英语听力精选进阶版 8045
The head of United Nations panel has said the crimes against humanity as it is uncovered inNorth Korea are strikingly similar to the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the SecondWorld War. The Commission of Inquiry said it'd heard evidence of m
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Ukrainian police have begun trying to clear thousands of anti-government protesters from theircamp in central Kiev, several tents have been set in fire as armed officers circle IndependenceSquare. Demonstrators trying to hold their ground are throwin
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It's been a big night for the world of film. The British Academy Film Awards have been given outnow far from here in central London. Our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd was at theceremony at the Royal Opera House. He told me about the winners and los
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The Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has appointed a new head of the armed forces. Hisspokeperson gave no reason, but earlier the Defence Ministry announced that the armedforces might be deployed in a nationwide anti-terrorist operation. In cent
英语听力精选进阶版 8049
US scientists have unveiled a new breed of tiny robots, which were inspired by minute creaturesuch as termites. They've been put on display at the American Association for theAdvancement of Science meeting in Chicago. And researchers say robots of th
英语听力精选进阶版 8050
The European Union has agreed to impose sanctions on those responsible for the mountingviolence in Ukraine. The decision was taken after dozens of people were killed in the capitalKiev on the bloodiest day since protests against President Viktor Yanu
英语听力精选进阶版 8051
Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych andopposition leaders have signed an agreement onending the political crisis there. Under the dealmediated by European Union foreign ministers, acaretaker government will be installed and elections will be brough
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Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, freed by parliament after more than twoyears in prison has addressed thousands of opposition demonstrators in the heart of thecapital Kiev. Sitting in a wheelchair, wiping away tears, she prays the de
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The new interim President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov has said that Ukraine wants toreturn to the path of closer integration with European Union. The former speaker of parliamentwas appointed interim president a day after parliament voted to remov
英语听力精选进阶版 8054
Russia has issued its strongest response yet to theousting of President Yanukovych in Ukraine, calling ita threat to Russian citizens and Russian interests.Ukraine's interim authorities are seeking the arrestof Viktor Yanukovych over what they called
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President Obama has asked the Pentagon to make plans to withdraw all the American troopsfrom Afghanistan by the end of this year, if no bilateral security deal is in place. The AfghanPresident Hamid Karzai has so far refused to sign an agreement to a
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Potential ministers in Ukraine's new interimgovernment have been introduced to crowds atIndependence Square in Kiev. They include atortured protester, an actor and far-right leaders.David Stern reports from the Square. The nominations for the new gov
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The Russian government has said it's willing towork with the West on averting a crisis in Ukrainebut it has warned Nato against taking decisions onbehalf of the Ukrainian people. The Russian foreignministry said any resolution must take into account
英语听力精选进阶版 8058
Ukraine's acting President Oleksander Turchynov has accused Russia of provocation in Ukrainian Republic of Crimea. In a televised address in Kiev, he said Russia was behaving as it did before it sent troops into Georgia in 2008. Mr. Turchynov warned
英语听力精选进阶版 8059
Ukraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov says the country's armed forces have beenput on full combat alert. The announcement made in a national televised address followedthe decision by the Upper House of the Russian Parliament authorizing Pre