆拉迪奇大屠杀受害者的家人能够从他的被捕中获得一点安慰。但是姆拉迪奇在塞尔维亚也有许多支持者。互联网社交媒体表示,他们不想姆拉迪奇被送往海牙国际刑事法庭。塞尔维亚一家民族主义者网站的运营者Nenad Vukicevic认为姆拉迪奇将军不可能获得公平的审判。

"Reconciliation9 is impossible when the basis for reconciliation is injustice10, and The Hague has shown many times in the past decade that it's a court which has nothing to do with justice and legitimacy11. It's illegitimate, and it's served the will and purpose of the Western powers to implement12 their version of history of what happened here."


The United Nations court for Rwanda says a top genocide suspect has been arrested in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The man, Bernard Munyagishari, is accused of being a mastermind in the killing13 of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda. Here's Will Ross.

联合国卢旺达法庭表示,一名种族大屠杀嫌疑人在刚果民主共和国被捕。伯纳德·芒亚吉夏瑞(Bernard Munyagishari)被指控在卢旺达阴谋杀害了数万名图西人和胡图人。Will Ross报道。

Bernard Munyagishari had been on the run for 17 years, but was apprehended14 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where many who took part in the 1994 genocide have been hiding and causing misery15 for the Congolese population. Mr Munyagishari, who was once a teacher and a football referee16, now faces charges of genocide, murder and rape17. He's expected to be handed over to the Tanzania-based International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

伯纳德·芒亚吉夏瑞(Bernard Munyagishari)已经潜逃了17年,但是终于在刚果民主共和国被捕。参加了1994年种族大屠杀的许多人都藏匿在刚果,给刚果人民带来了巨大的痛苦。芒亚吉夏瑞曾经是一名教师和足球教练,现在面临种族大屠杀,谋杀和强奸指控。预期他将被转移到位于坦桑尼亚的卢旺达国际刑事法庭。

World News from the BBC

The Nato-led international force in Afghanistan say that seven American soldiers have been killed in a single incident. They died when two roadside bombs exploded in southern Afghanistan. From Kabul, here's Quentin Sommerville.

北约领导的驻阿富汗国际部队表示,7名美国士兵在一次事故中牺牲。他们死于阿富汗南部两枚路边炸弹爆炸。喀布尔,Quentin Sommerville报道。

The troops were on a foot patrol in the south of the country when they triggered two IEDs, or improvised18 explosive devices. The Nato-led mission has released few other details, but this is a heavy loss from one incident. IEDs are widely used by the Taliban and account for most of the casualties in Afghanistan. Soldiers fighting here are well protected from the bombs when they are in their vehicles, but foot patrols allow troops to get closer to the population and the enemy.


The United States Supreme19 Court has upheld a law in the state of Arizona which gives its courts the power to shut down businesses that employ illegal migrants. In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court rejected arguments by businesses, civil rights groups and the Obama administration that Arizona's law was in conflict with federal legislation.


Researchers have discovered that Arctic reindeer20 can see ultraviolet light that would blind humans. The lead researcher says that the animals may have evolved ways of protecting their retinas against the kind of extreme exposure to UV light common in the Arctic. Here's Neil Bowdler.

研究人员发现,北极驯鹿可以看到会导致人眼失明的紫外线。首席研究员表示,这种动物不断进化,可以保护他们的视网膜免受北极常见的紫外线的伤害。Neil Bowdler报道。

Bees, bats and rodents21, to name but a few, can see what humans can't - ultraviolet light. This international team wanted to see whether Arctic reindeer could too, and so subjected the animal to various optical tests. What they found was that reindeer do indeed have UV vision. The researchers suggest they might use this power to pick out food and predators22 in the "white-out" of the Arctic winter and the twilight23 of the spring and autumn. Other specialists in the field even suggest UV vision may turn out to be the rule rather than the exception in the animal kingdom.



1 indicted 4fe8f0223a4e14ee670547b1a8076e20     
控告,起诉( indict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The senator was indicted for murder. 那位参议员被控犯谋杀罪。
  • He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder. 他被大陪审团以两项谋杀罪名起诉。
2 alleged gzaz3i     
  • It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office. 他被指称在任时收受贿赂。
  • alleged irregularities in the election campaign 被指称竞选运动中的不正当行为
3 notably 1HEx9     
  • Many students were absent,notably the monitor.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
  • A notably short,silver-haired man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.他个子明显较为矮小,一头银发,每周都会和他的员工一起打几次篮球。
4 massacre i71zk     
  • There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.在战争中,这里的村民惨遭屠杀。
  • If we forget the massacre,the massacre will happen again!忘记了大屠杀,大屠杀就有可能再次发生!
5 atrocity HvdzW     
  • These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity.这些人犯有令人发指的暴行。
  • I am shocked by the atrocity of this man's crimes.这个人行凶手段残忍狠毒使我震惊。
6 frail yz3yD     
  • Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
  • She lay in bed looking particularly frail.她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。
7 acclaimed 90ebf966469bbbcc8cacff5bee4678fe     
  • They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year. 他们称赞他为当年的最佳作者。
  • Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker. 孔子被赞誉为伟大的思想家。
8 solace uFFzc     
  • They sought solace in religion from the harshness of their everyday lives.他们日常生活很艰难,就在宗教中寻求安慰。
  • His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。
9 reconciliation DUhxh     
  • He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife.他忙于做夫妻间的调解工作。
  • Their handshake appeared to be a gesture of reconciliation.他们的握手似乎是和解的表示。
10 injustice O45yL     
  • They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.他们抱怨受到不公平的对待。
  • All his life he has been struggling against injustice.他一生都在与不公正现象作斗争。
11 legitimacy q9tzJ     
  • The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.报纸直接质疑政府的合法性。
  • Managing from the top down,we operate with full legitimacy.我们进行由上而下的管理有充分的合法性。
12 implement WcdzG     
  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
13 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
14 apprehended a58714d8af72af24c9ef953885c38a66     
逮捕,拘押( apprehend的过去式和过去分词 ); 理解
  • She apprehended the complicated law very quickly. 她很快理解了复杂的法律。
  • The police apprehended the criminal. 警察逮捕了罪犯。
15 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
16 referee lAqzU     
  • The team was left raging at the referee's decision.队员们对裁判员的裁决感到非常气愤。
  • The referee blew a whistle at the end of the game.裁判在比赛结束时吹响了哨子。
17 rape PAQzh     
  • The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them.对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。
  • He was brought to court and charged with rape.他被带到法庭并被指控犯有强奸罪。
18 improvised tqczb9     
  • He improvised a song about the football team's victory. 他即席创作了一首足球队胜利之歌。
  • We improvised a tent out of two blankets and some long poles. 我们用两条毛毯和几根长竿搭成一个临时帐蓬。
19 supreme PHqzc     
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
20 reindeer WBfzw     
  • The herd of reindeer was being trailed by a pack of wolves.那群驯鹿被一只狼群寻踪追赶上来。
  • The life of the Reindeer men was a frontier life.驯鹿时代人的生活是一种边区生活。
21 rodents 1ff5f0f12f2930e77fb620b1471a2124     
n.啮齿目动物( rodent的名词复数 )
  • Rodents carry diseases and are generally regarded as pests. 啮齿目动物传播疾病,常被当作害虫对待。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Some wild rodents in Africa also harbor the virus. 在非洲,有些野生啮齿动物也是储毒者。 来自辞典例句
22 predators 48b965855934a5395e409c1112d94f63     
n.食肉动物( predator的名词复数 );奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)
  • birds and their earthbound predators 鸟和地面上捕食它们的动物
  • The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement. 捕食性动物的眼睛能感觉到最细小的动静。 来自《简明英汉词典》
23 twilight gKizf     
  • Twilight merged into darkness.夕阳的光辉融于黑暗中。
  • Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。
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