跟朋友发短信或者在网上聊天的时候,总是会看到lol,ttul等让人摸不着头脑的一些缩略语,想直接问人家吧,又怕被人家笑话。到网上一搜才发现,原来这些都属于textese(短信文),(lol是laugh out loud,ttul指talk to you later),是人们为了发短信方便创造出来的,
Textese (also known as txtese, chatspeak, textspeak, texting language, or txt talk) is a term for the abbreviations and slang most commonly used due to the necessary brevity of mobile phone text messaging, though its use is common on the Internet, including e-mail and instant messaging. It can be likened to a rebus1, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" means “I love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ).
短信文(英文为textese,也可以用txtese, chatspeak, textspeak, texting language, 或 txt talk来表示)指为了保证手机短信的简短而使用的缩写和俗语表达,现在也通用于电子邮件和即时信息等网络交流工具中。这种短信文是由图片、字母或数字的组合来代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。比如:"i <3 u"就代表“我爱你”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,而lol则是laugh out loud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。
The objective of textese is to use the fewest number of characters needed to convey a comprehensible message, another benefit of textese is to reduce the character count of a message, hence, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization are largely ignored.

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n.谜,画谜 | |
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