第一个习惯用语是drop a bombshell,这个习惯用语出现在1914年到1918年的第一次世界大战期间。当时史无前例地大规模使用飞机来轰炸地面,很多人都亲眼目睹了飞机扔炸弹的惊天动地场面,而且地上的人往往对飞机轰炸猝不及防,直到飞机上扔下的炸弹在身旁炸开,才明白原来自己是飞机攻击的目标,所以飞机扔炸弹轰炸常常是出人意料、令人震惊的沉重打击,例:
例句-1:That was a time when Americans were sharply divided on the Vietnam war. Then the president dropped a bombshell on voters: he announced in very clear words that he’d made up his mind he would not be a candidate in the fall election.
大多数人都以为现任总统一定会出马竞选连任,所以总统决定退出竞选的宣告必然轰动视听、 令人震惊,所以习惯用语drop a bombshell所表示的比喻意义就是出人意料、轰动视听。
第二个习惯用语是get the drop on,这里drop是名词。这个习惯用语在1850年左右出现在美国西部,当年在荒天野地里的拓荒生活粗犷艰险,许多男人的腰带上都佩戴装着手枪的枪套,枪战是家常便饭,而谁胜谁负往往取决于谁早一步从腰上枪套里拔出手枪来,因为这样他就能抢先开火、先发制人了。这时人们就说:He gets the drop on his opponent. 就是他抢先一步占了对手的上风,例如:
例句-2:Our new software will get the drop on our competitors - it performs accounting1 work a whole lot faster than other stuff on the market and we’ve put a price on it as low as the slower software the other companies are selling.
所以这里的习惯用语get the drop on意思就是胜过某人,或者比某人领先一步。
第三个习惯用语是:drop the ball。Drop the ball从字面看是说把已经拿在手里的球掉了。这个短语显然来自体育活动。在打球的时候如果谁失手掉了手上的球,可是个严重的失误。这个短语引申为“失职,犯错误”。
例句-3:We’re all upset with Lee. We were sure we’d get the big contract with this customer to build a new factory but Lee dropped the ball; he made mistakes in figuring the budget and now the customer doesn’t want to do business with us.

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n.会计,会计学,借贷对照表 | |
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