English at Work
(Health and safety policy)
Narrator: Welcome back. Things are quite tense at Tip Top Trading today. Paul, the
boss, mistakenly thinks Anna 's been smoking on company premises3 and
she ' s trying to explain herself.
Anna: B ut, but…
Paul: Frankly4, I 'm disappointed with you Anna. You' re a hard worker but it
doesn 't mean you can go against company policy.
Narrator: Anna, remember the phrases we've learnt about a misunderstanding!
Anna: Oh yes. Paul, I think there' s been a misunderstanding.
Paul: A misunderstanding? How can you explain the smell of cigarette smoke?
This is a 'no smoking ' building.
Anna: Let me explain. I went down to the warehouse5 to speak to Mr Ingle and…
well… someone else was smoking.
Paul: What!? Someone was smoking in the warehouse? Golly gosh, that' s highly
dangerous. Who was it Anna?
Anna: Err… well… I can 't really say. But I dealt with it and it won 't happen again.
Narrator: Yes , you dealt with it very well Anna but can you keep your secret about Mr
Ingle safe?
Paul: Thank you Anna and sorry about the misunderstanding. Would you like a
biscuit? Now I really think it's time we had a review of our health and
safety procedures.
D oor opens
Paul: Denise, could you gather everyone round in the meeting room please.
Denise: (On phone) I 'll have to call you back Marge. ( Hangs up) Could you all
gather in the meeting room please, Paul has something important to say.
Tom: What is it Denise? I s i t about my fantastic sales figures again, huh?
Denise: I doubt it Tom. It sounded urgent. I'd better bring some tea.
D oor closes
Paul: Thank you for joining me. Unfortunately, there has been an incident in the
warehouse. Someone has been smoking and I' m not happy, so I thought I
would remind you of our health and safety procedure s.
Tom: Not this again!
Paul: Your safety is our responsibility. But to keep safe we must follow some
simple rules. Denise, what's the first one?
Denise: ( Slurps7 tea) If you see a fire, raise the alarm – oh and call the fire service.
Tom: Yeah, you love seeing those firemen, don't you, Denise!
Paul: Shhh Tom. Maybe you could tell us the other rule?
Tom: Oh yeah right. If you hear the fire alarm, get out quick.
Paul: Not exactly Tom. I think we should walk calmly to our nearest fire exit,
following the green signs, go outside and meet at the fire assembly poin t.
Denise: Yes, and I will take a register of who is here, using my red pen ( slurp6 s
tea ) .
Paul: Do you mind not slurping8 Denise?
Denise: This is thirsty work.
Paul: Hmm. Now is everyone clear about what to do if there is a fire alarm ?
Tom: It ' s usually a false alarm anyway.
Paul: That's not the point. Now Anna, what about smoking?
Anna: No smoking on company premises. B ut it wasn ' t me, it was Mr Ingle.
All: Mr Ingle!
Paul: I see, so it was Mr Ingle smoking in the warehouse. You should have told
me Anna.
Anna: Sorry!
Paul: Right, I ' m going to have to look into this. Back to work everyone… oh and
take a biscuit with you.
Narrator: So Anna's let the cat out of the bag – Mr Ingle won't be pleased – but at
least she now knows what do if a fire breaks out. Here are some of the
phrases we ' ve heard today, that can be used in an emergency:
If you see a fire, raise the alarm.
Walk calmly to your nearest fire exit.
Meet at the fire assembly point.
No smoking on company premises.
F ire alarm
Tom: Sorry to interrupt Paul… but the fire alarm 's going off!
Denise: Don't panic anyone. Everything will be OK . (On phone) Jane, I'll have to
call you back… yes, a bit of a panic. Bye. Quick, where 's my red pen?
Narrator: Uh- oh. Those emergency phrases might come in useful sooner than you
think. Is this going to be the end of Tip Top Trading, will it really go up in
smoke? Find out next time. Bye.
Listening Challenge
What colour are the fire exit signs?
(Answer: Green)

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n.(作品的一段)情节,插曲,系列事件中之一 | |
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adj.有风险的,冒险的 | |
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n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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adv.坦白地,直率地;坦率地说 | |
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n.仓库;vt.存入仓库 | |
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n.啜食;vt.饮食出声 | |
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n.啧啧吃的声音( slurp的名词复数 )v.啜食( slurp的第三人称单数 ) | |
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v.啜食( slurp的现在分词 ) | |
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