BBC Learning EnglishWeekenderIndividuals in the newsCallum: Hello, I'm Callum Robertson.
When you look around the news websites today or readnewspapers there aremany global stories. Often these stories are aboutconflict, disaster and tragedy and it can be difficult torelate to these worldwide stories.
But sometimes a story catches your eye that has a morepersonal or local connection. Maybe it's a story about asingle person in an unusual situation. It has some humaninterest at a personal rather than a global level.
One such story caught my eye recently. As a SCUBA1 divermyself my ear or eye is always drawn2 to stories aboutdivers and diving. Not long ago one of these storiesappeared in the media and it unfolded day by day in thenews and on the internet. The story was about a man fromthe Island of Guernsey, which is one of what are known asthe Channel Islands. The man went diving in a place calledFermain Bay.
Here's a news report about the incident. What happened tothe diver and which emergency services became involved?
REPORT 1Sunday 3rd September.
A joint4 rescue effort is being carried out to find a divermissing off the coast of Guernsey. The local man isbelieved to have been diving in Fermain Bay on Saturday.
The Channel Islands Air Search, the lifeboat, the FlyingChristine marine5 ambulance and off-duty rescue staff have been called in to help. A policediving team is also now involved. The search was stoppedovernight due to bad weather conditions but was resumed atdawn.
Callum: The diver was missing – no one knew where he wasand there were different emergency teams out looking forhim from the air, on and in the water. The diver wasreported missing the previous day, the Saturday. By Mondaythe news was not any better. What expression from thefollowing report suggests everyone is expecting bad news?
REPORT 24th SeptemberA diver who has been missing in waters around Guernsey fortwo days has been named. The35-year-old man was last seen near Fermain Bay on Saturday.
Although searches by air and sea have been carried out, hisbody has not been found. Police divers3 continued their hunton Monday morning.
Callum: This report says that the body has not been found.
This suggests that the rescue service do not expect to findthe diver alive. Everyone was expecting the worst.
Looking for news of the diver the next day, this is thereport that was published. What was the latest development?
REPORT 35th SeptemberA diver missing for nearly three days in waters nearGuernsey is back at home after being found alive. He wasfound at about 1900 BST on Monday and taken to PrincessElizabeth Hospital. Members of his family said they were"very relieved" at his rescue.
Callum: After three days – finally good news. The diverwas found alive on the Monday evening as was back at home.
But what had happened to him? We had to wait until the nextday for those details.
REPORT 46th SeptemberA diver who went missing off Guernsey for nearly threedays, was stranded6 semi-conscious on rocks for two nights.
He was hit by a boat after coming to the surface in FermainBay at0900 BST on Saturday.
Callum: On Saturday morning when the diver surfaced – cameup from under water – he was hit by a boat. He was thenstranded on some rocks for two nights. Stranded means thathe was stuck – he couldn't get off the rocks. After beinghit by the boat he was also semi-conscious. He had aninjury to his head and he wasn't really awake properly. Butat least now he was safe and back home with his family.
A happy ending. Or was it? We thought that that would bethe end of the story. But then two days later there wasanother report. What did this report reveal?
REPORT 5September 8thA diver whose disappearance7 sparked a major three-daysearch off Guernsey had actually been on a ferry trip tothe UK, police have revealed.
Callum: This was an unexpected twist to this story.
Although there had been a three day search for the diver itturns out that he wasn't actually missing at all. He hadtaken a trip to the UK mainland on a ferry. He returned tothe island of Guernsey and got into the water where he wassupposed to have been diving and then he was found. Thefollowing day more information was released.
REPORT 6Friday September 9thA Guernsey diver who sparked a false alarm over hisdisappearance suffered a mental breakdown8, his familybelieves.
Callum: This story twisted and turned through a week inSeptember. It seemed at firstas if it might be a tragedy, another warning to the divingcommunity. But as the week progressed it turned into astory more personal than we could have imagined. Since thatweek we haven't heard any more about the diver fromGuernsey. It was one of those smaller stories that caughtthe imaginationbefore disappearing underneath9 the waves of the everrolling news.
When you look around the news websites today or readnewspapers there aremany global stories. Often these stories are aboutconflict, disaster and tragedy and it can be difficult torelate to these worldwide stories.
But sometimes a story catches your eye that has a morepersonal or local connection. Maybe it's a story about asingle person in an unusual situation. It has some humaninterest at a personal rather than a global level.
One such story caught my eye recently. As a SCUBA1 divermyself my ear or eye is always drawn2 to stories aboutdivers and diving. Not long ago one of these storiesappeared in the media and it unfolded day by day in thenews and on the internet. The story was about a man fromthe Island of Guernsey, which is one of what are known asthe Channel Islands. The man went diving in a place calledFermain Bay.
Here's a news report about the incident. What happened tothe diver and which emergency services became involved?
REPORT 1Sunday 3rd September.
A joint4 rescue effort is being carried out to find a divermissing off the coast of Guernsey. The local man isbelieved to have been diving in Fermain Bay on Saturday.
The Channel Islands Air Search, the lifeboat, the FlyingChristine marine5 ambulance and off-duty rescue staff have been called in to help. A policediving team is also now involved. The search was stoppedovernight due to bad weather conditions but was resumed atdawn.
Callum: The diver was missing – no one knew where he wasand there were different emergency teams out looking forhim from the air, on and in the water. The diver wasreported missing the previous day, the Saturday. By Mondaythe news was not any better. What expression from thefollowing report suggests everyone is expecting bad news?
REPORT 24th SeptemberA diver who has been missing in waters around Guernsey fortwo days has been named. The35-year-old man was last seen near Fermain Bay on Saturday.
Although searches by air and sea have been carried out, hisbody has not been found. Police divers3 continued their hunton Monday morning.
Callum: This report says that the body has not been found.
This suggests that the rescue service do not expect to findthe diver alive. Everyone was expecting the worst.
Looking for news of the diver the next day, this is thereport that was published. What was the latest development?
REPORT 35th SeptemberA diver missing for nearly three days in waters nearGuernsey is back at home after being found alive. He wasfound at about 1900 BST on Monday and taken to PrincessElizabeth Hospital. Members of his family said they were"very relieved" at his rescue.
Callum: After three days – finally good news. The diverwas found alive on the Monday evening as was back at home.
But what had happened to him? We had to wait until the nextday for those details.
REPORT 46th SeptemberA diver who went missing off Guernsey for nearly threedays, was stranded6 semi-conscious on rocks for two nights.
He was hit by a boat after coming to the surface in FermainBay at0900 BST on Saturday.
Callum: On Saturday morning when the diver surfaced – cameup from under water – he was hit by a boat. He was thenstranded on some rocks for two nights. Stranded means thathe was stuck – he couldn't get off the rocks. After beinghit by the boat he was also semi-conscious. He had aninjury to his head and he wasn't really awake properly. Butat least now he was safe and back home with his family.
A happy ending. Or was it? We thought that that would bethe end of the story. But then two days later there wasanother report. What did this report reveal?
REPORT 5September 8thA diver whose disappearance7 sparked a major three-daysearch off Guernsey had actually been on a ferry trip tothe UK, police have revealed.
Callum: This was an unexpected twist to this story.
Although there had been a three day search for the diver itturns out that he wasn't actually missing at all. He hadtaken a trip to the UK mainland on a ferry. He returned tothe island of Guernsey and got into the water where he wassupposed to have been diving and then he was found. Thefollowing day more information was released.
REPORT 6Friday September 9thA Guernsey diver who sparked a false alarm over hisdisappearance suffered a mental breakdown8, his familybelieves.
Callum: This story twisted and turned through a week inSeptember. It seemed at firstas if it might be a tragedy, another warning to the divingcommunity. But as the week progressed it turned into astory more personal than we could have imagined. Since thatweek we haven't heard any more about the diver fromGuernsey. It was one of those smaller stories that caughtthe imaginationbefore disappearing underneath9 the waves of the everrolling news.

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n.水中呼吸器 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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adj.不同的;种种的 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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adj.海的;海生的;航海的;海事的;n.水兵 | |
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a.搁浅的,进退两难的 | |
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n.消失,消散,失踪 | |
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n.垮,衰竭;损坏,故障,倒塌 | |
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adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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