Finding a job is, at times, a full-time1 job. At any given moment, there are hundreds of thousands of open job listings across the United States. How do you connect with the ones that are right for you?
有时 找工作 本身等于“一项全职工作”。任何时候,在全国都有成千上万条职位的信息。如何才能和适合自己的取得联系呢?
Some jobs use salary keywords, some use words that describe specific traits or assignments. Your job -- in order to get a job -- is to figure out which postings have keywords you should respond to (and which you should avoid). Then, you need to know what they really mean, and how to use them in your resume and cover letters.
一些工作用薪水的关键词;一些用描述明确个人品质或工作的关键词。(要获得工作)你的“工作”是找出哪些是包含你应该做出响应(及哪些要避免)的关键词。那么你就需要了解这些关键词的真正含义并且如何在你的 简历 中采用它们。
Employers often use search engine techniques to sort through resumes for the ones with the best ratio of meaningful keyword hits. Hey, you're as smart as a search engine, aren't you?
一般雇主会用到搜索引擎技术,最佳匹配率的方式来过滤 简历 。嘿,你总有搜索引擎聪明吧,对吗?
Here are some words to look for, and others to look out for.
Words & Phrases to Send You Running
* "Campus Rep" -- These low-level sales jobs prey2 upon recent grads. You'll just end up back on your old campus trying to sell things to students, and as you know, students don't have much money, so you won't make much either.
* "Salary + Commission" -- Again, a tough place to be for a first-timer. Sales jobs do typically pay commissions, but it could take years to build up a good enough sales network so you can earn enough to live. If a sales job wants entry-level folks, they know they're not going to pay you much, so best to just go for a plain old salary.
* Job ads that ask for too many skills -- Some job ads strangely ask for candidates that can do everything and everything. Employers with job descriptions like this are being lazy and cheap and you'll end up paying the price when they expect you do the job of three people.
要求太多技能的广告---有些 招聘 广告尽然会要求应聘者样样都行、样样都会。写出这样 求职 描述的雇主人很懒、很抠门。最终,你付出的代价将是他们希望你一个人去干三个人的活。
* "Duties to be defined later" -- You'll end up doing everything under the sun. That way lies chaos3 and burnout. Great for multitaskers and workaholics, terrible for people who want to have a life.
“职责待定”---到最后什么事都要你去做。这会带来混乱和精力枯竭。 对“一心多用”的人和工作狂们来说很好,但是对希望拥有生活的人来说很糟糕。
Keywords & Phrases To Get You an Interview
让你获得 面试 机会的关键词或短语
* Team player -- Starting out in your career, you'll want to work on a team, you'll need to work on a team, and the hiring manager is going to want to hear that. Tell 'em.
团队精神---事业才开始,你将会希望在一个团队中工作;你将需要在一个团队中工作, 招聘 经理会希望听到这一点。那么告诉他们。
* Leadership -- At an entry-level, you're not being hired as a manager. But showing leadership also means showing independent thinking and the ability to take control of a situation, rather than always deferring4 to somebody else.
领导能力--- 在初级阶段,你不会被聘为经理人。可是表现出领导能力还能展现出的是你具有独立思考和能控制局面,而不是总在听别人的。
* Oral and written communications -- If you can't communicate, nobody knows what you're doing, or how good (or bad) you're doing.
口头及书面交流--- 如果你无法交流,谁也不知道你在做的工作、或做地多么好(或糟糕)。
* Problem-solving and decision-making -- Some of the key keywords -- showing the ability to get things done, regardless of the obstacles. You'll want these skills showing.
解决问题和决策能力--- 其中一些关键词--能表明无论是否遇到障碍,你都能完成任务。你将会希望把这些技能都被展现出来。
* "Bright" and "Passionate5" -- A company that wants "bright" or "passionate" employees is hoping to tap into the energy of youth. You're perfect. Apply now.
“聪明”、“激情”--- 希望“聪明的”或“激情的”雇员的公司是在希望能够利用年轻的旺盛精力。你完全符合。立刻去申请吧。

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adj.满工作日的或工作周的,全时间的 | |
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n.被掠食者,牺牲者,掠食;v.捕食,掠夺,折磨 | |
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n.混乱,无秩序 | |
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v.拖延,延缓,推迟( defer的现在分词 );服从某人的意愿,遵从 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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