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英语听力精选进阶版 7894

时间:2018-12-25 06:28来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Rob: Hello and welcome to On the Town. I'm Rob and I'm here with Li.

Li: 大家好。我是杨莉。

Rob: We're here in London, Li, waiting for a bus but there doesn't seem to be any sign of one. Can you see one coming?

Li: No. There are usually so many red London buses around but not today! 往常的伦敦市中心到处都是红色的巴士,不过现在怎么一辆都看不见。So when do you think one will turn up Rob?

Rob: Well, I know there's a new bus due next month.

Li: Next month?! That's a long wait.

Rob: Ahh, but the wait will be worth it! This will be the first new bus designed exclusively for London in over 50 years.

Li: 这么说,我们下个月就可以乘坐专门为伦敦设计制作的新巴士了 the new bus! So have you seen one?

Rob: Yes I have and you can hear all about it now. See if you can work out how many doors it has and how many passengers it can carry.

Li: Ah lucky you, you have seen the new one! Mmm, 新车会有几个门? 还有能容纳多少乘客?Let's find out.

Rob: OK Li, just press that bell...

(Bus bell rings)

Rob: Here I am on the new Routemaster bus and with me is project manager, David Hampson-Ghani. Hello there.

David: Hello.

Rob: First of all, could you describe this new bus to us?

David: Well, this is a brand new double-decker bus, bright red, and it's using all the latest environmentally-friendly green technology. It's got three doors, two staircases1, an overall capacity of 87 passengers. And it can operate with a driver-only or with a conductor.

Li: 刚才是 Rob 和项目经理 David Hampson-Ghani 的谈话录音。 他们谈论的是新型的双层公交车 double-decker bus. 这种车有三个门可以容纳87 名乘客。另外这种车有益环保 environmentally-friendly, 使用绿色技术 green technology 看来这种车优点很多了。下面我们听听 David 都用了哪些短语来形容这种新巴士的特点。

David: What makes this bus unique is that we've designed it from scratch, from the ground up, with a clean sheet of paper. We haven't gone to any catalogue or any brochure and said "This is how you build a bus."

Li: 啊这是原创设计,from scratch, 从下到上 from the ground up 从一张白纸开始 with a clean sheet of paper. 不是从目录上订购的。下面我们再听听看看这新巴士还有哪些特点。

David: What makes this bus unique is that we've designed it from scratch, from the ground up, with a clean sheet of paper. We haven't gone to any catalogue or any brochure and said "This is how you build a bus."

Li: 当然喽,伦敦的巴士一定不能缺少这个…

(Bus bell rings)

...听到了吗?这是伦敦巴士上的铃铛,不过这铃铛怎么使用呢?我们听听 Rob 和 David 的对话。

Rob: One important thing on every bus is a bell. Do you mind demonstrating the bell for us?

David: Here we go! (Presses bell) Again a small piece of technology but those bell pushes are in fact wireless2. There's no power to them. They self-generate3 their own electricity, they generate a wi-fi signal, goes to a computer, rings a bell. Saves on wiring, saves on maintenance4.

Li: 啊,这个非常有意思啊,这是一个利用无线网 wi-fi 来操控的铃铛,wow 非常现代。It really is an impressive bus!

Rob: So Li, you sounded impressed by the new bus!

Li: I was. But what do other people think?

Rob: Well, let's find out. I know one person thought it had a modern, smooth shape – listen out for the word she uses. And someone else thought having three doors could be a problem.

Li: 下面是一些伦敦人对新巴士的评论,听听他们怎么说。

It looks good, it looks comfortable.

It's very streamline-looking but I wonder if it's going to be cold because it's got three entrances. It might be a chilly5 bus!

I think it's a very smart bus and I hope it's successful.

Li: 舒适的 comfortable 漂亮的 smart. It seems people do like the new bus.

Rob: Yes, one person said the shape of the bus was streamlined - but one woman thought it could be a chilly bus because of the three doors.

Li: 嗯,由于车有三个门所以有时会感觉很冷 chilly. Well Rob, I'm getting cold waiting for an old bus.

Rob: An old bus. It's OK Li, there's one coming now.

Li: Not one but three buses! I can see three buses!

Rob: Three! Haven't you heard the saying: "You wait for one bus for hours and three come along at once"?

Li: I have now! 我想提醒大家如果今年来伦敦一定要亲自坐坐新巴士,感觉一下。Come on then Rob, let's get on board.

Rob: OK Li. That's all from On the Town for this week. Bye bye. Now Li, where are we going to?

Li: I don't know. I thought you knew?! 光说话了,忘了看车牌了!Bye bye.


1 staircases e7021fdc085c596c982342b9c3f7b4c1     
n.楼梯( staircase的名词复数 )
  • We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases. 我们在各层楼梯都安装有完全可用的烟雾警报器。 来自辞典例句
  • A slender superstructure was dictated with gently sloping approaches rather than staircases. 细长的上部结构,带有微缓斜坡接坡,比布置阶梯为优。 来自辞典例句
2 wireless Rfwww     
  • There are a lot of wireless links in a radio.收音机里有许多无线电线路。
  • Wireless messages tell us that the ship was sinking.无线电报告知我们那艘船正在下沉。
3 generate mgKxt     
  • We need someone to generate new ideas.我们需要有人出新主意。
  • This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.这本书将在很长一段时间里继续使人们为之激动。
4 maintenance U8rzP     
  • His small farm provides maintenance,but not much more.他的小农场能使他们维持生活,但仅此而已。
  • He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.他必须给前妻赡养费。
5 chilly pOfzl     
  • I feel chilly without a coat.我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。
  • I grew chilly when the fire went out.炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。
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